Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

Three weeks after Claire’s and Joe’s split, we had released a new album, said goodbye to the boys while they went to New Jersey for a few weeks and had managed to get the new album, entitled ‘Stay True’ to number 1 in the billboard charts within days of it being released.

While the boys were away, Selena, Jonathan and Alex came round. It was a Friday night and we were watching the news when an image of Kevin came up on the screen. The report that went with it hurt a lot.

After watching the news report, we played truth or dare. It was quite funny until Claire decided that I would have to do a dare and not even giving me chance to choose because it’s obvious that I would take truth. I was dared to stand under the shower for ten minutes, fully clothed, while the water came out freeing. I went through with my dare before changing and going bowling.

When we got there, the paparazzi were outside, we walked in, our heads bowed, and ignoring the questions we were asked. We were given our own double lanes before splitting into two groups. Alex, Jordan and me on one team, while Selena, Jonathan and Claire were on the other. My team won.

We stayed in the bowling alley until it closed before going home. Alex and I were sat in front, Jordan and Selena talking about the latest news on Miley’s photos and Claire and Jonathan sitting together in silence.

We got dropped off first. Saying goodbye, we got out of the car. Jordan went to bed early because she has to get the guys. After a while, I realised I was meant to be going as well so went up too bed because, I too, would have to be up early in the morning. I hugged Claire goodnight before I went though.

When I woke up in the morning, I grumbled before climbing out of bed and pulling on a big t-shirt and jogging bottoms, not really bothered that I would be going to the airport and in the eye of the paparazzi. After pulling my hair into a ponytail, I pulled on my Forever True hoodie, socks and a pair of white plimsolls. Looking myself once over in the mirror, I decided that I looked fine seeming as I wouldn’t be getting out of the car if I got my way, before trudging down the stairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Once in the kitchen, I saw Jordan perched against the side, wide awake, wearing skinny jeans and a yellow top. I smiled at her before going back to getting breakfast.

“Lauren, you do realise there’s going to be paparazzi right?” Jordan quizzed while I ate coco pops, my preferred breakfast cereal.

“Yeah and I couldn’t care. I wanna stay in the car and sleep on the way there.” I laughed before putting my pretty full bowl of breakfast into the sink.

“You have guts.” Jordan laughed before grabbing her phone and keys.

“I know.” I grinned before putting my phone into my pocket and following Jordan out of the front door.

“Why do I have to go?” I mumbled as I slid into the passenger’s seat.

“Because you are Kevin’s doting girlfriend.” Jordan said as she reversed out of the drive.

“Well… its not like he cares, he’s got Danielle now.” I mumbled again, my head resting against the window.

“Lauren, you know that it was just the press being stupid.” Jordan said, trying to make me feel better.

“He looked pretty loved up with her though.” I sighed.

“Look, stop being silly, you know you and Kevin are together and that’s all that matters.” Jordan said.

“Ok, im going to sleep wake me up when we get to the airport. It’s not a normal hour to be awake.” I groaned as I put the hood on my hoodie up and settled down in the seat to go to sleep.

I woke up to Jordan nudging me in the side. I groaned before pushing her arm away and sitting up.

“Im guessing we're here?” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

“Yeah, come on, we have to go in.” Jordan said, climbing out of the car.

“Do I have to?”

“Yeah, come on.” Jordan said as she opened my door.

“Im jealous right now.” I mumbled as I flicked my fringe out of my eyes.

“Who of?”

“Claire.” I said truthfully.


“Because she’s still in bed and im walking around like a zombie.” I sighed.

As we walked into the airport, paparazzi began taking pictures and I instantly cursed for putting the clothes I had on, on.

“Jordan, Lauren! Where’s Claire?” I heard from one man snapping pictures as we walked by.

“Over here, over here!” Another shouted.

“Here we go.” I mumbled.

“What?” Jordan asked, turning to face me slightly.

“Nothing.” I smiled innocently.

