Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

Once we had got off of the stage, Simon came and found us and complimented us on how good we were on stage. Once we’d spoke to him, we went and helped Jordan out on the merchandise stall. She also complimented us on our performance. Once Joe and shouted into the microphone that Goodnight and Goodbye was the last song of the night, Claire and I made our way over to the bus so we could shower and change before the guys came back.

Claire jumped into the shower first while I quickly sent text messages to my cousin’s and sisters telling them that tonight had been great. Once Claire was out of the shower and drying her hair, I jumped in.

Getting out, I wrapped a towel round myself before drying and pulling my pyjamas on. I wrapped the towel around my hair before going and sitting in the living area of the bus with Claire. When I got there Jordan was sat on the sofa as well, both had their legs crossed.

“Hey” I smiled at both.

“Hey” Jordan smiled at me.

“Tonight was so good; I didn’t think we would get that good a response.” Claire smiled; obviously happy with how tonight had turned out.

“I know, I didn’t think Secret and When it all falls apart would go down as well as they did. I mean I understand This is how it feels because it’s in the charts. But wow!” I rambled on; knowing I probably wasn’t making sense.

“So, what are your songs about?” Jordan looked at both me and Claire.

“Well, This is how it feels is basically about our exes. Claire broke up with her ex because he was getting too big for his boots. He’s in a band and because they were getting gigs and everything he thought he was better than us. And then I broke up with my ex because I just didn’t feel right, its one of those relationships where you’re worried about everything you do just in case he doesn’t like it. I knew he could probably hurt me so I ignored his calls.” I shrugged.

“So basically both your ex’s were kind of stalking you after wards? That’s what the songs about. Right?” Jordan moved her hands around as she spoke.

“Yeah, they got a bit obsessive to be honest” Claire finished for me, knowing I didn’t want to explain much more.

“Oh, well now I know why it says about the phones” Jordan laughed slightly.

“Yeah” I laughed a little too, but Claire could tell my heart wasn’t in it.

“Yeah, like, totally” a voice that hadn’t been in the room before said from behind me.

“I mean, ya! It’s all about our ex’s and how they were mean to us” another voice piped up, my blood was now beginning to boil.

Turning around, I faced the boys that were now stood just inside the door.

“Who do you think you are? You don’t have a clue what we’ve been through. Hell you don’t even know us. What gives you right to come in here and act like that?!” My voice was demanding. I wasn’t about to back down.

“We, precious, are The Jonas Brothers. That’s who I think we are. To be honest with you, I don’t really want to know what you’ve been through and I don’t want to know you. And this is our bus; we’ll act like we want too. Ok precious” Kevin smirked.

By now, I wanted to stand up and slap him. instead I stood in front of him, my face inches from his, my hand raised.

“Call me precious one more time and you’ll get a slap, precious. I couldn’t care less if you didn’t want to know us, because to be honest, I don’t want to know you. I don’t care if you’re The Jonas Brothers or the the Queen, to be perfectly honest. Fine then, this can be you’re bus, act like you want and do what you want. But insult me and my friend again, you’ll get more than a slap. Lets just say you wont fit in with the pretty boy band anymore” My voice was raised and my hand was shaking.

“What ever.” With that Kevin pushed past me and walked to the back of the bus.

I stood in the same position, staring into space. I was too worried to move in case I did slap someone, and knowing my luck it would be someone who didn’t deserve it.

“Lauren, calm down.” Claire stood behind me, shaking my shoulder gently.

“Oh great, were sharing a tour bus with a pill popper and a lunatic. This is going to be fantastic” Joe stood by the door, arms folder across his chest.

“Id shut your mouth if I were you Jonas. I could easily let Lauren slap you, hell I could even do it myself” Claire raised her voice slightly.

“Like you could Sparks” Joe smirked.

“How the hell did you know my surname?” Claire stood her ground, an expression that really did make you think ‘if looks could kill’.

“Well… your phone is quite interesting actually” Joe smirked again before walking off to the bunk area.

I stood in front of Claire, stopping her from walking after Joe and slapping him the way I knew she wanted to.

“Claire, it’s your turn to calm down now.”

“Alright” Claire slumped against the side, breathing deeply to calm herself down.

“So this has been an interesting night” Nick spoke for the first time.

“Just a bit, to be honest I think id rather stay awake all night than go into that bunk area with those immature idiots.”

“They aren’t actually like that all the time. Because Joe was a bit miffed about not having Demi tour with us, he took it out on you Claire. When you retaliated he didn’t like it so he’s acting like a pig. And Lauren, Kevin doesn’t like the thought of sharing a bus with someone who plays guitar as well. That’s why he acted the way he did, and I guess he’s being worse now because you retaliated too” Nick shrugged once he finished.

Walking over to Jordan, he wrapped an arm around her, while smiling.

“Whatever, as far as im concerned, I wish we hadn’t been given the chance to tour. I seriously think it would have been easier if we didn’t some times.” I smiled slightly before sliding down onto the floor.

“Look, seriously. Ignore those two. Once you’ve given up paying attention to their comments they’ll give up annoying you” Nick spoke with reasoning.

“Fine, but I am staying out here until their both asleep because other wise ill slap them. And it’ll be hard too.” I shrugged.

“Alright, well we’re going to bed. Night girls” Nick nodded at both while him and Jordan walked to the bunks.

“Yeah, night” Claire and I said at the same time.

We sat on the sofa for a little while, talking about how Joe had been seriously rude about us and about how Kevin thought he was obviously better, that’s why he kept on. Oh and not to forget Kevin’s pathetic way of calling my ‘precious’. The way they had both said stupid stuff about how me and Claire had ended with our boyfriends made me want to slap them. I don’t know what it is, but I could defiantly beat Kevin up worse, Joe seems pretty harmless in a way. Even though I know Claire hates him, and she has every reason to hate him after he went through her phone, I don’t see him as meaning to do any harm, he’s just trying to make us give in so he seems the better person. Kevin, now he’s different, he is purposely trying to make me do something, either he wants me to hit him so I end up ruining mine and Claire’s chances in the music business, or he wants me to decided to leave tour, which will also ruin mine and Claire’s chances in the music business, because he’s decided the tour bus isn’t big enough for 2 people, from different bands, that are both equally as good as guitar.

After sitting down for about half an hour talking, Kevin walked into the living area of the bunk. Picking up his phone he smirked before speaking.

“Oh yeah, by the way, mommy says ‘Hey’” smirking he turned around again.

“What do you mean?” I stood, demanding to know what he meant.

“Oh right, I forgot to tell you. When you were talking to Nick, your phone rang. It was your mom, she said it was a pleasure talking to me and that she could really understand why you had taken an instant liking to me” Kevin stood with his back to me, but I knew he was smirking.

“You told my mum I took an instant liking to you. Well you couldn’t be more wrong could you?!” I spat the words out like id eaten something disgusting.

“Night girls” Kevin didn’t answer me; he just went back to the bunks.

“I hate him so much” I spat the words out again. This tour has only just started and I want to go home already. That can’t be good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everyone who comments and reads this.
I have decided this one can be for Jordan seeming as its her birthday.
Enjoy :) x