‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 16

"So...how you feeling?" Hermione asked me.

"Better." I smiled.

"So what do you want to do now?" She asked.

"Um, I think we should get back to normal." I said gesturing to my hair.

"Me two!" We took the make-up off and changed are hair back, then we hopped onto our beds, sitting indian style.

"Cherry!" I called. My little calico cat, well now a cat punced onto my bed. I scratched her head while Hermione and I just talked.

"Hey do you have a pet?" I asked

"Yeah! Chrookshanks." She called. A big orange tabby cat jumped on her lap.

"Awww, how come Cherry and Crookshanks haven't met yet?"

"I don't know." She said.

"Well, we should get to bed." I said putting Cherry on the window seat.

"Yeah, Night taylor."


I woke up that night to find Gibbs on my head.

"Gibbs!" I yelled and he jumped onto the floor.

"What!" Hermione said jumping up from her bed.

"I was talking to the cat on my head." I said. She sighed. We got dressed and walked down to breakfast.

"Hi Lor!" Kacy said walking over to us.

"Hey Ace! Come sit." I said patting the seat next to me. Hermione sat across.

"So did you meet any Syltherins?" I asked.

"Yeah. I share a room with Pansy Parkinson, and I met Draco and Blaise." Hermione and I groaned.

"What?" She asked.

"Parkinson and Malfoy are like the meanest people ever."

"What about Blaise?" she asked

"Oh! he's nice." I said.

"Kacy!" I said when Harry and Ron came over. "Let me show you the letters." I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the Gryffindor tower.

"Here. Read these." I said shoving the letters into her lap.

"Who are these fro- LEMME SEE THE EARRINGS!" I showed her the gold earrings.

"Gorgeous. Who are these from?" She asked.

"The Slytherin. Draco Malfoy."

"Well he seems nice."

"NO! I went to see if it was really him and I said why aren't you nicer. And he was like, I would be if you didn't hang out with Pothead, Weaslebee and his mud-blood girlfriend."

"Whats a mud-blood?" She asked.

"Name for muggle born. Means dirty blood. It's like saying, Slut, whore, things like that" She gasped.

"Yeah. He's also got the reputation of the Sytherin Prince. Do you know how many girls have cried over him." She shook her head.

"Almost all of them. Except most Gryffindors."


"Yeah, so let's see your room." We walked to the dungeons, and into the common room. It was a huge room, with silver and green, well, everything.

"What are you doing here?" Parkinson asked.

"Scuse me Pansy we are going to our room." Kacy said pushing past her.

"You are not taking that to my room."

"that, is a person and it's my room too! So suck it up." We went into Kacy's room and relaxed on the floor.

"See what I mean?" I said.

"Yeah yeah."

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Umm, I don't know."

"Let's play ping pong!"


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