Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After the boys showed up at our apartment, we left in separate cars to the restaurant. The meal was pretty un-eventful. We girls couldn’t talk until after the main course. We went to the restrooms to talk.

after the door closed, we all spoke simultaneously. “Four months!”

“It might not be that bad, I mean I did go almost five months without seeing Nick and like they said we can fly over and do that live chat thing so it’s not going to be like we don’t see them for five whole months.” Jordan said.

“I spose this will test our love.” Claire said, being the soppiest.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her before going back to the table.

We got to the table, the boys had already paid for the meal and were waiting for our return. We left through the back entrance, staying out of the way of the paparazzi.

Once at our apartment, Jordan and Nick headed to Jordan’s room while Claire and Joe were in the living room and Kevin and I were in my room.

I settled down on my bed after changing into jogging bottoms.

“Kevin?” I muttered.

“Yeah?” He said smiling down at me.

“It’s going to be hard when you’re filming.” I said, my eyes on the floor.

“Its not. We’ll talk on the phone everyday and everything.” Kevin said, kissing my head gently.

Before we could put on the TV, Claire shouted for Jordan and me to go to the living room.

“What?” I heard Jordan say from the hall.

I walked in after Jordan and Nick, Kevin following behind me. I sat down on the sofa, Kevin sitting on the edge.

“This picture was taken earlier this morning, it is of teen pop sensations Forever True. They arrived at Hollywood Records headquarters just before nine this morning not coming out until after 12. There as been speculation that the record label might drop them after the Jonas Brother’s tour earlier this year. By the looks on their faces, the rumours just might be true. Caitlin Foster as the inside story.” The screen showed a blonde woman outside Hollywood Records headquarters.

“It seems the rumours are false, Simon Hend the manager of Forever True issued this statement.”

”We have big plans for Forever True, they are releasing there debut album later this year with two new music videos on their way. The girls have a very busy few months a head of them.

“So the real question is why the long faces?” The lady ended her report.

“Well at least Simon set them straight.” Jordan muttered.

“Here we go.” I sighed.

“Just what we need.” Claire muttered.

After 2 days of lounging around and spending as much time as we could with the boys, we finally had to say goodbye to them while they left to film camp rock 2.

Smiling, I stood looking out the window at the space in the boy’s drive where a car was going to pull up to take the boys to the airport. As I stood there in silence, two arms attached themselves to my waist and turned me around. I looked up to see Kevin smiling down at me.


“Hi.” He grinned.

“I don’t want you to go anymore.” I muttered truthfully.

“I don’t want to go either. But you’re coming out to see us for the live chat.”

“I guess so.”

“Here comes the car.” Kevin muttered sadly.

I looked over my shoulder to see a black car pulling into the drive. Claire and Joe were in the hallway, hugging each other and whispering words I couldn’t hear while Jordan and Nick stood hugging, a comfortable silence filling the air between the two.

“I guess I have to say goodbye now.” I said glumly.

“I guess I do too.”


“Bye.” Kevin repeated before leaning in to kiss me.

I kept my arms around his neck until Joe and Nick called him, telling him they had to go now. Reluctantly, I moved my arms from his neck and walked hand in hand with him to the door. Jordan and Nick were hugging one last time, as were Claire and Joe. I smiled up at Kevin and squeezed his hand. A few minutes later, the boys were climbing into the black car and driving towards the airport.

Claire, Jordan and I went back home to get some rest before having to begin our new busy schedule, including shooting videos and recording a new album.

The next morning, I woke up first. Climbing out of bed, my hair all over the place and my pyjama bottoms askew from the non stop moving while I was asleep, I wandered into Claire’s room to wake her.

“Claire, you have to get up. We’ve got to be at the studio for recording soon. At least, I think its recording today.” I mumbled around a yawn.

“Uh, oh right, ok. Im up.” Claire said, pulling herself into a sitting position.

“Im going to get Jordan up. See you in a bit.” I mumbled, shuffling out of the room, my fluffy boot slippers making a noise as I went.

I walked into Jordan’s room, which was right next to Claire’s. Knocking briefly on the door, I walked in and shook Jordan awake.

“Jordan, time to get up. We have recording today. Well I think its recording anyway.” I shrugged.


“Get up.” I said, pushing her gently again.

“Ok, im up.” Jordan said reluctantly as she sat up.

“Im going to get ready, Claire’s already up. Get ready. See you in a bit.” I mumbled as I shuffled out of Jordan’s room and into mine own.

I dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and purple tank top before pulling my hair into a messy ponytail and pulling on my socks and shoes. Grabbing my bag, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen slowly. Claire was already sat eating breakfast with a can of red bull in front of her.

After Jordan had come down and all of us had eaten, we walked outside to see a black range rover with blacked out windows waiting for us. We all walked over and climbed into the back seats, strapping in before leaving.

We got to the studio and started recording songs. After spending the day recording, I was tired, annoyed and hungry. On the way home, we made the man driving us stop off in McDonalds so we could get food instead of having to cook or order anything when we got home.

The next few weeks were insanely busy. We had recording most days and when we weren’t recording we were filming one of our music videos. We had early mornings pretty much every day and quite a few late nights too.

The phone calls with the boys were limited because of their busy schedules with filming Camp Rock 2 and having interviews. We got to speak with the boys once a week for maybe an hour at a time if we were lucky and that was on Sundays when things were a little less hectic for us all.

“Im fed up with being busy all the time.” I mumbled.

“Same, we don’t get to talk to the boys; we have early mornings and late night loads.” Claire grumbled.

“Im fed up with it too. Im going to bed now while we have chance to sleep.” Jordan said while standing up and yawning.

“That’s a good idea. I might come up in a bit.” I yawned.


“Tomorrow morning on the way to the studio we need to ring Simon and sort out a date for going over and seeing the boys.” Jordan said before going to bed.

“Why get Simon to help, we’ll do it ourselves. He’ll only get all funny over our opinions.” I mumbled.

“Yeah, well do it together and then tell Simon when we’re going.” Claire said.

“Alright, lets just sort it out in the morning cos im tired.” Jordan yawned again.

“Ok, lets go to bed and then sort it then.” I said, following Jordan up the stairs.

“Give me 5 minutes and then ill go to bed. I had red bull not long ago and im still wide awake.” Claire said.

“Alright, night Claire.”

“Yeah, night Claire.”

Once in my room, I collapsed onto my bed and curled into a ball. Already in my pyjamas, all I done was kick off my slippers and crawl under the covers before I was asleep.
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Even if we only got 1 I would be really happy :]