Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

After Lauren and I had showered, we went and joined Jordan in the living area. Jordan didn’t waste any time in asking us questions.

“So what are your songs about?” Jordan asked the question I had been dreading.

I looked at Lauren for a few seconds and gave a slight nod giving my permission for Lauren to tell her.

I played with my hair while Lauren was explaining it to Jordan; I didn’t even want to think about it.

“Yeah, like, totally.” A voice interrupted our conversation.

“I mean, ya! It’s all about our ex’s and how they were mean to us.” Another voice mimicked.

I looked up to see Kevin and Joe stood in the doorway, my eyes met Joe’s for a second I could see he didn’t care about our feelings.

Lauren started arguing with Kevin, I was to busy having a staring war with Joe. I could tell Lauren was going to lose her nerve any minute.

“Lauren, calm down.” I knew she would either end up punching Kevin or packing her bags and leaving.

“Oh great, were sharing a tour bus with a pill popper and a lunatic. This is going to be fantastic.” Joe looked down on me.

That’s when I lost it, I mean they were paracetamols not drugs. Joe smirked at me before walking into the bunk area.

“Well that was interesting.” Nick spoke for the first time since the concert. He sounded nervous as if Lauren and I were going to bite his head off.

I gave a little smile to him before sliding onto the floor next to the wall. I was thinking about the staring war Joe and I had just had. I never noticed it before but his eyes were beautiful, big and brown. I realized what I was doing and quickly stopped the thoughts.

Jordan and Nick went to bed, I couldn’t face being near them boys just yet so Lauren and I sat on the couch ranting about the “jerk brothers.”

We had been sat there talking for about half an hour when Kevin walked in.
“Oh yeah, by the way, mommy says ‘Hey’” Kevin had a smirk on his face.

“What do you mean?” Lauren stood her body tensing I knew she was angry.

“Oh right, I forgot to tell you. When you were talking to Nick, your phone rang. It was your mom, she said it was a pleasure talking to me and that she could really understand why you had taken an instant liking to me” Kevin said.

My mouth fell open; this boy had no limit it seemed. Lauren started screaming at him, I was going to stop her but I thought better of it she would probably bite my head off.

Once Kevin disappeared back into the bunk area, Lauren looked as if she was about to cry.

“Come on Laur; be strong don’t let him get to you.” I said while hugging her.

“I’m trying, I don’t get why he as to be so damn mean.” She sobbed into my shoulder.

“Do you want to go home?” I asked her wanting my friend to be happy.

“But, that would mean giving up our dream I couldn’t do that to you, to Forever True.” She replied.

“Screw Forever True for all I care, if you want to leave we will leave, no sort of fame is worth this.” I said before walking into the bunk area to get my phone.

I walked straight into someone’s chest; I looked up to see Joe. He looked kind of guilty. I made a noise of degust before barging past him to get my phone.

“Looking for this?” Joe’s voice was no longer nasty.

He was holding my phone; I snatched it from his hands before throwing some stuff into my bag.

“You can’t leave.” Joe said.

“Well it’s not like you want us here, im sure Demi would love to come fill in for us.” I said making my way out of the room.

I heard movement in Nick’s bunk, and then whispering I was guessing Jordan and Nick were listening.

“So you’re just giving up just like that.” Joe said I turned to face him.

“This is what you want wasn’t it us to leave well guess what you got your wish.” I said.

“Would you stay if Kevin and I didn’t make snide comments?” He asked.

“We would stay if you two don’t talk to us at all.” I said.

“Deal.” Joe held his hand out.

I shook it before walking into the living area trying to ignore the tingle in my hand that Joe just touched.

“Lauren, we don’t have to go it’s all sorted they wont speak to us for the rest of the tour.” I told my friend the good news.

“You serious?” She asked smiling a bit.

“Yeah.” I replied before getting the throw over from the couch and pulling it round Lauren. She led down and closed her eyes.

I couldn’t get to sleep so I went and sat in the practice room with my pen and paper. I started writing my feeling down on the paper and by morning it had turned into a song.

I stayed up all night working on the song, little did I know so did a certain Joe Jonas who was sat outside the practice room listening to me sing.

“Claire, wake up we have to do an interview for 17 magazine.” Lauren shook me awake.

I sat up rubbing my eyes, noticing I was still in the practice room. I looked at the lyrics on the paper I handed the pad to Lauren to look at while I went and got changed.

Walking towards the bathroom I heard the shower running, so I decided to go to my bunk and lay out my outfit for today.

“Are you and Lauren okay, Nick and I couldn’t help but hear yours and Joe’s discussion.” Jordan asked.

“I have a feeling this tour is going to be better now.” I said with a smile.

Joe came out of the bathroom, in just a towel his eyes were blood shot, he looked tired. I walked past him trying not to stare too much.

Once Lauren and I had dressed we left the bus and went into 17 magazine headquarters. This was going to be our first interview ever, we were pretty excited.

We met the interviewer in this room with a camera, first the photographer told us to pose for a few pictures.

Once the photo shoot was over, the interview began. The questions were pretty simple to answer most of them were about fame, our album and our tour. One question made me speechless though.

“So what are the Jonas Brothers like behind closed doors.” The interviewer asked pointing the microphone at me.

I looked at Lauren; my mind went completely blank, were we suppose to lie?

“Being on tour with the Jonas Brothers is like a rollercoaster ride, there is never a dull moment.” Lauren thought fast and answered for me.

The interview ended soon after, I thanked Lauren for saving my but as soon as we got out of there.

We went back to the bus to find Nick and Jordan had disappeared again. Kevin was sat on the couch watching music videos. When we walked in he gave us, or it could have just been Lauren, a death glare. We carried on walking towards our bunks.

“So how did you sort it?” Lauren asked me wanting to know how she managed to get Kevin to stop commenting snidely on anything we do.

“Let’s just say I’ve seen a different side to Joe Jonas.” I said before realizing he was sat in his bunk on his laptop.

My face blushed a deep red color. I grabbed the pad that Lauren left on my bunk and dragged her into the practice room.

“What was that, did you just blush?” Lauren was shocked I didn’t usually get embarrest easily.

“I didn’t.” I said adverting my eyes to the floor.

“You like him don’t you!” Lauren exclaimed.

“Well somewhere between telling him we were leaving, and seeing the look in his eyes, I mean he almost looked sorry. I realized I liked him.” I said hesitant.

“Let me guess this song, is about him.” Lauren said while reading the lyrics.

I nodded before pressing a couple of keys on the keyboard. Lauren sat down by the side of me ready to learn the beat so she could add the guitar in.

Feels like I have always known you
And I swear I dreamt about you
All those endless nights I was alone
It's like I've spent forever searching
Now I know that it was worth it
With you it feels like I am finally home.

I sang, Lauren started experimenting with strings on her guitar.

Falling head over heels
Thought I knew how it feels
But with you it's like the first day of my life.

By the time I got to the chorus Lauren had discovered a tune that matches the song. I smile at her and we play the rest of the song.

“That’s a really good song, it’s different from the rest because they were all about brake ups but this is something new.” Lauren commented me.

“Even if it is about the jerk’s brother.” She mumbled before leaving the studio room to update our blog.
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So two updates in one day your lucky (:
im going to london tommorow so i cant update.
comment, and suscribe thankyou x