Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

The following few weeks after the Jonas’s departure were hectic for us. When we weren’t in the recording studio recording our album, we were on the set of our music videos. Although I had spoken to Joe a few times on the phone, I felt as if we were in two different worlds.

“Wake up Claire, today is our last day of recording!” Lauren had taken the role of the human alarm clock these past few months.

“Finally.” I mumbled as much as I loved singing, singing all day every day was putting a strain on my voice.

Lauren walked into Jordan’s room to wake her up while I showered. Once I was dressed I looked at myself in the mirror, my blonde hair was getting old I wanted a new hair color. When we were all ready we left the apartment, all of us skipping breakfast. I couldn’t remember the last time we had actually eaten a full meal. Although not eating had its con’s it also had it’s pro’s like I had dropped a dress size and I was now happy with my figure.

“I’m driving!” Jordan said as soon as we left our apartment. She had taken past her driving test a few weeks ago and since then had taken full advantage of her driving license.

When we reached the studio we had a look at our schedule we had a whole free week in two weeks time which was very rare. Jordan tried dialing Nick on his phone, getting no answer. I then tried Joe, again no one answered then Lauren tried Kevin.

“Hello.” Kevin said into the phone, Lauren put it on loudspeaker so we could all hear.

“Hey.” We all said at the same time.

“Wow, what I nice surprise all three of you on the phone!” Kevin said sounding happier.

“Yeah well there is a point to this call, we were just checking our schedule and have a full week off in two weeks time.” Lauren started.

“And we were wondering if you are free to do that live chat thing?” I asked.

“Let me just check.” We heard some rustling of papers before Kevin came back on the line.

“We have the Monday and the Sunday off that week, but I’m sure you can find things to do while we are filming like shop.” Kevin laughed.

“Yeah, so it’s a date then. We are flying over in two weeks time.” Jordan confirmed.

“Wait does Simon know?” Kevin asked.

“Not yet but he will soon enough.” I said before Jordan and I said our goodbyes to Kevin and Lauren walked out of the room to talk some more.

While Lauren was on the phone Jordan and I updated Forever True’s blog telling them about the live webcasts we were going to be doing “sometime soon.” When Lauren came back in we tried getting hold of Simon, but we reached his secretary who told us he was in a meeting with “other clients”. He was going to call us back.
We got back behind the soundproof wall, and waiting for Chris the technician to turn the microphones on, we were recording our last song on the album. We finished a little before four o’clock.

“Hello girls how are my favorite pop stars?” Simon said as he opened the door to the recording studio.

“I bet he says that to everyone.” I mumbled to the girls who laughed.

“Simon we were wondering, we have a week off in a fortnight could we go to the set of Camp Rock 2 and do the live chat?” Lauren asked him.

After he had called a few people, and made a few arrangements he announced we were flying out in two weeks time and staying there for six days. In which we have to promote our album over there.

That night we planned to go out for a meal to celebrate. We rang Selena who we had formed a close friendship with while the boys and Demi had been away. She was going to meet us at the restaurant, we all had things to celebrate we had an album coming out and we get to see our boyfriends, Selena as just landed herself a filming deal for the Wizards of Waverly Place movie and she got to fly over and see her best friend.

“Hey.” Selena said as she joined us round the table.

“Hey, we haven’t seen you in weeks how are things?” I asked.

“This is like the calm before the storm, after this month I’m going to be so busy how about you lot?” Selena said looking at the menu.

“We have just finished recording our album, we have two music videos to shoot and then it’s just promoting the album.” Jordan said while Lauren called a waiter over.

While we ate our conversation drifted from work, to clothes and then to boys.

“So who are you dating now then?” I asked.

“Well, we are trying to keep it quiet but you three are my friends I’m dating Drew Seeley have been for a few months now.” Selena blushed.

“Wow, how did you manage to keep that one quiet?” Lauren asked.

“It wasn’t easy, but you know that right I mean it must be really hard not seeing the boys for weeks on end.” Selena said.

“Yeah sometimes I feel like I’m single, going almost two weeks sometimes without talking to Joe.” I nodded.

“How long have each of you been dating the boys?” Selena asked curiously.

“Actually it’s mine and Nick’s three years on the day we fly out.” Jordan said blushing slightly like she always does when she talks about Nick.

“Kevin and I have been dating four months the day we fly back! Now I think about it all our anniversaries are close to each other.” Lauren said.

“Yeah, Joe and I have been dating six months at the end of the first week of our mini vacation.” I smiled.

“Wow so you lot are going to be going for a lot of meals and dates and things.” Selena laughed.

After that night at the restaurant Selena came round almost every night after we had finished shooting our music videos. Her and Jordan shared similar interests because they were the same age.

It was the night before we were flying out to be with the boys, I had spoke to Joe one since we had arranged the dates. Jordan, Lauren, Selena and I were all crying while watching the credits from Ps-I love you when my phone started ringing. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door before answering the call.

“Hey babe.” I heard Joe’s voice my heart skipped a beat, I hadn’t heard from him in a week.

“Hey.” I replied.

“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, I’ve missed you.” He said.

“I’ve missed you too, How filming?” I asked.

“It’s been crazy I have hardly had any sleep for weeks. But a little birdie told me it’s our six months soon.”

“As that little birdie got curly hair and is dating Jordan?” I laughed.

“Maybe.. How did you know?” Joe asked shocked.

“I do talk to your brothers you know. How are they and Demi? Selena is here right now.” I laughed.

“Oh, they are fine in fact I think they are on the phone to the girls and Demi is just dialing Selena’s number now. I’m so happy you three and Selena get along.” Joe said.

“Yeah, she is cool her and Jordan have like clicked it must be an age thing. When I’m around those two I always feel old.” I pouted.

“Your not old! Your eighteen try being almost twenty that’s old.” Joe said.

“Yeah well try dating an almost twenty year old.” I joked.

“It’s not that bad is it, I mean seriously the distance thing it is working out right?” Joe said his tone changing to serious.

“I- I well.” I started.

“I’m sorry Claire, I’ve got to go but I will see you tomorrow. I love you.” Joe said.

“I love you too.” I said.

“Forever and always?” Joe asked while chuckling.

“Forever and always.” I sighed before he hung up.

I went back out to find Selena talking with Demi; I got a apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it. Thinking about tomorrow.
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This is just the calm before the storm (no pun intended)
Lauren and I are almost finsihed writing this, meaning there may be more updates if people comment more....