Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

All that was going through my head on the flight was “I’m going to take his advice.” I didn’t once think about what Joe said about me ruining not only my career but Lauren and Jordan’s as well.

When the plane landed I climbed off and instantly felt free. I walked out of the airport without having to collect any luggage and into the street. I climbed in a taxi and told the driver where to go.

“So what bring you here then love?” The taxi driver asked.

“My stubbornness and determination.” Was all I said before looking out of the window.

I wondered if anybody knew I was missing yet, what would they be doing knowing Lauren she would be running around like a headless chicken and Jordan will be trying to calm her down. I giggled at the thought.

Once I had paid the driver I stepped out onto the sidewalk. It always did look so inviting on the TV and the brochures but as I stood there I was gobsmaked.
“Welcome to Vegas!” Drunken passers by shouted.

I must have went in at least 70 bars before I felt two arms wrapped around my waist and carry me out of the bar and into a car. I was kicking and screaming at whoever it was to put me down.

“Claire, chill it’s me.” Jonathan said when he put me in the car.

“I don’t wanna go home.” I tried to make my voice sound normal.

“Turn your phone on; your friends have been worried about you! We all have.” Jonathan ignored my pleads.

Jonathan dialled a number in his phone and started speaking I was to dazed to concentrate on what he was saying. He passed me the phone.

“Hey Lauren.” I slurred.

“Claire, I can’t believe you have done this. You’ve just proved him right.” Lauren sounded angry but I knew when I got back she wouldn’t be.

“Im sorry.” I pouted.

“We have to have a talk when you get home.” Was all she said before putting the phone down.

I handed the phone back to Jonathan who had started driving to the airport by now. I started crying, I hadn’t thought this through at all, no one was supposed to find me and I certainly wasn’t meant to go home and have a talk with my band members and best friends. I was meant to be drinking forgetting about everything.

When we got to the airport Jonathan hide me from the paparazzi, we climbed on the plane and buckled in. The tears had stopped but I was still feeling sorry for myself. Jonathan brought me a cup of tea to sober me up a bit, I drank it in silence.

“You know he has been just as worried as everyone else.” Jonathan said glancing at me.

“Who?” I said swallowing my drink, I knew who he was on about though.

“Joe, he blames himself.”

“At least he blames himself for something.” I mumbled. Jonathan gave me a questioning look but I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“Wake me up when the plane lands.” I yawned and rested my head on Jonathan’s shoulder.

We arrived back to the apartment a little after one in the morning, I could see Simon’s car parked outside and groaned.

“I’m in big trouble.” I said as I walked in.

When Jonathan and I walked in the whole room turned silent. Simon and Kevin were stood in the kitchen. Nick was holding a sleeping Jordan in his arms on the couch. Lauren was leaning against the door frame in the kitchen and Joe was sat his head in hands on the balcony.

“What do you think you are playing at! We can not afford for you to lose the plot now your album comes out in a few weeks, you are so lucky no one saw you.” Simon started yelling waking Jordan up.

“Wait; leave her alone a minute let her talk!” Kevin put his hand on Simon’s shoulder.

“I know okay, I’m sorry I didn’t think about the band or our reputation. I was only thinking about myself. Oh and what club I was going to go to next.” I said my eyes darting towards Joe who was now stood in the doorway. I knew that was a pathetic jab but I didn’t care, I wanted him to see how much I was hurting.

Lauren and Jordan ran towards me when I stopped speaking and hugged me. Reassuring me it was okay, they had forgiven me already. When we broke apart Simon was stood in the kitchen with his arms crossed.

“I don’t know what went on between you and him over there but you two need to still act professional, I mean Forever True has missed out on almost a weeks worth of interviews and promotion deals because of all the trips and drama that has gone on and the boys image is being damaged because of Mr. grumpy over their and your drunken mistakes evolving the paparazzi.” Simon sighed.

“Sort it out, or stay away from each other! Oh and Claire next time you decide to have a drastic change inform us first because after all we do manage you.” Simon said before walking out of the apartment.

I looked at Lauren and Jordan, and burst out laughing, that was the first time I had seen Simon that angry.

“Simon is right Claire, we do need to get back to promoting next week.” Jordan said going back over to Nick.

“I know, we will promote, give interviews and pose for pictures. It’ll be great.” I smiled in a better mood.

“Is my best friend back now?” Lauren asked.

“Do I need to dye my hair back blonde?” I asked.

“Nope, I like the black hair. I just like the blonde Claire’s attitude.” Lauren smiled.

“She’s back then.” I said hugging her.

“I’ve got to get back, bye guys and girls.” Jonathan said.

“Wait I’ll walk you out.” I said aware of Joe’s stare on me.

When we got outside, I hugged Jonathan and thanked him. He made me promise I would drink without him ever again. We both ended up laughing. I made my way back to the apartment, Kevin and Lauren had disappeared.

I sat down next to Jordan and Nick, not wanting to look at Joe.

“Nick are you staying here tonight?” I asked.

“I don’t know, you won’t kill me in my sleep will you?” He asked laughing.

“No but Jordan might.” I joked.

I heard Joe clear his throat behind me, I knew he would want to talk. I got up and walked past him out onto the balcony, he followed closing the glass doors behind him.

“I’m sorry.” We both said at the same time.

“I’m sorry for worrying everyone, I just needed to get away.” I said looking down at my feet.

“I’m sorry for being so harsh on you, I was upset. You were and still are by the look of it throwing your career away, I can’t stay around and watch that. I know I probably sound like a complete dick right now but it’s for your own good. I still love you.” Joe said looking into my eyes. He turned to leave.

“I have one question.” I said not turning round.

It was silent but I knew Joe was still there. “Will you wait for me?”

The silence was deafening, until finally Joe moved closer to me.

“I believe whatever is meant to be, will happen eventually, if we were meant to be fate will find away to make our paths cross again.” Joe said before turning and walking out of the apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so theres 6 chapters left now. Kinda sad its almost over.
We'll be starting With Every Strike of Lightening soon :]
Thanks to the people that have subscribed to it already :D
And thanks to the people who have subscribed to this story :]
Lauren & Claire (even though she's in Turkey :])