‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 12


"SHUSH! The whole world can here you."

"So it's Malfoy? Are you sure?" Ron asked.


"So it's not Malfoy." He questioned.

"No I'm not sure. I think it's him. I waited until all the owls left to send him my reply. The owl went to him. But it still might be Blaise."

"How are we going to find out?" Harry asked.

"Hold on." I whistled and snapped twice and my owl Minnie appeared.

"Can you get me some parchment? and a quill?" I asked. She hooted and flew off. As soon as she came back I quickly wrote.

"I guess I missed you at the dance. I'm sorry."

"Send this to The Slytherin, who ever keeps owling me, got it?" She gave a quick hoot and left.

You bumped into me and ran off. I never got that dance.The revealing was great, you and Zambini, very surprising.

"Eww!" I screached.


"It is Malfoy." I said passing them the letter.


"Harry! Can I borrow you're invisibility cloak?"

"Yeah sure why?"

meet me out by the lake tonight at 11. I still owe you a dance. I tied it to Minnie's leg.

Sure. Keep your dress on It's beautiful.

"I'm going to see if it's really him. I don't believe this." I held up the letters. We walked back to the common room and relaxed by the fire. Soon everyonewas out of the common room and Harry got his cloak.

"10:58. Better get going. By guys!" I said pulling the cloak over my head. I walked outside to see a figure sitting on the bench.

"Malfoy." I whispered. The boys head snapped towards me.

"Taylor? Where are you?" I pulled the cloak off.

"It is you."

"What you didn't believe it could be me. "

"Not a chance!" He chuckled.

"So Taylor may I have this dance?" He put his arm out.

"Sure." We started waltzing, no music.

"This is kinda....."

"Romantic?" he put in.

"Creepy." I laughed.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because the great Draco Malfoy could never be nice."

"I can be when I want to be."

"That's not very often."

"That's because you hang out with Pothead, Weaslebee and his mud-blood girlfriend." I stopped and took a step back.

"Don't you ever insult them in front of me. Ever." I grabbed the cloak took out my wand.

"Stupefy" He flew back and I ran inside. When I got into the common room, I found Ron dozed off, Hermione reading, and Harry playing with his wand.

"Well?" Harry asked, Hermione looked up.

"It was Malfoy alright. It was sorta sweet until he insulted you guys, I stunned him and ran off."

"What he say?" Hermione asked.

"He said, why do you hang out with Pothead, Weaslebee, and his mud-blood girlfriend." Ron was up by this point.

"He's gonna pay for that." Ron mumbled.

"Here's your cloak Harry." I tossed hit to him.


"We should get to bed. " Hermione said getting up.

"Night guys." I said alking up the stairs.
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