Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After an amazing night of dancing, singing and having fun with the people that had become good friends over the few months of tour, we left for the airport to go home. The boys were coming over to England with us for a week, to meet our parents, before going home. The flight home was silent because we slept the whole time on the plane. I noticed Claire hold onto Joe’s hand when we landed because of her fear for landing and taking off.

We got off of the plane and stuck on our sunglasses as a disguise. We walked into the airport and got our luggage before going to wave Jordan up and meet my brother, I didn’t have a clue how we were all going to fit into Kieran’s car though.

When Jordan’s taxi arrived we hugged her and waved her off after telling her we would see her in a few days. We then went to meet Kieran who looked ecstatic to see me and Claire.

“Hey, welcome back home.” He grinned, pulling me into a hug.

“Yeah, well it’s only for a week or two then we are moving out to L.A.” I said, not looking Kieran in the face.

“Oh, well it won’t be that bad we could all come over and visit you.” Kieran smiled, trying to be positive.

“This is Nick, Joe and Kevin.” I said pointing at each boy.

Kieran nodded at them, each in turn. He looked at Kevin a little longer than the rest but everything went well. We climbed into the car and went home. Kieran didn’t stop at the hotel though, he drove straight past.

“The boy’s hotel is there, why are you still driving?” Claire asked him.

“Because our parents want to meet the boys.” Kieran smirked.

“Couldn’t it wait until tomorrow?” I mumbled, Kieran just smirked again.

When we got to our house’s, Claire grabbed Joe and Nick’s hands and led them to her garden.

“Claire, no one is home at yours maybe you should come in and just wait for them to get back.” Kieran said as Claire reached her door. She shrugged before skipping into my house.

“Surprise!” A group of voices shouted through the door.

I looked into the room, both our families were crammed in to the room, all smiling.

We both got pulled into hugs but Claire seemed to be being crushed. Once we had been let go, we introduced the boys. My little sister’s began screaming, even though they’ve already met the guys, like the fan girls they are before I told them to shut it.

Nick was talking to Kieran, Claire and Joe was talking to Claire’s parents while Kevin and I spoke to my parents.

“This is Kevin then.” My dad smirked, knowing he was going to embarrass me.

“Yes, this is Kevin.” I said, a pleading look in my eyes.

“Oh right, so have you been treating my daughter right?” My dad quizzed.

“Yes sir.” Kevin said, being the true gentle men he is.

“Dad, shut up. Kevin this is my mum and overly embarrassing dad.” I smiled.

“Lauren, be nice.” My mum laughed.

“Ok.” I laughed along.

Kevin stood awkwardly as my dad tried to look menacing.

“Dad, you can stop the act now. We all know mum’s the one that he needs to be worried about, not you.” I laughed.

“True.” My dad grinned, “How long have you been together?” My dad quizzed.

Kevin then went on to tell my dad that we had been together for about a month and he had loved every bit of it. I grinned at his last statement, squeezing his hand gently. We finished talking to my parents moments later and went over to my adopted parents, also known as Claire’s parents.

“So both my girls have got boyfriends now.” Claire’s dad said.

“We are all grown up now, moving out of the country and everything who would have thought it aye?” I laughed.

“What, you never told me you were moving out Claire?” Claire’s dad said looking surprised. I looked at my feet and stalked away silently as Claire sent daggers my way.

I went into the kitchen where I grabbed a can of Dr Pepper before going out and talking to all the people I had missed so much while I was on tour.

At 5 in the morning, Kieran dropped the boys off at their hotel. He insisted Claire and I got some rest even though I was more than nervous at Kieran and Kevin being along because he’s really protective.

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing on the bed side table. I looked at it and saw I had a text, I checked my phone and saw that it said it was almost 1 o’clock. I checked the text. It was from Kevin asking if he and the boys could come over mine and Claire’s today. I quickly replied with ‘sure, come over and we’ll go to Claire’s house.’ Once I was fully awake, I jumped into the shower and then got ready for the day ahead. When the boys arrived, I walked over to Claire’s, the boys following behind me.

I went straight in, the boys each giving me looks of confusion. I shrugged it off and then searched around the first floor of the house. There was no sign of Claire being awake. It was almost 3 now so I sent Joe up to get her while Nick, Kevin and I sprawled across the sofas.

Joe came down not long after and said Claire looked to peaceful to wake up, I shrugged before flicking through the many channels before settling on E news. It was all about Forever True and the Jonas Brothers. I grinned and sat watching as they said how Forever True was beginning to become better than the Jonas Brothers. Claire came down at around 4 o’clock.

“Finally sleeping beauty awakes.” I said.

“Well you could have woken me.” Claire said sitting next to Joe.

“Yeah well I sent Romeo their up to wake you but he came back down saying how peaceful you looked.” I muttered.

“What we watching?” Claire asked.

“E News, apparently you girls are out shining us.” Kevin answered.

I walked out of the room and came back in with Claire’s laptop moments later. I sat back down and typed in ‘LA apartments for sale’, in Google. I clicked on an estate agent called Glamour’s Move.

After a while, we found an amazing apartment in our price range. I sent the link to Jordan and waited on a reply while Claire went and got dressed.

“Jordan said she loves it and we should totally go view it when we go over to L.A in a few weeks.” I explained as Claire came into the room.

“Wow, so we are really moving out of England.” Claire said.

The rest of the week went smoothly, we went to a few places in Bristol, showing the boys all the places we went when we were younger. We showed them some of the various pieces of art around Bristol done by the Bristol famous graffiti artist, Banksy. After spending a few days with her family, Jordan came over to Claire’s to stay there for the rest of the week. We went shopping with her while the boys spent some time with my brother, much to my protest. My parents decided to do a big bbq on our last night in England, inviting over friends and family. Kevin helped my dad and brother out on the bbq while Joe and Nick kept my sisters and cousin’s entertained with some music until the food was cooked.

“Food’s done.” Kieran called.

The boys instantly dropped their guitars and went to get burgers, sausages and chicken. I laughed as I watched the 4 grown boys, Kieran and the Jonas’, push and shove to get to the food before the others. Kieran didn’t really need to worry though because he’s a vegetarian and had quorn on a plate separate from the rest.

“Is this what they are always like?” Claire’s mum asked.

“Always.” Claire laughed.

“Its worse now because there’s one more added to the equation.” I grinned.

“I think we’re going to need to get more food out.” My mum laughed as 4 happy boys walked away with food piled onto their plates.
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So you guys are really lucky. Claire and I agreed that we wouldnt update until we got 3 comments but because Claire cant be bothered to wait, im updating even though we havent got 3.
How about we get some comments this time to thank Claire?
Lauren x