Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

Once we arrived at the party venue, camera’s flashed Nick and Jordan posed for pictures on the way in then we all had a group photo. We made our way into the room, disco lights flashed across the dance floor. All our friends where there along with all the people that helped make the tour a success.

We all talked with our friends, each of us going off and joining a different table each. I had just had a conversation with Brenda Song about which places were best to get your hair done in L.A when “Amazed by Lone Star” came on. I looked around and saw Jason and Lauren already on the dance floor dancing.

“I love this song.” I said to no one in particular.

“Want to go dance?” Nick offered me his hand.

I walked over to the dance floor where Jason and Lauren were dancing, Lauren had her eyes firmly on Kevin’s back though. Kevin and Zoe were also dancing but it looked a bit awkward between the two of them. Miley was dancing with Mitchell Musso while Joe and Chelsea started swaying together to the music.

Nick and I continued dancing until a girl who I recognized from the technician group came and asked to dance with him. I smiled and made my way to the seats, but Joe slid his arms around my waist and started dancing to “Because you loved me by Celine Dione”

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
Joe started singing the chorus in my ear.

I saw Kevin and Lauren moving slightly, looking into each others eyes. Lauren was wearing new earrings; I guessed Kevin brought them for her. Nick and Jordan were also dancing, Jordan was beaming from ear to ear I giggled a bit because I knew this was also one of her future wedding songs she had picked out.

“Claire, we are going to be alright aren’t we like after this?” Joe looked worried.

“Well in less two months is what you call forever and always then yeah we will be alright.” I smiled.

After that Joe and I walked off the dance floor and sat down. My feet were aching so I took my heels off. Then Jordan and Lauren came and dragged me back up when “Living on a prayer by Bon Jovi” started playing.

Lauren, Jordan and I were on the dance floor all night after that throwing our arms about, holding hands and singing the song lyrics to all the songs. The boys did come and join us every now and then but soon got tired and went and talked with their friends. Even Mrs. Jonas came and danced with us when the DJ played “I wanna dance with somebody and Saturday Night.” Once the party was over in the early hours of the morning we all got a car to the airport. Kevin, Joe and Nick were coming with us back to England for a week to meet our parents.

“So is there any things I should know before I go embarrassing myself?” Joe asked.

“Nope not really, oh don’t worry about Lauren’s brother he is really isn’t that bad. But Kevin I don’t think he likes you too much.” I laughed at Kevin’s face.

“Stop winding him up, he will love you. We are like a big family our two families.” Lauren said.

The boys were staying in the same hotel they stayed in last time. Jordan was going to go home and pack her stuff and then come back to mine in a few days time.

The flight home was quiet, we were all very tired so we all fell asleep for the few hours we were up in the air. When we were landing I held onto Joe’s hand I still didn’t like taking off or landing.

We put our sunglasses on as a disguise and walked into the airport and got our luggage. Lauren’s older brother Kieran was going to be picking us up, I had no idea how we all were going to get in the car.

Jordan’s taxi arrived to pick her up, we all hugged her and told her we would see her in a few days when she came and stayed at mine. Then we met up with Kieran who looked ecstatic to see his younger sister.

“Hey, welcome back home.” He said pulling Lauren into a hug.

“Yeah, well it’s only for a week or two then we are moving out to L.A.” Lauren said not looking at her brother’s face.

“Oh, well it won’t be that bad we could all come over and visit you.” He said trying to stay positive.

“This is Nick, Joe and Kevin.” Lauren said pointing at each boy.

Kieran nodded at each of them in turn ,his eyes did stay on Kevin for a little longer but all in all it went well. We piled into his car and headed home. We didn’t stop at the hotel, Kieran drove straight past it.

“The boy’s hotel is there, why are you still driving?” I asked him.

“Because our parents want to meet the boys.” Kieran said.

“Couldn’t it wait until tomorrow?” Lauren mumbled Kieran didn’t answer he just smirked and continued driving.

When we reached our house’s I grabbed Joe and Nick’s hands leading them into my garden figuring Lauren’s mum wanted to quiz Kevin.

“Claire, no one is home at yours maybe you should come in and just wait for them to get back.” Kieran said before I reached my front door. I shrugged and skipped into their house.

“Surprise!” I group of voices echoed through the room when we opened the door.

I looked around the room, both our families were there, all smiling. So that was why my parents weren’t home they were here.

I got crushed in a hug by many people, once people had let Lauren and I go we introduced the boys. Lauren’s little sisters all started screaming like mad fan girls for a while before Lauren told them to stop the noise.

Nick was having a conversation with Kieran about cars or something; Lauren and Kevin were talking to Lauren’s parents. I led Joe over to my mum and dad. They hugged me before my dad shook Joe’s hand.

“So this is the famous Joe Jonas I’ve heard so much about.” My mum said causing me to blush slightly.

“So how long have you two been dating?” My dad asked.

“Almost three months isn’t it?” Joe turned to make sure he remembered.

I nodded and I couldn’t shift the smile from my face. He actually knew how long we had been dating that is more than Luke ever remembered. After talking to my parents a little longer Kevin and Lauren joined in the conversation.

“So both my girls have got boyfriends now.” My dad always saw Lauren as his daughter.

“We are all grown up now, moving out of the country and everything who would have thought it aye?” Lauren laughed.

“What, you never told me you were moving out Claire?” My dad said looking surprised. I glared at Lauren who walked away quickly.

“Mum didn’t you tell him?” I had told my mum a few days ago on the phone I guess she didn’t tell dad.

Kieran dropped the boys off at their hotel around five in the morning. Lauren was a bit nervous of her brother alone with Kevin but Kieran insisted her and I go to bed and get some rest.

When I woke up the next day, I could hear people moving about downstairs looking at the clock I groaned seeing it was almost four in the evening. I had slept a whole day basically. I got out of bed put my slippers on and walked down the stairs. Mum and Dad should be at work so why was there movement.

I pushed the door to my front room open slowly to see Lauren, Kevin, Joe and Nick led out over my couch and chairs.

“Finally sleeping beauty awakes.” Lauren said.
“Well you could have woken me.” I sat down next to Joe.

“Yeah well I sent Romeo their up to wake you but he came back down saying how peaceful you looked.” Lauren muttered.

“What we watching?” I asked looking at the screen.

“E News, apparently you girls are out shining us.” Kevin answered.

Lauren walked out the room and grabbed my laptop and sat down again. Lauren felt totally at home in my house and I felt at home in hers. She typed in Google “LA apartments for sale” and clicked on an estate agent called Glamour’s Move.

After much searching we found an apartment in our price range that we would like to go view. It turns out it was only a fifteen minute drive from the Jonas’ home. We emailed the website to Jordan and waited for a reply.

I went and got changed, while Lauren updated our blog. When I came down Lauren was beaming.

“Jordan said she loves it and we should totally go view it when we go over to L.A in a few weeks.” Lauren explained.

“Wow, so we are really moving out of England.” I thought out loud.
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So i hate doing this and so does lauren but we kinda like comments
so this wont get updated until we get three comments with 20 suscribers 3 comments isnt much to ask for right?
We love you x