‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 15

Kacy and I walked to the Gryffindor tower.

"Password." The lady said.

"Quitdditch." We walked in together and headed up to my room.

"So Ace. How's Hogwarts so far?"

"Fantabulous." She smiled.

"Well do you want to see the whole school? You only saw parts of it."

"Sure!" We walked around all the classrooms and then we went to the 7th floor.

"This is the ROR." She looked at me confused. "Room of Requirement."


"Think of anything...any kind of room." I said. She closed her eyes and the door appeared. We walked inside to find her bedroom.

"Kace you could've done anything and you picked your bedroom?"

"Well, duh. I wanted to show you my new walls, LIME GREEN!" I looked around and noticed a lot of things. She had a new couch, it was black, a green table with words written all over it in black sharpie. A pair of black converse with green laces, tied and hung from the ceiling. Black computer chair.

"Wow. I like it."

"I know!!!!" I thought of the DA room. It popped.

"What is this?" Kacy said looking around.

"Dumbledores Army, room. Our DADA teacher won't teach us, so we formed a club where Harry teaches us. You can't tell anyone! Definately not a Slytherin!"


"Because they would tell Umbridge and we would be expelled." She nodded.

"Can I join?" She asked.

"Sure! Let me teach you some now."

"This one diarms. Take out your wand. Expelliarmus." Her wand flew.

"Okay your turn."

"Expelliarmus." She said. Her wand flew mine stayed in my hand.

"Good, but concentrate a little more."

"Expelliarmus!" My wand flew and she still had hers in her hand.

"Great! now let's practice stunning. Stupefy." She fell backwards.

"Okay. Stupefy!" We both flew. "Stupefy!" Now, I just flew.

"YAY!" I smiled sarcastically

"Try those two again." We continued for about an hour practicing those two. We also practiced Levicorpus. I showed her where the Slytherin common room was.

"I don't know the password." We said at the same time.

"Try pureblood." The hole opened.

"Well bye." We hugged and I walked back to Gryffindor Tower.

"Hey Ron." I slipped into the recliner.

"Hey where were you?" Harry asked.

"With Kacy."

"You spend a lot of time with her." Hermione added.

"I just saw her today! The longest we've ever been apart was."

"Two seconds." I glared at Ron.

"Two weeks. It's been 3 months. I was just spending time with my friend."

"No need to be bitchy about it." Harry muttered under his breath, but I could hear him.

"Well me and my bitchiness are going upstairs!" I glared at Harry for a second and stormed up the stairs.

Hermione's P.O.V.

"What was that about? We didn't call her Bitchy." I said. Ron nodded, I looked to Harry.

"What! All I said was that she didn't have to bitchy about it."

"Good job Harry." I said sarcastically. I went upstairs to find the bathroom door locked.


"Go away."

"Come out Taylor." I heard something vibrate. Her phone. "Taylor, come out, now." I heard a click and I opened the door. I looked in to find tissues covered in black, pink, and many other colors. She was putting her makeup on.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's something My mom and I do when we're upset. We wipe all our makeup off, and put on more. Like a lot. and then we watch Miss Congeneality 1 and 2 with Moose Tracks Icecream." She said putting on eyeliner. She had a heavy black line, one blue and she was putting on a purple one. She had an olive sorta color eyeshadow and plum lipgloss.

"Well, come on. " I said putting on some eyeliner. She laughed.

"Your a great friend Hermione." She hugged me. I reassured her she was done and she started my makeup. She put on toner, black and brown eyeliner, purple and black eyeshadow. Silver lipgloss.

"We look ridiculous." I laughed.

"Hold on." She took out her wand and drew circles around my hair. It was now lime green.

"NO WAY." I glared.

"Fine do me." I made her hair pink. With the wave of her wand, something appeared on our beds

"Yes!" She jumped. She hooked up the TV to a DVD player and put in a movie.

"Moose Tracks?" She asked handing me a spoon. We had a gallon of it. We ate it all.


Taylor's P.O.V

"So what did you think?" I asked after the movie was done.

"Hi larious. I like the second one the most." I nodded.