Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

I woke up the next morning to find Joe laying by the side of me watching me sleep. I rubbed my eyes a bit looking at the clock it was half six in the morning.

“Morning Beautiful.” Joe smiled at me.

“Morning rock star.” I said curling back up in the warm spot near Joe.

“You look so cute when you sleep.” Joe smiled his finger brushing my cheek.

“I do not, don’t watch me sleep!” I hid my face in Joe’s shirt while blushing.

“I’ve got to go to the set in a minute so you can either go back to sleep here or go back to your room.” Joe said.

“I’ll go back to bed, Kevin will probably need to come back in here and get ready.” I said getting up.

Joe scoped me into his arms and started walking towards the door.

“Uh- Joe aren’t you going to get dressed first, I mean you look nice in what you are wearing but you look to nice for the fans eyes.” I said he was wearing a black vest top and his boxers.

“Nope, you will just have to pray there aren’t a billion screaming fans behind that door.” Joe laughed.

“Oh look who has a big ego.” I joked as Joe opened the door to mine and the girl’s room.

Joe carried me into the room, and placed me on the single bed which wasn’t being used. Kevin and Lauren were sound asleep in Lauren’s bed, they looked so cute together. Joe tucked me into bed, before shaking Kevin awake.

“Come on bro, we got to get going.” Joe whispered as not to wake Lauren.

“Joe, what are you doing in here wearing your boxers, man am I having a nightmare?” Kevin asked sleepily.

I giggled slightly as Joe shook Kevin a little harder telling him to move his butt. The boy then left and I went back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to find Lauren’s bed empty hearing the sound of running water I knew she was in the shower. Jordan came skipping in before telling us all about her romantic date with Nick.

It was Thursday, we had three days left in Canada with the boys. I woke up to a text from Joe saying to be ready by five tonight he had a surprise for me. Joe and I had been dating for six months today.

Jordan, Lauren, Selena and I went shopping while the boys were filming. I brought this purple strap less summer dress and a nice pair of white sandals. I also brought Joe a new tambourine with his name written on it.

By the time we got back to our hotel room it was already three which meant I only had two hours to get ready. I got in the shower as soon as we got in.

When I emerged from the shower wearing my new dress, Lauren was standing there with a nail file and false nails, Jordan was laying out all different types of make up and Selena held the GHD’s up.
After I had been prodded and poked I was allowed to look in the mirror. My nails were clear with purple tips. My make up was elegant but simple, with just a touch of eyeliner. My hair was pinned up in a bun with random curly bits coming down. I looked half decent if I do say so myself.

“Thank you girls, are you sure this looks alright I mean I don’t know where he is taking me. What if it’s out to a fancy restaurant I should go and change?” I rambled.

“Chill, that dress says classy, dressy and laid back. You could go anywhere and fit in with that dress on. Plus im sure Joe doesn’t care what you wear.” Selena shook my shoulders.

“Here put your bracelet on.” Lauren said as she unclipped it.

Just then there was a knock on the door, I glanced at the girls before walking to the door and answering it. There stood my boyfriend, Joe Jonas wearing a pair of black jeans with a white shirt which he matched with a plain black suit jacket.

“Earth to Claire.” I heard Joe’s voice.

“Oh uh- sorry.” I said blushing.

“You can stare at my hot body all you want.” Joe smirked.

“See what I have to put up with?” I turned towards the girls rolling my eyes. They all laughed slightly.

“Let’s go.” I smiled turning to Joe.

“Did one of my brothers tell you where I was taking you?” Joe asked worried.

“No, why should I go get changed I knew this wasn’t going to work.” I said stopping.

“No, no it’s just you are dressed for the occasion all you need now is a pair of sunglass.” Joe smiled pulling out a pair of D&G sunglasses from his pocket.

“Oh, Joe I thought we agreed no gifts.” I said secretly glad I brought him that tambourine.

“I know, I just couldn’t help myself. I heard you talking about getting a pair once you get back to L.A and I decided to get them for you now.” Joe smiled.

“They are lovely thank you.” I smiled placing them on the top of my head.

