Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

“Where have we got to go?” I asked Claire when we arrived at the set of Camp Rock.

“Some room.” Claire shrugged.

A man walked over to us, holding a clip board in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other.

“Forever True?” He asked.

“Yeah that’s us.” Jordan answered.

“Come with me please, the Jonas Brothers are waiting for you.” He said, walking off.

We all followed him into a medium sized room where the boys were sat on the back of a sofa. In front of them was a man playing with some wires on a camera.

“Hey girls.” Joe said, turning around and seeing us.

“Hey.” Claire said, walking over and sitting in front of Joe’s legs.

Jordan and I followed Claire, mumbling our hellos. Jordan sat on one side of Claire, in front of Nick’s legs, while I sat on the other, in front of Kevin’s legs.

“Hey.” Kevin smiled down at me.

I turned around and smiled, “Hey.”

I looked over at Jordan and Nick briefly to see Nick playing with Jordan’s hair. I smiled at them before turning back to look at Kevin. Before I could speak, the man playing with wires started to talk to us.

“Right guys, just talk about anything, update us on your lives for a bit and then answer the questions I ask you.”

I nodded my head and waited for him to show us a signal to tell us he had started the camera, there wasn’t any, he just waved his hand and the guys started to talk.

“Hey every, im Joe.”

“Im Nick.”

“Im Kevin.”

“Im Claire.”

“Im Jordan.”

“And im Lauren.”

“We guys are in the band Jonas Brothers, but of course you all know that.” Joe laughed.

“And we girls are in the band Forever True, you might not know that.” Claire smiled.

“We’re here to answer some questions and fill you all in on our lives at the moment.” Kevin said, smiling at the camera.

“Ok, so Jordan and Nick, when’s the wedding going to be?” The man asked.

“There isn’t a wedding, we’re too young.” Jordan laughed.

“We have a question here from the fans. This particular fan says, why do you guys all spend so much time together? It seems you are all dating each other.”

We all looked at each other, stuck on how to answer it. Kevin soon had the answer to solve our little problem.

“Well… Nick and Jordan are dating so those to spend loads of time together when they can. And the rest of us just became really good friends while on tour. We spent so much time together it was mad, I mean we shared a bus and were with each other for practically 24 hours a day meaning it was easy to become like we’re dating each other.”

We all went on to answer questions and talk about random things that were brought up for over an hour before we said our goodbyes to the people watching and the camera went off.

“Well that was fun.” I laughed.

“It was.” Claire grinned, hers and Joe’s hands now laced together.

I stood up, letting Kevin move from behind me. He jumped off of the sofa and stood next to me, our hands now joined.

“Tomorrow.” Kevin smiled at me.

“What about tomorrow?” I asked, pretending I didn’t remember our 4 month anniversary.

“Tell me you’re joking.” Kevin said.

“She’s joking Kevin.” Claire laughed.

“Am not.” I said, trying to act innocent.

“Lauren you are such a bad liar.” Jordan grinned.

“Be ready for 7 tomorrow ok.” Kevin said to me.

“Sure, just make sure Claire and Jordan remind me.” I laughed.

“I will and ill ring you at like 5 so you can get ready.” Kevin smiled at me.


I hugged him quickly before him and the boys had to go back to filming.

Claire, Jordan and I stayed around for a bit, talking to Demi while she wasn’t filming. When she had to go and film, we hugged her goodbye before walking back out to the car that had been hired to drive us to and from the Camp Rock set. We climbed in and were driven back to the hotel.

When we got in the room, I remember Kevin telling me to be ready for 7 tomorrow so I decided to tell the girls so they could remind me.

“Can you two remind me that Kevin wants me to be ready for 7 tomorrow please? I have, like, the worst memory ever sometimes.” I laughed.

“Sure.” Claire smiled.

“You’re memory isn’t as bad as my Nan’s.” Jordan laughed.

“Well… at least it isn’t as bad as your Nan’s.” I said, also laughing now.

After a few hours of talking, I changed into my pyjamas and grabbed my book, curling up to read under the covers while Claire and Jordan updated our blog.

“Lauren, do you want to help?” Jordan asked, looking over the top of the laptop perched on the table in front of her and Claire.

“Im good thanks.” I said.

“Ok.” She smiled before going back to reading what Claire was typing.

With in an hour of starting to read, my eyelids began to feel heavy and I slowly fell to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to Claire jumping on the bed. I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the light. Claire told me to get ready because we were going shopping. I jumped out of bed and quickly went about getting ready. Once I was done, we all went out shopping where I brought a black dress and matching pumps for mine and Kevin’s date.

When we got back to the hotel, I jumped into the shower and got ready as fast as I could because I had less than 2 hours. Once my clothes were on, my hair was dry and straightened and my makeup was done, I slipped in the earring’s Kevin brought me when we first got together.

Just as I finished putting the earrings in, Kevin knocked on the door. I smiled at him, taking the simple red rose from his hand and laying it on the side by the door before leaving.

“You look amazing tonight Lauren.” Kevin said, kissing me gently.

“You don’t look so bad cowboy.” I said, looking over his white shirt, black cowboy boots and black jeans.

Kevin led me to a cute little park with a field just at the side of it.

“A park?” I joked.

“What, parks are cool.”

“I know.” I laughed.

“Come on.” Kevin said, pulling me towards a big oak tree.

We walked behind the tree and I saw a big picnic blanket with a picnic basket placed on top of it. I smiled up at Kevin, who squeezed my hand in return. We walked over to the blanket, sitting down on it when we reached it.

“Its so pretty.” I said, looking around me.

“Just like you.” Kevin smiled.

“Shut up.” I laughed.

“Thank you for 4 months of happiness.” Kevin grinned.

“Thank you for putting up with me for 4 months.” I laughed again.

“That’s quite alright.”

Kevin opened the basket and pulled out a few boxes, all containing different foods, and a bottle of non-alcohol wine. We sat and talked for a while, about loads of different things, my back up plan for the future which was working with children and about how I had fallen in love with Twilight, which amused Kevin.

“So, you read a lot then.” Kevin smiled at me.


“I never saw you read on tour.”

“That’s because I didn’t have much time and when I was reading I was in my bunk with the curtain closed.” I shrugged.

After a couple of hours, we had talked, ate, watched the stars and chosen our specific stars and then packed everything away. As we picked the things up, carrying them back to the hotel with us, we fell into a comfortable silence. Kevin soon spoke though.

“I don’t want you to go tomorrow. Ill miss you to much.”

“I don’t want to go tomorrow but we have to go back to being busy bees in LA. Ill miss you more than you will ever know.” I muttered.

We walked again in silence until we reached my hotel room door. I turned hugged Kevin tightly, kissing him gently.

“Night Kevin. Ill miss you.” I said, opening the door.

“Night Lauren. Ill miss you too. I love you.”

“I love you too.” I said before closing the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments would be lovely :]
A lot of drama is too come, so just keep reading :]
Lauren x