Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After the night we all went for a meal with Selena, she had came round almost every night after we were finished shooting the music videos. Jordan and Selena were the same age and shared similar interests.

It was the night before we were flying out to be with the boys, I hadn’t spoke to Kevin since after the dates for had been arranged. Claire, Jordan, Selena and I were all crying while watching the title credits to Ps-I love you when Claire’s phone started to ring. She walked out of the room before answering.

The next phone to ring was Jordan’s she also left the room before she answered. I was just beginning to feel unloved when my phone rang. I smiled at Selena before walking into the kitchen and answering.

“Hello this is Lauren’s secretary, she’s off having a very fancy date right now, how may I help?” I said putting on an accent.

“Well… in that case, would you like to be my new girlfriend?” He laughed.

“Its so nice to hear your voice Kevin.” I smiled.

“Its nice to hear yours too. Just think, we get to see each other tomorrow as well.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I know.” I grinned.

“So, almost 4 months.” Kevin sang down the phone.

“I know, its mad. We haven’t even seen each other for majority of that.”

“I know, but tomorrow, its going to be us and only us for a couple of hours.”

“Good. I miss you.”

“I miss you too. Oh sorry babe, ive gotta go, ill see you tomorrow though.”

“Yeah see you tomorrow.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” And with that, Kevin hung up.

I slid off of my seat and walked into the living room where Selena was on the phone. I smiled and waved at her before pointing up stairs and mouthing ‘Goodnight’. She mouthed it back quickly before going back to chatting to, obviously, Demi.

I climbed into bed and fell asleep quickly, dreaming of me and the girls arriving in Canada and seeing the boys again.

I awoke in the morning, my alarm clock blaring on my bedside table. I groaned before realising we’re flying out to Canada to see the boys today. I grinned before jumping out of bed and running around in my room, tugging on my clothes I left out the night before.

Once I was dressed I done my make up and hair before banging on Claire’s and Jordan’s doors at the same time, making sure the 3 of them were both up. When they both strode out of their rooms, dressed and ready, I ran back to my room and grabbed my suitcase and bag.

I walked down the stairs to see Claire, Jordan and Selena waiting for me at the door. When I reached them, Claire and Jordan grabbed one of my arms and dragged me outside to the awaiting car.

“We’re going to Canada!” Jordan yelled.

“Oh yeah.” Claire laughed. I smiled at the 3 of them, strapping myself in as the driver pulled away.

We drove to the airport, talking about seeing the boys again and laughing as Jordan kept on about how she couldn’t believe it was 3 years ago that she and Nick started dating.

The airport was really quite compared to normal which was really good because it didn’t take long to get through and gave us loads of time to go and get something to eat before we boarded the plane.

After eating, we went into a shop and brought magazines before going to our boarding gate.

After a while of waiting, we boarded our plane and were soon on our way to Canada. Even though I was overly excited to see the boys again, I fell asleep out of complete exhaustion not long after taking off.

When the plane was landing, Claire shook me awake, just like before the first time we met the boys on the way to America for the kick off of tour. I mumbled some incoherent words I didn’t even know before sitting up and making sure I was strapped in.

Jordan looked amused when she saw my messy hair and sleepy eyes. I gave her a look as if to say shut it before resting my head back against the head rest, Claire clutching onto mine and Jordan’s hands as we landed.

“We’re in Canada.” Jordan squealed once we were off of the plane.

“Yay!” Claire giggled.

“Come on.” I grinned at the 3 of them before pulling them in the direction of where we had to get our luggage.

We fought through the crowd of people waiting around for their luggage when we spotted our familiar suitcases. Grabbing them off of the conveyer belt, I passed them back to Claire and Jordan before we walked out to where we had to meet our driver that Simon had arranged for us.

Walking out, I spotted a man holding up a sign with Forever True girls written on it in bold black writing.

“There.” I said pointing at the man.

“Come on then.” Jordan squealed.

“Someone’s eager to see her Mr Jonas.” Claire laughed.

“Don’t tell me you aren’t.” Jordan said but before Claire could reply ran off to the man waiting for us.

When Claire, Selena and I reached him and Jordan he smiled before leading the way outside. He led us to a big black range rover with black out windows in the back.

“Leave your luggage by the boot and ill load it in.” He said.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

We did as we were told and then climbed into the back seats. When the driver was done, he climbed into the drivers’ seat and drove us to the place the boys were filming at. The whole ride there, Jordan, Selena and Claire talked about different things that I completely ignored while I looked at the passing scenery, taking pictures when I thought something was really pretty or significant in some way.

Before long, we were pulling into the set of Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. The car pulled to a stop and all 3 of us clambered out of the car. I walked over to the window to speak to the driver.

“Hi. Uhm.... when are we going to be picked up? Like where from and stuff?”

“I will be staying here but I need to get you to your hotel to check in, in an hour.” He said.

“Ok, thanks. See you in an hour.” I waved walking over to Claire, Selena and Jordan.

“When’s he coming to get us?” Jordan asked.

“He’s not leaving. We have to be back here in an hour though.”

“Plenty of time.” Claire grinned.

We walked towards a big tent with a sign on saying ‘food hall’. I grinned at the silly name and the grin widened when we walked in and saw the boys sat at the far end table, eating and chatting to Demi and some of the other cast.

“NICK!” Jordan yelled, running over to the guys.

They all looked around at us and grinned widely. Nick looked the most pleased of all 3 boys as he saw his girlfriend of now 3 years running towards him. he stood up and caught Jordan in his arms as she flung herself into them.

Claire, Selena and I walked over, smiling at the boys and Demi who were standing now. I waved at Demi and the others sat around the table with them. I recognised a few from the first film, after all Claire and I had sat around watching Disney Channel all day the day it came out.

Kevin walked over to me while Joe walked to Claire. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I looked over my shoulder at Joe and Claire and smiled at the sight of them hugging each other. Selena and Demi just squealed and ran to each other before hugging.

“Well hello there.” Kevin grinned down at me.

“Hello.” I smiled up at him, my Bristolian accent seeming even more dominant than normal.

“I love it that you’re English.”

“Thanks.” I laughed.

“Tis quite alright m’lady.”

“You’re such a dork.”


“That’s ok.” I grinned.

“Come meet the others.” He said, gently pulling me towards the table.

We walked over to the table and I sat in the seat Joe had once occupied. Claire and Joe came over soon after and sat in the spare seats the opposite side of the table. Every one talked for a while, getting to know each other for a bit before they were all called back to filming.

“Have fun.” I smiled up at Kevin.

“Id have more fun if you girls could come too.”

“Why would that be?”

“Because in the land of Forever True, there’s never dull moment.”

“Of course there isn’t, we’re some pretty kick ass girls.”

“I guess you are.” He laughed before kissing my forehead and walking out, following every one except Joe and Nick.