Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

When we got back to LA after our two week promoting spree, we got a message from Simon saying he could get us a spot to play at this years Bamboozle festival. I had always wanted to go their when I was a young teenager but never managed to get my mother to give me the money for the flight fare.

Simon said it was in two weeks time, and a few of my favourite bands were playing so I was really excited. After hearing the news I couldn’t sleep and decided to ring Joe. I dialled the number, just to hear the answer phone. I had been getting his answer phone a lot during these past two weeks. They were due back in three months in that time they would have filmed Camp Rock 2 and done all the press coverage.

Over the two weeks that led up to the festival, we practiced our performances as a band and gave a few interviews to promote the festival. I had received a few texts from Joe, saying he missed me and every time I sighed onto twitter he would always have twitted I miss you and things like that but we hadn’t talked properly in nearly a month.

It was the night before we had to leave for Bamboozle. We were too excited to sleep so we browsed the internet to cure our boredom. There was one article that said Nordan to get engaged. We all had a good laugh about that, even though Nick and Jordan had been dating three years neither of them had talked about marriage they were to young.

There were the usual ones; Joe and Claire miss each other? Basically they read Joe’s tweets and my occasional tweets and put two and two together, we haven’t commented to the media about our relationship mainly because we weren’t aloud. Then there was one saying Kevin and Lauren never happened?

We read through the interview which said Lauren and Kevin haven’t been seen out together or heard talking to each other in a while; because Kevin didn’t have twitter the media couldn’t see how much Kevin and Lauren were contacting each other.

The next morning we piled into the SUV that was waiting out the front for us. During the drive Lauren was on the phone to Kevin who had the day off because he wasn’t needed at the set of Camp Rock. Jordan was texting on her phone, most probably texting Nick she had her “I’m so in love smile” which I had come to notice every time she talked to or spoke about Nick. We usually tease her about it, and then she blushes.

My phone beeped by the side of me, it was from Joe. miss you babe, only another two months until we are home. I would call you but I’ve got to get back to filming in a minute and I know how you hate short phone calls.I smiled, every time Joe rang me he would always have to go two minutes after so he just started texting me in his free minutes. My fingers texting a reply.

We reached the site where Bamboozle was being held, the stage was amazing it was like a huge square with two huge cat walls going down either side of it which joined at the end. The driver led us into a tent.

“I can’t believe we are here.” Jordan started jumping up and down with excitement.

“I know, I mean WE, Us Forever True is actually going to be playing on that stage.” I said joining Jordan jumping.

“Come on you two act professional.” Lauren said.

Jordan and I gave her the “we know you want to join in look” and she smiled and started jumping around with us. I through my arms around my best friends and continued to jump.

Suddenly a group of six boys walked in all laughing. All three of us suddenly stopped jumping.

“Isn’t that Forever The Sickest Kids?” Jordan whispered. Lauren and I just nodded.

“Hey, you girls are Forever True right?” Jonathan Cook smiled.

“Yes, and you guys are Forever the Sickest Kids.” Jordan squealed.

Just then the boys of All Time Low walked in. Soon followed by Pink, Boys like Girls and a few other bands. We all split up and continued introducing ourselves.

“It’s good to see you all mingling, you will all be shown to your dressing rooms soon.” A man with a warlike talkie and clipboard shouted above us.

I looked around Lauren was talking to Alex Gaskarth and Rian Dawson from All Time Low and Marc Stewart from Forever the Sickest Kids. Jordan was talking to Austin, Kyle and Caleb from Forever the Sickest Kids and Boys like Girls. I was standing with Jonathan Cook from Forever the Sickest Kids and the rest of All Time Low.
“So Claire how’s the album coming along?” Jonathan asked me.

“It’s finished, it comes out in a month. How was your tour, Selena said you guys were brilliant.” I smiled.

“It was awesome, I wish I was back on the road to be honest you feel free from all the media. I haven’t had a chance to call Selena in ages how is she?”

“She is fine; actually we got back from Canada with her two weeks ago. You should give her a call.” I said.

Just then Forever True got called to our dressing room; I excused myself and walked through the crowd. Jordan grabbed my arm and pulled Lauren and I in the room.

Once we had tried every little gadget in our dressing room, we all sat round the laptop. We hadn’t updated our blog in ages, the last time we updated it was to remind fans about our live chat a month ago. Lauren typed away well Jordan and I read over her shoulder.

There was a knock on our door, Jordan went to answer it. She shut the door quickly. I gave her a weird look before she whispered.

“Forever the Sickest Kids, and All Time Low are at the door.”

“Don’t leave them standing out there then.” I laughed before she opened the door and in walked a group full of boys.

“Hey what are you girls doing?” Alex from All time low asked.

“Lauren is updating our blog, then nothing.” Jordan smiled.

“So do you three want to hang out tonight?” Rian asked.

We all nodded. After that the conversation ran smoothly the boys left our room at midnight. That’s when I checked my phone. There was a text from Joe from half an hour ago saying webcam time?

Lauren was falling asleep and Jordan was in the shower, I turned the laptop on logging onto my personal AIM. Joe’s conversation popped up straight away.

DJ Danger: Hey, How’s Bamboozle?
Clairexbearx: It’s great, we have been hanging out with Forever The Sickest Kids and All Time Low
DJ Danger: I’m jealous.
Clairexbearx: I know they are hot right?

I typed glad he could see me laughing, he was fiddling with his hair.
DJ Danger: Eww No, They get to be with you and I don’t
Clairexbearx: Only two more months, I see your hair is straight again :p
DJ Danger: Shane hasn’t embraced the natural look just yet. I miss you.

We then talked about filming and our album then I asked how the boys and Demi were. Joe asked how Jordan and Lauren were. Then I started yawning, it was two in the morning.

DJ Danger: You’re tired, get some sleep I will talk to you soon.
Clairexbearx I’m not going, I haven’t spoke to you in ages!
DJ Danger: I’m sorry things will calm down soon then we will be able to talk more I promise. Now go get some sleep I love you.
Clairexbearx Okay, i wish you were here. I love you.
DJ Danger: Forever and Always. Sweet dreams
I smiled before blowing him a kiss and logging off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, too clear why I am posting Claire's updates. Well, for the rest of the updates ill be posting them all because Claire goes away on Monday for 2 weeks and needs these next fews days to finish packing and sorting everything out so wont be able to post any updates and then obviously she wont be able to post anything while she's away either.

Anyway, comments would be lovely, that way Claire can come back and read them all before we start the sequal probably in september before we start college.
Lauren x