“I got you something as well.” I smiled pulling out the tambourine. Joe’s face lit up when he saw his name engraved on it.

We got in a car outside the hotel, it was to risky walking down the road together after all we were still “single” to the public. After driving for ten minutes the car stopped and the door opened. Joe helped me out of the car before thanking the driver.

We were by the beach, suddenly I realized what Joe meant by looking the part. Joe took my hand and led me along the beech near the sea. Silence filled the air between us, both of us in our own thoughts.

“Claire?” Joe broke the silence pulling me out of my thoughts I turned to look at him.

“Do you reckon we will still be together in three years?” Joe asked, I know why Joe had asked that ever since the other night when Jordan and Nick celebrated their three years I had been asking myself the same thing.

“I don’t know Joe, all I know is I will always love you.” I said smiling.

“Forever and always.” Joe smiled.

“You have really got to stop saying that, after all that’s what caused Taylor to write a song about you.” I laughed.

“No, Taylor’s paranoia and her imagination caused her to write a song about me. I never once said it would be forever and always. The stupid girl made it up, where do you think I got the saying from.” Joe smirked.

“You are something else Joseph Adam Jonas.” I laughed.

Joe stopped a few minutes later by a blanket laid out on the sand. It had grapes and a bottle of wine. By the side of it led a guitar.

“Joe I thought you didn’t drink?” I asked him confused.

“I don’t but I know you do.” He sighed.

“I don’t anymore, when I said yes to being your girlfriend the drink when out the window.” I smiled.

“I was hoping you was going to say that.” Joe smiled.

We talked about us, about our friends and family until the conversation landed on the future.

“Joe, you know the night before we flew over here when we were talking on the phone?” I asked him, I had to tell him what I was thinking.

“Yeah, you were going to tell me something.” Joe frowned.

“Yeah, well I was going to tell you that the distance thing wasn’t working out. And perhaps we needed time apart.” I said looking down at the sand in front of me.

“Do you still think that?” Joe asked his eyes boring into the side of my face.

“After this, no I forgot how happy you made me.” I smiled putting a grape into his mouth.

“Losers have strawberries, we have grapes.” Joe smiled.

He sat up and grabbed the guitar strumming a few chords on it. After a few minutes he spoke.

“I’m glad you changed your mind about us having time apart, because now I can sing this without worrying your going to leave me.” Joe said.

“Joe, seriously don’t you ever get tired of singing all day everyday?” I asked.

“Sometimes, but this is for you. I will never get tired of singing for you.” He replied before playing the guitar.

if I die tonight, id go with no regrets
if its in your arms I know that
I was blessed
and if your eyes are the last
thing that I see
then I know the beauty heaven
holds for me.
Joe started to sing Moments by Westlife.

Once he finished I had tears in my eyes, no one had ever took me on a more romantic date. He put the guitar down and pulled me into a hug.

“That was, wow I don’t know what to say.” I tried telling Joe how much I loved him right now.

“Don’t say anything.” He whispered before he pulled me closer so he could kiss me.

After we were both in need of air we pulled away our smiles matching. My body shivered a little, within seconds Joe’s jacket was round my shoulders.

I led next to him our hands entwined while we watched the sunset in the night sky. After what seemed like only two minutes but I’m sure it was a few hours we heard a car horn.

When we arrived back at the hotel, I felt lie I was walking on air nothing could spoil my mood. Joe walked me to my hotel door.
“I had a great time tonight, thank you for everything.” I smiled up at him.

I had to stand on my tiptoes to kiss him but I didn’t mind. I went to take his jacket off to give back to him, he stopped me.

“No, keep it. It suits you.” He smiled kissing my forehead.

“It doesn’t, it’s miles to big and it’s yours.” I giggled.

“Now it’s yours.” Joe said before kissing me quickly and walking to his hotel room.

I skipped into the room, to find Selena, Demi, Lauren and Jordan all sat on Lauren’s bed. They all wanted to know what happen so I told them leaving nothing out. After they had asked questions I climbed into bed and fell asleep.
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WeAreThereForYouJoe <3