Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

Claire walked into the apartment, Jonathan just behind her. When she walked in, it felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders. The whole room went completely silent. Jordan was asleep while Nick held her, Joe sat on the balcony, his head in his hands, Simon and Kevin were in the kitchen while I propped myself against the door frame to the kitchen.

“What do you think you are playing at? We can not afford for you to lose the plot now your album comes out in a few weeks, you are so lucky no one saw you.” Simon yelled, waking Jordan.

“Wait; leave her alone a minute let her talk!” Kevin said, placing his hand on Simons shoulder.

“I know okay, I’m sorry I didn’t think about the band or our reputation. I was only thinking about myself. Oh and what club I was going to go to next.” Claire said, her eyes darting towards Joe.

As soon as Claire shut up, Jordan and I ran towards her to hug her. When we parted, Simon was still in the kitchen, his arms crossed.

“I don’t know what went on between you and him over there but you two need to still act professional, I mean Forever True has missed out on almost a weeks worth of interviews and promotion deals because of all the trips and drama that has gone on and the boys image is being damaged because of Mr. grumpy over their and your drunken mistakes evolving the paparazzi.” Simon sighed.

“Sort it out, or stay away from each other! Oh and Claire next time you decide to have a drastic change inform us first because after all we do manage you.” He carried on before leaving.

Claire looked at Jordan and I and then burst into laughter.

“Simon is right Claire; we do need to get back to promoting next week.” Jordan said moving back to Nick.

“I know, we will promote, give interviews and pose for pictures. It’ll be great.” Claire smiled.

“Is my best friend back now?” I quizzed.

“Do I need to dye my hair back blonde?” Claire asked.

“Nope, I like the black hair. I just like the blonde Claire’s attitude.” I smiled.

“She’s back then.” Claire said before hugging me.

“I’ve got to get back, bye guys and girls.” Jonathan smiled.

“Wait I’ll walk you out.” Claire said.

When Claire left with Jonathan, Kevin and I went up to my room to get away from the drama that was bound to happen once Claire came back in.

“Everything’s messed up.” I said, curling up in my bed.

“Its not messed up, things change all the time.” Kevin said, sitting down next to me and playing with my hair.

Before long, I was falling to sleep. Kevin kissed my head before leaving me to sleep after having a day like I had. I smiled at him before he left, grateful for us being back to normal again. Within half an hour of Kevin leaving, I had fallen into a deep sleep.

The next few days were spent staying in the house while we got ready for the masses of press we would have to do the following week once the album came out. We spent a lot of our time, talking to people on our personal blogs and AIM’s from back home as well as updating Forever True’s blog, telling people about all the different places we would be on the day the album came out as well as the first 2 days afterwards.

Neither Jordan or I spoke to Kevin or Nick a lot. Jordan spoke to Nick on a night once she had gone to bed whilst I spoke to Kevin on AIM.

The 2 days before the album came out; we went on many different shows to tell people about the album. We were asked different questions a lot but each time Claire was asked the same 3 questions. Each time they were ‘Are you dating Joe Jonas?’, ‘Why did you dye your hair?’ and ‘Why did you begin drinking and going to clubs a lot?’ Claire gave the same response to each question every time.

To the question about her and Joe she replied, ‘We aren’t together. We were just very close’. To the questions about her hair she told them she got bored of being blonde and wanted a change. To the questions about why she drank and went to clubs a lot she replied that she needed to get things out of her system and that was the only way she knew how to.

The day the album came out; we went to a local Walmart store where we signed copies of the albums and had pictures taken with people.

“I can believe we’ve finally released the album.” Claire smiled while she signed a girl’s cd.

“I know.” Jordan squealed.

“Calm down girls.” I laughed before having a picture taken with a group of girls.
Before long, we were being ushered out to an interview.

Three days later and we had finally finished promoting the album and going to signings and Meet and Greets. We were now allowed to just relax for a few days before we had to go to an interview and begin planning what we were going to do next to promote ourselves.

“Claire, Lauren, Nick says we have to be ready in an hour.” Jordan called through the house.

Groaning, I didn’t move from where I was sat talking to my friends from England on my laptop.

“Im not going anywhere.” Claire called back, causing me to laugh.

“Yes you are. So are you Lauren so move it.” Jordan yelled.

“You know me too well now, its getting scary.” I laughed, finally turning off my laptop.

I jumped up, putting my laptop back onto the table in my room before going to my wardrobe, looking for some clothes. Once I had chosen a simple blue summer dress and black gladiator sandals, I jumped into the shower.

When I got out, I dried and dressed quickly before drying my hair, leaving it natural though.

“Are you two ready yet?” I shouted out of my door.

“Almost.” Jordan shouted back.

“I don’t want to go out, but im almost done now too.” Claire said through her door that was open.

“Ok, well im doing my make up a minute and then ill be done. Jordan do you know why we have to go out?” I said as I sat down, beginning to do my make up.

Within ten minutes, my hair and make up was done. All I had to do was put my phone into my bag and then I could leave. I walked out of my room, closing the door behind me, just as the front door was knocked. Jordan ran out of her room and down the stairs, opening the door straight away. As I reached the bottom stair, I saw Nick stood in the door. I smiled before calling up the stairs to Claire.

A few moments later, Claire descended the stairs wearing an identical dress to mine but in teal with white pumps on. We smiled at each other before following Jordan and Nick out to a car.

“Where are we going?” I asked in curiosity.

“A party.” Nick shrugged before concentrating on driving.

I looked at Claire in complete confusion before laughing at the look on Claire’s face. She poked me before laughing as well. After five minutes of non stop laughing, we pulled up outside of a big hall. Climbing out, I nearly tripped but was stopped by someone’s arms. I looked up to see Kevin. Smiling, I thanked him before straightening out my dress and walking inside behind the others.

We walked into the hall to see a banner saying ‘Congratulations Forever True’. I smiled before pointing it out to Claire and Jordan who grinned along beside me.

“I cant believe this.” Jordan squealed.

“Well believe it, its all for you girls.” Nick smiled before taking Jordan by the hand and leading her farther into the hall.

“Looks like its time to party.” I laughed.

“No alcohol though.” Claire smiled before we walked in.

After an hour of walking around and talking to people, Nick and Jordan came over to where Claire and I were now sat talking. Kevin followed over just after, but of course, Joe was no where to be seen.

“Girls, we are so sorry, but we have to go. We’re going back to New Jersey for a week or two to see our family.” Nick admitted.

“Don’t worry.” I said, my hand now entwined with Kevin’s.

“Are you sure?” Kevin quizzed.

“Yeah, Claire and I are thinking about going home soon anyway.” I admitted.

“I was thinking about leaving early as well.” Jordan smiled.

“Ok, well look, congratulations on the album. Ill talk to on the phone every night.” Nick said, kissing Jordan.

“Ok.” Jordan smiled.

“We’ll walk out with you.” I said to Kevin.

“You guys go ahead, ill see you in a minute.” Claire smiled.

I smiled at her before walking out of the hall with Jordan, Nick, Kevin and now Joe. When we got outside, I said my goodbyes to the guys, a simple nod and bye to Joe while the others got a hug.

A few minutes after the boys climbed into a car, Claire walked out. I smiled at her before linking my arm through hers and walking towards the car that was going to be taking us home to our apartment.