Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

When we left the bus, there were photographers everywhere. All three of us continued walking, Joe and Lauren made an exchange of words I wasn’t really listening.

When we reached the car, Lauren got in the front like she always does, I was hoping she might have let me sit in the front for once but she didn’t.

We arrived at the restaurant, the waiter showed us to our table. Nick, Jordan and Kevin were sat there looking at the menu.

“Finally they have arrived.” Nick said when he saw us approaching.

Joe sat down next to Jordan; I rushed over and sat down in the seat next to Joe, earning confused looks from Joe, Kevin and Nick. Lauren and Jordan gave me a knowingly smile. I glared at Lauren, she must have told Jordan.

We ordered our food while the others made small talk. I was in a world of my own; I really missed home and my family. I watched as Lauren and Kevin pretended to be friends I couldn’t help but sniffle a giggle.

“Are you okay; you seem a million miles away?” Jordan asked.

“Yeah, im fine im going to the bathroom, you wanna come?” I asked getting up excusing myself from the table.

Jordan followed me into the bathroom, these past couple of days Jordan and I had grown really close.

“I think someone has been bitten by the love bug.” Jordan giggled.

“Have not.” I mumbled I was always terrible at lying.

Jordan didn’t say anything just gave me a look that said “I know your lying.” She then pretended to zip her lips closed to show she would keep it a secret.

We returned from the bathroom, to see Kevin and Lauren was giving each other glares. I wondered what I had missed.

“What have we missed?” I whispered to Joe keeping my eyes on Kevin and Lauren.

“Well, Lauren was talking to Nick about this new song of yours and how she picked up the tune after the first verse and Kevin being the immature man he is started rolling his eyes and making snide comments about Lauren’s guitar playing.” Joe whispered back.

“Oh.” Was all I said before kicking Lauren under the table.
“Ouch, what-?” Lauren stopped herself from making a scene realising we were in public.

The rest of the meal went by smoothly; I noticed how in love Nick was with Jordan. Jordan hadn’t been herself lately I was going to talk to her after the show tonight.

After we had eaten our meal, we made our way out of the restaurant. Lauren and Nick were talking about something or other. Jordan and Joe were playing a very loud game of bogies, while Kevin and I walked in silence.

“You know, I thought you were stuck up when I first met you.” Kevin broke the silence between us.

“You never gave us a chance.” I said back not up for ruining this good night.

“I know im sorry; can we have a fresh start?” Kevin asked.

“All of us, as in Lauren as well?” I asked hopefully.

“No way.” He said before I walked away from him as he got in the drivers seat.

“Claire, would you like to sit in the front this time.” Lauren asked I could hear her begging tone.

“I think because you like being in the front so much, you can have another ride in the front.” I smirked at her knowing I was going to get shouted at once we got back.

The ride was awkward, none of us spoke. Kevin was concentrating on the road while Lauren was texting Jordan. Nick and Jordan had got in Nick’s car; I think Nick had noticed Jordan’s change in behaviour. I rested my head on the window, as we drove closer to the venue.

“Whoa watch out what you trying to do kill me?” I heard Lauren complain about Kevin’s driving.

“How did you guess?” Kevin replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Laur stop being a pain, if you survived on the way down here with Joe driving you will be fine with Kevin at the wheel.” I was getting annoyed at them two always picking fights with each other.

“Hey, I am here you know.” Joe said. I didn’t say anything I just went back to looking out of the window.

When we arrived at the venue Lauren and I had a hour before show time, meaning we couldn’t practice our songs. We went to the merchandise table to see Jordan had been crying.
“What wrong?” Lauren asked as soon as she saw Jordan.

“I-I’m going home for a while, I homesick and I just feel like I need a brake away from everything.” Jordan explained.

“You will be back right?” I asked.

“Yeah I will only be gone a couple of weeks, I will join you lot back on tour when you guys travel from Canada to Denmark.” Jordan gave a weak smile.

We both hugged our friend, both knowing how she was feeling.

We walked on the stage with tears in our eyes, knowing this was the last performance in America also the last performance Jordan was going to watch in a long time.

We sang our usual songs, before introducing our new song Speechless.

“So, you guys have been an awesome crowd tonight, we have a new song to play for you, it’s called Speechless I hope you like it.” I said facing hundreds maybe even thousands of faces.

The cheers made the stage vibrate; the atmosphere in the room was electrifying. I closed my eyes and began to sing.

Feels like I have always known you
And I swear I dreamt about you
All those endless nights I was alone
It's like I've spent forever searching
Now I know that it was worth it
With you it feels like I am finally home

Lauren joined in soon after; the crowd loved it waving their arms in the air. I smiled at Lauren who beamed back at me.

“Thank you America for making the first leg of this tour unforgettable. Here they are the boys you have been waiting for The Jonas Brothers!” Lauren said into the microphone.

We ran off stage, while the lights dimmed in the stadium. Waiting backstage was none other than the Jonas Brothers.

“You were amazing tonight; the crowd loved your new song.” Nick said before kissing Jordan on the forehead and getting in place to surprise the audience.

“Amazing show tonight, you keep getting better and better.” Kevin complementing us, hugging us both. I was shocked when Lauren hugged him back wishing him luck.

I raised a eyebrow at Joe, who whispered in my ear. “It’s amazing what a little black mail can do to Kevin.” I smirked.

“By the way awesome song.” He said before running on stage with his brothers.

We went to join Jordan on the merchandise table. Something was still bothering her, I could tell.

“Girls, do you think Nick is cheating on me?” She asked as she packed the merchandise away.

“What! Why would you think that?” We both said at the same time, we do that sometimes.

“Well the media are saying Nick is seeing Miley, and I mean I’ve seen text messages from her on his phone.” Jordan explained.

“He would never cheat on you, don’t you see the way he looks at you he is in love with you.” Lauren comforted her.

“I mean I know they met up a couple of times, because Disney wanted them to be seen together as friends because they were both getting bad publicity but maybe Nick realised Miley is better than me?” Jordan said.

“What! Now you are talking crazy, no wannabe Britney Spears is ever going to win Nick’s heart.” I shook Jordan a little to emphasize my point.

“Maybe you two are right; I probably just need a brake away from the media for a while.” She said walking back to the bus with us.

We helped Jordan pack her things, while constantly reassuring her Nick was not cheating on her.

Nick ran on the bus, freshly showered. He ran into the bunk area where we were, giving us a look which we understood we walked outside.

Tour wasn’t going to be the same without the usual hyper Jordan, but it looked like she really needed some time away from it all.

“I miss home.” The words slipped out of my mouth.

“Me too.” Lauren threw her arm around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
i couldn't wait any longer! I wanted to see your reactions.
Jordan don't kill me just yet
Thankyou for all your comments they make me smile =)