In Bloom

A chance of a lifetime

The band, Black Funeral, play a show and run into a scout from none other than Adeline records! What has he come to say..?

"I'd like to offer you a record deal. You'd have to come to Cali with me, and proform for the rest of the team..."
The foursome looked at each other for a second. Dave then shouted, at the very top of his lungs, "TOTALLY!" in the most preppy voice possible.
The agent laughed. The whole crowd, including a very insulted preppy bitch, stared at him. "OH FUCK OFF!"
"I'll take that as a yes?"
Cat nodded, and asked, "How long do we have to until we leave?"
The agent, who's name was John by the way, looked in a schedule book. After a few moments, he replied, "Until tonight. Is that alright with all of you?"
Kandy gave Cat a warning glance, then said, "We'll try to be packed around 12, ok?"
John nodded, and asked,"Where will I find you all?"
Jake gave the location of their hangout place, and John jotted it down. "Ok, I'll see you all then?"
Cat nodded, and murmured, "Could you guys help me pack? I'm gonna have to sneak out."
The three nodded, and off they went. To prepare for their long trip.

*12 o'clock*
The band waited for the agent to arrive.. Guitar cases, suitcases, backpacks... All their treasured belongings were there.
Finally, a black car with tinted windows pulled up... They climbed in. Off to their new lives in California...