We walked through a door where the boys were waiting for us, their suitcases in hand. When Jordan saw Nick, she instantly ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. I smiled at Kevin and Joe before walking over self consciously. The image of Kevin and Danielle suddenly fresh in my mind.

“Hey.” Kevin smiled, kissing my forehead.

“Hi.” I said back.

“Nice outfit Lauren.” Joe smirked.

“Shut up, I wanted to sit in the car but Jordan wouldn’t let me.” I said truthfully.

“Oh, so you didn’t even wanna come greet us?” Joe asked in mock shock.

“Not really.” I mumbled, leaning against the wall.

Kevin walked over to me, leaving his suitcase where it was. He wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me gently.

“What’s the matter?” He whispered to me.

“Nothing.” I lied.

“There is, im not stupid Lauren.” Kevin said, sounding annoyed now.

“Ill tell you another time.” I said, pulling away and beginning the walk outside.

“By the way, there’s loads of paparazzi outside.” Jordan warned as the guys followed me out.

I walked along, bowing my head from the continuous flashes and ignoring the many questions thrown my way. The second I was outside, I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I had been holding in. Jordan unlocked the car before getting in, Nick sitting in the passenger’s seat. I got in, sitting next to the window. Kevin sat in the middle seat while Joe took the other window seat.

“Can you please tell me what’s wrong now?” Kevin demanded.

“No.” I said instantly, trying to keep calm.

It suddenly felt like when we first met again, when the continuous snide comments and digs had made me want to pack my bags and give up the music career I had dreamed of.

“Please?” Kevin pleaded.

“Look, Kevin, im trying to forget it, so stop pushing it.” I said, raising my voice.

“No, I won’t stop pushing it.” Kevin said, his voice matching mine.

“Fine then, im pissed because of you and Danielle Delesa ok? I saw it and I instantly wanted to ring you, make sure you weren’t cheating, that you still want to be together. There you know now.” I shouted above the music.

Nick looked round, his face in shock from my sudden outburst. His and Jordan’s hands still entwined between their seats though. I took a deep breath before looking back at Kevin, trying to control my anger.

“I told you this would happen.” Joe smirked.

“Joe, shut up.” I said, giving him death glares.

“Whatever.” He mumbled before putting his head phones in.

“You think I was cheating on you? You think I don’t want to be with you. What the hell Lauren? Why do you think I would do that? How many times have I told you I love you!” Kevin yelled.

“Yeah I did think those things. I think you would do those things because im drinking again, big deal. Fair enough, you’ve told me you love me, but look at your brother, he broke Claire’s heart when he broke up with her because he told her forever and always, so it obviously means nothing.” I said, almost in tears, my voice now not much above a whisper.

Before Kevin could speak again, Jordan pulled up at the side of the road, not far from our apartment. I un strapped myself and climbed out.

“Ill see you at home. Im walking.” I told Jordan through her open window.

Before she could reply, I walked away, pulling my hood up as I did. Before long, I was slightly running, trying to forget about the argument with Kevin and the images of him and Danielle in my head.

When I got back to the apartment, the car was parked outside. Knowing my luck, the boys would be inside, so instead of going straight in, I sat down and got myself together, breathing deeply so that I could think straight once I was inside. After a few minutes, I stood up, brushed off my trousers and went inside.

I walked through the door, closing it firmly behind me, to see Joe walk out of the kitchen, Kevin behind him and behind Kevin Nick and Jordan, their hands entwined. I smiled at the image of them.

“Where’s Claire?” I asked Jordan.

“Bedroom.” She shrugged.

“Thanks.” I murmured before running up the stairs, Kevin giving me an evil look as I went.

When I got upstairs, I went straight to Claire’s room. Opening the door, I looked around to see her sat at her computer table, typing away furiously. I slumped down onto her bed after slamming the door behind me. She looked up; her eyes squinted where she had been looking at the screen without using her glasses.

“What’s happened?” She said, turning the chair to face me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry im only just updating. Ive had a really busy day today.
What do you think?
Lauren x