Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

The phone call from hell made anger bubble inside me. I hate the fact that we are basically being forced to pretend to like the Jonas Brothers. I like Nick and Jordan; they are really awesome and easy to get on with. I guess Joe isn’t that bad, he started off a real jerk but now he’s pretty cool. But Kevin, that’s another story, I don’t know what his problem is, well actually I do, his problems me. The more I see him the more I just want to scream.

I, Claire and Jordan are all sat in the living area of the bus at the moment, and the boys are in the practice room getting some rehearsals in and practicing some new songs I think. Im teaching Jordan how to play my guitar while Claire’s sat at the table trying to eat some breakfast but failing because of the continuous movement of the bus. It’s quite funny to watch actually.

Kevin came storming into the room with a face of thunder; he came straight over to me and stood basically in my face.

“Why couldn’t you have just lied once in your life? Would that have been too much to ask?” Kevin seethed at me.

“What are you on about?” I asked him, completely confused.

“Don’t play dumb precious it doesn’t suit you.” Kevin snapped at me.

“I told you not to call me precious, what did you expect us to do tell them how wonderfully nice you have been to us how welcome you have made us feel?” I raised my voice to match Kevin’s now.

“Kevin, leave Lauren out of this she was the one that answered the question for me if she wouldn’t have we would be in more trouble than we are.” Claire shouted.

“Oh so now you decide to not hesitate maybe if you thought about doing that yesterday we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Kevin turned on Claire.

Claire was just about to argue back when Nick and Joe came rushing into the room.

“Kevin drop it, leave them alone come on you don’t honest blame her for not answering the question, I mean we were acting like jerks to them for no reason.” Joe stepped in between Kevin and Claire as relief washed over me.

“Whatever.” Kevin stormed into the bunk area, obviously annoyed that Joe had come to Claire’s rescue.

“So where we going tonight?” Nick said breaking the silence and attempting to lighten the air. Jordan gave a slight giggled beside him.
Everyone ignore the question, I was just to angry to speak and Claire was stood looking deep in thought when in actual truth she was probably praising her knight in shinning armour for coming to her rescue and stopping the ugly situation getting worse. Joe was stressed; his head was perched in his hands. Jordan and Nick stood in utter silence after Nick’s question, they kept sharing worried glances.

Claire and I were pretty excited about tonight’s concert, we were going to play speechless, the song that Claire had written about Joe. We wanted to see the crowd’s reaction to the song. After a lot of discussion where I took it upon my self to keep giving Kevin dirty looks, we decided to go out for a meal before the concert.

Mine and Claire’s publicist booked us a table at a pretty posh restaurant called Red Sun. We, as in everyone, decided to wear the outfits that we were going to wear during the concert to the restaurant so that it would save us time when we got back.

Just like normal, Claire, Joe and I were the last people ready. The others had gone on without us, bored with having to wait on the three of us while we got ready. I was in the bathroom doing my make up while Claire and Joe were in the bunk area finishing getting ready.

As I came out of the bathroom, Joe was putting on his jacket. I had a jean skirt and leopard print leggings on which I matched with a black top and chucked on my green trench coat over the top. Claire was wearing her coat that was similar to mine, obviously not bothering to straighten her hair, she had on a hat.

“You guys ready to go?” I asked when I reached them.

“Yup” Claire smiled at me as she walked out of the doors.

“Let’s go, knowing those 3 they’ve probably already ordered.” Joe laughed slightly as he walked out of the bunks and towards the front of the bus.

When I reached the front of the bus, Claire and Joe were stood by the door talking.

“Got everything?” Claire asked me.

“Uhm… I think so, I hope so.” I laughed as I walked out of the bus first.

Claire and Joe followed. As we got off of the bus, all that we could hear were screams and you couldn’t see much because of the flashes coming from loads of different cameras.

“Hi” I smiled and nodded as I said it to a group of kids that weren’t much younger than me and Claire.

“Hey” Claire smiled and called to a few people.
And then Joe, being the big pop star he is shouted out too.

“Hey people! Enjoy the show tonight!” He smiled out at the people causing me and Claire to laugh at how stupid he acted.

“Come on, I want food.” I moaned at Claire.

“Let’s go and leave the silly boy to his games!” Claire laughed as we linked arms and walked over to a car.

“Hey, wait for me. I want food too!” Joe called after us.

“Move it then Jonas, if I don’t eat now I refuse to be your opening act tonight and Claire will have to do it all by herself and she wont because she needs me to play guitar. Oh and I bags front seat!” I grinned before slipping into the car.

“You always get the front seat.” Claire whined from the back seat.

“That is because I am the cool one and you are my side kick.” I grinned back at her.

“Uhm… ok then, let’s go.” Joe said from the driver’s seat.

“Food time.” I laughed.

We drove to the restaurant, smiling, laughing and talking. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be to be around Joe, the more time I spend with him the nicer I think he actually is.

When we reached the restaurant, Joe parked and the 3 of us walked to the restaurant together. Joe walked along; phone in hand, texting someone. Being the nosey person I am I tried to pester him to find out who it was.

“Joe? Who you texting.” I smiled and spoke in a sing-song voice.

“Lauren? Im not telling you.” He smiled back and winked at Claire who burst into a fit of laughs.

“That’s really not nice. Don’t even ask me who im texting now.” I started to rummage through my leopard print bag.

After a few minutes, I stopped going through my bag and patted my pockets on my coat and skirt.

“You left your phone didn’t you?” Claire asked as she stifled a giggle.

“No, what are you chatting out. Im looking for a… uhm…. Ok I left my phone.” I pouted slightly.

“Ha, I asked you if you had everything.” Claire was laughing fully now.

“And I said I think I do. So there” I poked my tongue out at her just as we reached the restaurant.

“Come on then.” Joe pushed us slightly to the doors.

“And now comes my award winning acting skills. See it was good I was into all that acting stuff when I was a kid.” I smiled slightly as I walked in the doors.

“Yeah ok Lauren.” Claire laughed a smile on her face still.

I plastered a smile on my face as we walked into the restaurant. Our publicist had urged us to look happy, Claire was obviously having no trouble with that, but the smile on my face kept twitching where I wasn’t smiling properly. It had to be done though.
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Enjoy :)