In Bloom

Rock 'N Roll High School

That was all that was heard as Cat went flying from her perch on top of the bus seat right onto Tiffany, the school's head bitch,'s lap. Her friends, Kandy, Jake, and Chad laughed wildly as Kat replied, "You know you love it, baby!"
"THAT'S IT I'M REPORTING YOU, CATHERINE REID!!" The bus driver shouted over the laughter as they pulled into the school.
"It's Cat, and don't you fucking wear it out," Kat muttered to herself as she got off Tiffany's lap and sat with her friends in the seat above it.
The bus driver got out of the vehlicle and trotted off to the school. Dave giggled a little and shouted "RUN, FORREST, RUN!!!"
This, of course, got him in the principal's office next to Cat. The principle, McPherson, shook her head and said, "Why do you kids do these things?"
Cat kept a straight face and said very quickly, "Because you're the man. We have to stick it to you. It's in the basic punk rulebook! You should read it sometime."
Dave gave a thumbs up, wiggling his eyebrows enthusiastically. The principal rolled her eyes at the rebels that sat in front of her. She hated dealing with them, as well as Kandy Wright and Jacob Ritcher. They seemed to be in a league of their own. It wasn't unusual for at least one of the four to be in her office every day.
"Listen, do you want an in-school suspension?"
"No, but we would like to get out of this dump. I think it has rats." Cat whispered at the end.
"And roaches," Dave added.
"That, too."
Ms. McPherson shook her head. "I'm going to let you off with a warning. But next time you will NOT be so lucky. Got it?"
The two nodded, and Dave sighed, "Can we go now? I got stuff to do."
She sighed, and moved her hand in a 'shoo'ing motion.
The duo quickly left, only to meet right up with their friends. "What did she say?" Kandy asked, her head tipped pleadingly.
"She let us off with some warning. But what the hell. Like we give a shit." Dave muttered.
"Like, oh my gawd!! Get off me you emo freak!!" Kandy squealed in her best Tiffany impression. The group laughed and walked off to their first class.
"Hey guys," Cat whispered,"What do you say if we had ourselves some real fun?"