Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After the surprise party the guys and Demi threw for us, we left. Before long, the car stopped and the driver was retrieving our suitcases from the boot. We got out of the car, none of us letting go of our partner. We walked through the doors to the airport in silence, going straight to the ticket register.

We were led through a door until we came to a gate where we said our goodbyes. Kevin held me tightly, humming a song.

“Im going to miss you.” I muttered, not sure if Kevin had heard me.

“Im going to miss you too.” Kevin said quietly.

Before I could speak again, Kevin’s lips were against mine and we were kissing gently. Our hands entwined together. When Kevin pulled away, he spoke.

“Im going to ring you every day.”

“You might not be able to though.”

“I don’t care. 3 months will be long enough, im not making it any longer by not calling you.”

“Ok, if you don’t call me, ill call you and then every time I have to call you, you loose one kiss when I see you again.” I laughed.

“Deal.” Kevin said, kissing me softly again.

“I love you.” I said, crying now.

“I love you too.” Kevin whispered to me.

“Lauren, come on, time to go.” Jordan said gently.

“Bye.” I said to Kevin as I walked over to where Jordan was.

When we got onto the plane my eyes were red and puffy. Claire gave me a small smile, wiping away her tears, which I returned glumly.

“You girls will get used to leaving them soon enough trust me.” Jordan said before Claire fell asleep.

Before long, I also fell asleep, the tears making me tired. I woke up not long before Claire did, just as the plane was landing. I sat back and concentrated on being back in England. Once the plane had landed, we got our suitcases and made our way out of the airport. Jordan saw her brother in the crowd and ran to him.

We were introduced to him before piling into the car and going to Jordan’s house. After half an hour, the car stopped in front of a traditional English house, which had a homely feel to it instantly.

Jordan led us through the front door and into the living room where Jordan’s family were waiting for us.

“Mum dad this is Claire and Lauren. Lauren, Claire this is my mum and dad Mandy and Steve.” Jordan introduced us.

“Hey.” Claire and I nervously waved simultaneously.

Jordan showed us the room which we would be staying in. it had 2 single beds, a TV and an en-suite bathroom. Claire dumped er things on the bed nearest the window, leaving me the one farthest away.

“So what are we going to do now?” Claire asked

“Sleep.” Jordan and I said together.

We all changed and went to bed, sleeping instantly even though Claire and I had slept on the plane here. While we were in England, we done a few interviews and spent some time seeing our families together. On the Monday we had an interview on GMTV where we sang and promoted our new album and on Wednesday we went on Jonathan Ross where we sang and once again promoted our new album again. The whole time in England was relaxing and gave us all time to think things through easily.

During the days we were in England, while we weren’t doing interviews, we were either relaxing or spending time out going to places that we went when we were younger.

“Claire, Jordan, we need some pictures.” I squealed at them.

“I know.” Jordan agreed.

“Picture time.” Claire smiled, pulling out her phone.

We walked along the street, stopping every now and again to take pictures at different places and using different poses. People walking past gave us dodgy looks that we just laughed off.

“Oh my god, did you see that man? He looked like Mr Potato head from toy story.” I laughed.

“Where?” Claire demanded, searching through the crowd.

I pointed out the man before we all fell about laughing.

When we only had few days left, we all wanted to go to the cinema. Deciding that we would go, we grabbed different items from around Jordan’s house to disguise ourselves as. When we had gotten everything, we went into Jordan’s room where we began putting everything on.

Jordan pulled on a t-shirt that belonged to her brother with one leg warmer and put on a pair of old glasses that she had found with a baseball cap. Claire pulled on a pair of Jordan’s old trousers and wore a pink wig, her hair in a bun underneath it. After doing that, she put on a pair of bright pink sunglasses to match the hair. After laughing at them both, I pulled on a hoodie and put my hair into pig tails, wearing the other leg warmer of Jordan’s I stuck on a cap and a pair of 3d sunglasses.

We looked a complete state but didn’t once get recognised in the cinema. While we were sat down, our popcorns on our laps, we were talking as the adverts at the beginning were played. Because we were bored, we started throwing pop corn at each other which earned us getting told off by an old lady and having pop corn chucked at us by a bunch of teenagers sat near the front.

On the last day, we packed our things up and ate with Jordan’s family as a goodbye. I was sad to have to leave England again but happy to be going back to my new home and own bed.

We left a couple of hours before our flight; Jordan’s brother gave us a lift to the airport. When we got there, we retrieved our things from the boot and carried them with us into the airport. Jordan’s brother came with us to wave Jordan off. When we got to the ticket register, we were led through a door, much like when we were leaving to come to England. Jordan’s brother said goodbye to us when we reached the door, because he needed to go back home and get ready for work.

We walked through and soon enough were on the plane, ready to go back to LA. Once settled into my seat on the plane, I pulled out my ipod, blaring the music. Before long, I had fallen asleep, leaving Claire and Jordan to talk between themselves.

Jordan woke me up not long before we landed. I pulled out my ipod headphones and turned it off, shoving it back into my bag. As we landed, I saw Claire dig her nails into the arm rest while Jordan tried to put her arm there. I stifled a giggle at the sight of them.

When we got off of the plane, we got our luggage and then made our way through the crowd of people. A few times I heard people say ‘look there’s forever true’ but I just ignored it. Once we got outside, I hailed a taxi as paparazzi ran around trying to take our picture and get us to talk; we just ignore it as we put our things into the taxi and were driven home.

“Thank god we’re home. I need to sleep in my own bed again.” I said as I fell down on the sofa once we were in the house.

“I know.” Claire mumbled, her feet tucked under her on the sofa.

“Guys we have a message thing.” Jordan said while looking at the house phone.

“Play it then.” I said, standing up so I could hear it better.

Jordan pressed play and we waited while the machine told us about the message before it was played.

“Hi girls, it’s Simon. How was your stay in England? Ive got some information about a festival you can play at in a few weeks time. Give me a ring back and we’ll sort out all of the information for you. Bye.” Simon’s voice came through the speakers.

“A festival?” I said.

“Yeah, sounds quite cool. Im not saying we’ll do it though. Not until we know what type of festival.” Claire said.

“Yeah, if its one of those weird ones then im not doing it.” Jordan laughed.

“I don’t care, as long as we get the few weeks leading up to the festival to ourselves, im happy.” I mumbled as I grabbed my suitcase.

“Where are you going?” Jordan asked me.

“To sort out my suitcase.” I said as I began climbing the stairs.

“Good idea.” Claire said, grabbing her suitcase and following me up the stairs.

Jordan soon followed, her suitcase in her hand. We all went into our rooms and sorted out our suitcases, coming out of our rooms again with a pile or 2 of clothes that needed washing.

Once we had all finished sorting out suitcases, we sat in Claire’s room and rang Simon. After 3 rings, he answered.

“Hey Simon.” We all chorused together.

“Hi girls. Ill take it your ringing about the festival.” He sounded pleased.

“Yup.” I said, looking at the others.

“You’re going to do it then?” Simon said.

“Yeah.” Claire smiled.

“Ok then, well the festival is called BAMBOOZLE and it’s going to be held over the weekend in 2 weeks time.”

“Cool, what other bands are going to be there?” Jordan asked.

“All Time Low, Forever the Sickest Kids, Pink and then loads of others.”

“Sounds good to me.” I said.

“Good, so ill make sure you girls are booked in for it.” Simon said, I could hear him writing something down.

“Ok, thanks Simon. Bye.” Claire smiled.

Jordan hung up the phone then. I smiled at them before excusing myself to go to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, we're almost finished writing this now.
We've got 65 chapters :]
Comments would make us very happy.
Lauren x