Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

Less than twenty four hours after I spoke to Joe, I was in the same country as him. All the doubts about our relationship left my mind as soon as we pulled up at the Camp Rock 2 set. My skin began to tingle in excitement; I would finally be able to see Joe.

We walked into a big tent with loads of tables, I spotted the boys with Demi and other cast members. I was resisting the urge to run and jump on Joe, Jordan however couldn’t hold back.

NICK!” Jordan yelled, running over to the guys.

They all looked around at us and grinned. I saw the sparkle in Kevin’s eye when he saw Lauren. Nick caught Jordan in his arms, and kissed her forehead.

Lauren, Selena and I walked over, smiling at the boys and Demi who were standing now. They all were smiling. We reached the table, Kevin and Joe walked over to us. Kevin instantly wrapped his arms around Lauren. Joe threw his arms around me.

“I’ve missed you.” Joe whispered in my ear.

I just nodded and squeezed him harder; I couldn’t trust myself to speak without crying. After many weeks I can finally be with Joe.

Joe unwrapped his arms from my waist, his nose touching mine.

“What’s wrong?” He asked concern in his voice.

“Nothing, everything is perfect.” I said and for the first time in ages I meant it.

We joined the others at the table for a while, The others were talking about how long left to filming and the lack of sleep while I just sat there my eyes on Joe.

When it was time for the cast to get back to set, Joe hugged me tightly.

“Nick is taking Jordan out for a meal tonight, but it’s a surprise he is pretending to have forgot so just make sure Jordan is ready by eight.” Joe told me before kissing me on the nose and jogging out of the tent.

I walked over to Lauren. “Get Jordan ready for eight.” We both muttered under our breaths to remind ourselves looking at each other.

“I can’t believe he has forgotten our three year anniversary he has never forgotten it before.” Jordan said sitting down on the bench next to Lauren and I.

“Jordan, don’t take it personally I mean he is really busy.” I said playing along.

“Yeah, I don’t think Kevin even knows how long we have been going out.” Lauren said.

We met Simon back in the car park, he was taking us to our hotel. It turns out we were staying in the same hotel as most of the camp rock cast. When we arrived at the there was some confusion with the rooms, something about not having enough rooms.

“Oh come on it’s only for a week it won’t be that bad. It’s not like we don’t live together anyway.” I said as we got in the lift.

“Yeah but this is like one room, with a double and single bed. Meaning two of us has to share.” Lauren whined.

“I bet the boys have their own rooms.” I said.

“Actually Simon said Nick has his own room because he complained about having to share a room with Joe, so Kevin had to share with him.” I said glaring at Jordan playfully.

“It’s not my fault your boyfriend is the messiest person alive.” Jordan joked as the lift opened on our floor.

Once we were in the room, it took about ten minutes to work the key card system, we started debating.

“I think I should have the double bed to myself and you two top and tail.” This would be a joke if it wasn’t something that Lauren said.

“Nu’uh, I get the single bed and you two share.” Jordan said.

“But Jordan, she will make me sleep on the floor!” I pouted.

“Not my problem.” Jordan laughed while sitting down on the single bed.

Lauren and I looked at each other before running over to the bed, pushing each other out the way.

“I want to sleep nearest to the balcony.”
“No, I am.” Lauren dived on the side nearest the balcony.
“Fine, you win this round, but remember we are here all week so your side of the bed best sleep with both eyes open!” I said childishly.

Jordan rolled her eyes and picked up some clothes and went to shower. When we heard the water running we spoke.

“So, when she get’s out of the shower, how are we going to get her to put a dress on without her being suspicious?” I asked Lauren.

“I got it, We say we are all going out for a meal and we need to dress up. Then when Nick knocks on the door we will say surprise?” Lauren said beaming because she thought of a plan.

“Well, won’t it be suspicious anyway if we aren’t getting ready?” I asked Lauren.

“It’s worth a try.” Lauren shrugged.

We got all our make up and hair product out of our suitcases and got Jordan’s little red dress out.

“She doesn’t have any high heels.” Lauren turned round to see me holding up a pair of mine.

“Jordan is roughly my size anyway she may have to squeeze.” I shrugged.

“May have to squeeze into what.” Jordan said emerging from the bathroom in a pair of jogging bottoms and one of Nicks tops.

“Go put that on instead.” Lauren said shoving the dress into Jordan hands and pushing her back into the bathroom so she couldn’t ask any questions.

“I still don’t understand why I have got a dress on and you two haven’t.” Jordan said while I was curling random parts of her hair while Lauren was giving her nails a French manicure.

“Because we are getting you ready first, after all it is your anniversary even if Nick has forgotten.” I said putting the curlers down spraying her hair with hairspray.

“Now what make up do you want on?” I asked knowing Jordan didn’t usually wear make up.

“None.” Jordan said.

Lauren shook her head and pulled out her mascara. “Blink.” She ordered Jordan while I checked the time.

“It is almost eight.” I said to Lauren.

There was a knock at the door. I looked at Lauren before sending Jordan to answer it. Nick was stood there with three red roses.

“I knew you wouldn’t forget, where’s the boys are they ready yet because the girls aren’t.” Jordan said to Nick who looked confused.

“We lied, we are staying here it was all part of the plan to make you get dressed without questioning us.” Lauren said to Jordan.

Jordan didn’t say anything she walked over to us pulling us into a hug.
“The hair.” We both said at the same time.

“Shall we my lovely princess.” Nick said offer his arm to Jordan.

“We shall my prince.” And with that they walked down the corridor.

“They suit each other perfectly, it’s hard to believe they are only sixteen.” I said to Lauren.

We were just about to close the door when Joe and Kevin walked out of there room.

“Where are you two going?” Lauren asked knowing they were coming over to see us.

“Oh, this hotel room where these two girls stay.” Kevin smirked.

“You better stop telling me things like that I may get jealous.” Lauren pouted.

When we go in, the boys were laughing about are sleeping arrangements.

“We have the same problem but there are only two of us so because Joe needs more room to dump all his hair products and clothes he decided he would have the double bed.” Kevin rolled his eyes.

“They aren’t all mine, tell him Claire.”

“I can’t lie, you use more hair products than me and that is slightly worrying.” I said.

“Who wants to watch a film?” Lauren sang.

I groaned knowing what film it would be, Twilight.

“As long as it’s not twilight.” Joe said he knew Lauren loved the film.

“Ps.I love you?” Lauren smirked at me.

“No, Lauren that makes me cry!”

“But I really want to watch it.” Joe said smirking.

“Me too.” Kevin joined in.

“Fine, pass me the tissues.” I said while sitting down on the bed next to Joe.