Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

After the live chat, which was really fun, we said goodbye to the boys who had to go film a scene where they were singing. Jordan, Lauren, Selena and I stayed on the set for a bit messing around with Demi making a video that she was going to post on YouTube.

When Demi got called to do her scene we all climbed into the car and went back to the hotel. A few fans had found out where we were staying and were waiting outside the hotel to meet us.

I forgot I was in a band since we had been in Canada because we didn’t need to sing or perform or anything. It was like a mini vacation except for the promoting of our album which was basically posting twitter updates and doing phone in interviews.

On our last full day in Canada, we packed our suitcases and things and just chilled making the most of our time off. Lauren was in a world of her own, probably thinking about her and Kevin’s date that night.

Lauren refused our help to get ready for her date which we shrugged off because she always liked to make herself up whenever she got the chance. She hated people doing her make up and hair for her but she gave in after the first few weeks.

There was knock at the door, I put my book down and Jordan switched the TV off. We both gave Lauren the thumps up at her outfit, she looked fantastic. Kevin was stood at the door with roses, a smile on his face. Once the happy couple left Selena and Demi and the boys came round and we spent our last night together reminiscing.

When Lauren came back she talked us through the night. We couldn’t get her to stop talking until the early hours of the morning. I went to bed wishing tomorrow wouldn’t come, tomorrow we were leaving this dream and going back to reality where we spend ten minutes a night if that on the phone to our boyfriends.

I was woken by a man’s voice at the door and Lauren talking.

“Room service.” The man said.

“We didn’t order room service.” Lauren told him.

“It’s from the gentlemen in rooms 145 and room 143.” The man said.

“Oh, in that case bring it in.” Lauren said opening the door wider, as I sat up in bed.

The man wheeled the trolley in and left soon after. On the trolley there was Toast, bagels, muffins, fruit and lots of other mouthwatering food. I grabbed a muffin and a apple.

“What do they think they are doing sending us all this, don’t they know we have to watch our weight now that we are pop stars.” I rolled my eyes mocking the magazines, I have never really worried about my weight enough to starve myself and I never will.

“Shouldn’t we wake Jordan up so she can have some of this food.” Lauren said while munching on a piece of toast.

I looked at Jordan before climbing onto the single bed with her.

“Wake up, we have food!” I screamed in her ear causing her to jump up.

“What you have a dude?” She looked around confused.

“No Jordan we have food!” I said before walking into the bathroom with my clothes for the day.

When I emerged Jordan was sat cross legged on her bed with a big pile of food on a plate. Jordan could eat as much as she wanted and still keep her slim figure.

When we were all dressed, Lauren went to get Selena we were going to go sight seeing which really meant taking pictures and shopping. While we were out we were talking about how relaxing this holiday had been and how we didn’t want it to end.

“Why don’t we all go to my home for two weeks, my parents wouldn’t mind.” Jordan said while sipping her diet coke.

“But how are we going to promote our album?” Lauren asked.

“Well, do live interviews in England like on GMTV and This Morning and The Jonathan Ross show and do phone interviews for places like china and Russia.” Jordan said smiling at the idea.

“Ring Simon, he can’t say no if we go straight from Canada to England.” I said as Lauren pulled out her phone.

Once we had sorted the times and places with Simon, we were to spend a week in England and in that time we had to attend four interviews and we had to perform on each of them.

We got back to the hotel, walking into our room there were a lot of balloons and party streamers. We walked in closing the door behind us.

“Surprise!” The whole cast of Camp Rock same out of their hiding places.

“Crikey you scared the life out of me!” Lauren screamed back at them, causing the whole room to laugh.

I made my way through the crowd, getting stopped every now and again to say hello to random people. I reached Joe, who had a can of Redbull in his hand and was talking to Allison Stoner.

“Oh, great who gave you Redbull?” I asked Joe when he realized I was standing by him.

“I promise I won’t be hyper on the way to the airport.” He said with a small smirk on his face.

The party lasted a few hours, Lauren came and told me we had to leave for the airport. I pouted but said by to all the people in the room before walking out the door with Jordan, Lauren, Selena, Demi and the boys.

We all piled into the car, Selena and Demi where hugging each other promising to call each other every day. Nick and Jordan were debating who would miss each other the most. Kevin and Lauren were sat in silence, hands entwined foreheads connected. I took Joe’s hand and squeezed it.

I glanced at him, his forehead was creased and his eyes were staring off into the distance. I wonder what he was thinking about, but not wanting to break the silence between us I just rested my head on his shoulder.

All too soon the car stopped and the driver got our suitcases out of the boot. We stepped out of the car, none of us letting go of our partners hand. Silently we walked through the doors to the airport going straight to the ticket register.

We were led through a door until we came to a gate, this was where we said our goodbyes. Joe spoke for the first time since we got in the car.

“Joe i-“ Joe pressed his lips to mine causing me to stop saying what I was going say. I felt my back press against the wall, I wrapped my arms around his neck well kissing him back. When we pulled away, a small smile found it’s way onto my lips.

“It’s only three more months, time will fly by I promise.” Joe said pressed his forehead against mine, his words brought little comfort to me.

“Don’t promise something you can’t control.” I said pecking him on the lips.

“Fine, I promise I will call you everyday no matter what time it is.” Joe smiled.

“Promises like that are hard to keep when you are busy all day every day.” I sighed not wanting to get disappointed when he didn’t call.

“Come on Claire, we have to go.” Jordan said tugging my arm.

“I love you.” I said tears springing from my eyes.

“Don’t cry it’s only a few more months we can make it through the distance.” Joe said before letting go of me letting Jordan pull me away.

When we got onto the plane Lauren’s eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying, I gave her a small smile wiping my eyes.

“You girls will get used to leaving them soon enough trust me.” Jordan said before I fell asleep.

I woke up to the plane landing literally; I grabbed hold of the arm rest. Once we had landed and got our suitcases we made our way out of the airport. Jordan spotted her brother in the crowd and ran to him.

After we were introduced to him, we all piled into the car and headed to Jordan’s house. After half an hour, the car stopped outside an traditional English house it had a yellow door with a pathway that was surrounded by flowers. It had an homely feel to it immediately.

Jordan led the way in through the front door and into the living room, where we were greeted by Jordan’s family.

“Mum dad this is Claire and Lauren. Lauren, Claire this is my mum and dad Mandy and Steve.” Jordan said introducing us.

“Hey.” Lauren and I waved nervously at the same time.

Jordan showed us the room we would be staying in while we were here. It had two single beds in, a tv and an en-suit bathroom. I dumped my suitcase down on the bed nearest the window.

“So what are we going to do now?” I asked.

“Sleep.” Lauren and Jordan said together.
♠ ♠ ♠
We are writing the last chapter of this now.
There will be 65 chapters altogether we think :]
Then a sequel