Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

I went into the living room, not really tired even though I should be seeing as I haven’t slept in a whole 24 hours. Jordan and Nick had been strangely quiet I felt as if all this tension on the bus was getting to them.

“Hey you guys, you two alright?” I asked casually.

“Yeah we are okay, just a little confused about what happening with you lot.” Nick said, Jordan was currently asleep on his chest.

“I have a feeling; it is going to be a lot quieter on the bus from now on.” I said before making myself comfortable.

Nick just nodded, he was too busy watching the film that was playing I think it was James Bond or something like that. I felt my phone vibrate; I quietly walked into the kitchen the only room free.

I looked at the text message it was from Tony my ex. I read the text before deleting it along with all my inbox.

“Do you want a coffee or anything?” I jumped a little not realizing Kevin was in the room.

“No thank you.” I said being polite.

“Look just because Lauren and I don’t like each other doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.” Kevin said.

“Sorry, I don’t talk to people who make my best friend cry.” I said before walking out.

I walked into the bunks, realizing everybody was in bed except Kevin and I. Lauren’s curtain was drawn so was Jordan’s and Nicks. I got my pajamas before walking into the bathroom.

I got into my bunk; as soon as my head hit the pillow I was ready for sleep. I was just about to drift off when I swear I heard Joe say goodnight, I was too tired to reply seconds later I was asleep.

The next day I was rudely awaked by a phone ringing, reaching over to look I saw Simon was calling Forever True’s joint phone.

Lauren raced out of the bathroom and answered it. I only heard one side of the conversation.

“She is uh in the shower at the moment.” Lauren lied.

“You know how new this is to us; we are just lost for words so what if she hesitated at least the question got answered.” Lauren defended me.

“What! No way.” Lauren face showed me she was not pleased with whoever was on the phone to her.

“I understand, goodbye.” Lauren hung up before sitting down next to me.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“Our publicist, because of this interview we have to go out with The Jonas Brothers and show we are having a great time, because apparently the interview gave off bad vibes.” Lauren explained.

“Well that sucks.” I said before going to get ready for the day ahead of us.

I was sat at the table trying to eat my breakfast, but the bumps on the road were making it impossible. Lauren was sat playing with her guitar, trying to teach Jordan how to play it. The boys were having a meeting in the practice room.

Kevin came storming into the room with a face of thunder; he went straight over to Lauren.

“Why couldn’t you have just lied once in your life? Would that have been to much to ask?” Kevin seethed at Lauren.

“What are you on about?” Lauren looked genuinely confused.

“Don’t play dumb precious it doesn’t suit you.” Kevin snapped.

“I told you not to call me precious, what did you expect us to do tell them how wonderfully nice you have been to us how welcome you have made us feel?” Lauren raised her voice.

“Kevin, leave Lauren out of this she was the one that answered the question for me if she wouldn’t have we would be in more trouble than we are.” I couldn’t stand to see Kevin shout out Lauren for my mess any longer.

“Oh so now you decide to not hesitate maybe if you thought about doing that yesterday we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Kevin turned on me.

I opened my mouth to argue back when Nick and Joe came running into the room.

“Kevin drop it, leave them alone come on you don’t honest blame her for not answering the question, I mean we were acting like jerks to them for no reason.” Joe stepped in between us.

“Whatever.” Kevin walked into the bunk area.

“So where we going tonight?” Nick said breaking the silence. Jordan gave a slight giggled beside him.

We all just ignored the question, Lauren was too angry to speak and I was silently praising Joe for saving the situation from getting out of hand. Joe seemed to be stressed he had his head in his hands. Jordan and Nick kept sharing worried glances.

Lauren and I were really excited about tonight’s concert, we were going to play speechless, the song I had written about Joe. We wanted to see the crowds reaction. With much discussion we decided to go out for a meal before the concert.

Our publicist booked us a table at the posh restaurant called Red Sun. We all decided to wear our concert outfit to save time when we go back.

As usual Lauren, Joe and I were the last people ready meaning the others had went on without us. Lauren was in the bathroom doing her make up while Joe was deciding what jacket to wear.

“Wear the leather one it goes with your jeans.” I said after watching him try on all his jackets.

He smiled and slipped it on. Lauren came out of the bathroom wearing a jean skirt and leopard print leggings which she matched with a black top and she chucked on her green trench coat. I also was wearing my coat similar to Lauren. I couldn’t be bothered to straighten my hair so I put a hat on.
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We have big plans for this story,
Thank you to all the readers and people who have suscribed and commented.