‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 21

The week continued on with Harry keeping up the DA. It was now Hogsmeade weekend and Taylor was getting ready in her room.

"Bye Hermione!" I called grabbing my bag and leaving. I met up with Blaise at the Three Broomsticks.

"Why Hello there Mr. Zambini."

"Why Hello, Ms. Swift!" We link arms.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall." We skipped like Dorothy and the Scarecrow. Although Blaise didn't fall over every 7 steps.

"Where are we??" I asked.

"Honeydukes. Best candy shop ever." He held the door open for me.

"Why thank you Blaise. WHOA." He chuckled.

"Get whatever you want." He said.

"I couldn't."

"I insist."

"Well okay." I said. I grabbed some chocolatte cauldrons, pumpkin pasties, and chocolatte frogs.

"Thank you."

"No problem, where to?"

"Three broomsticks? I could go for a butterbeer. "

"Okay but-"

"I'm Paying!" I yelled.

"Okayy." We got to the three broomsticks, ordered to butterbeers and sat down.

"So whats with Malfoy? Is there a reason he only uses last names?"

"Welllllll, I think it might be because if he used first names he would get close to people and well, he's a loner." I nodded.

"Why doesn't he just have friends, like a normal person!"

"I don't know."

"Well one thing, is that he literally goes from girl to girl." Blaise looked at me confused and I nodded in his direction. He turned around to see Kacy and Malfoy sitting in a booth, snogging.

"I feel bad for her." I said aloud.


"Because when he dumps her, she has Pansy to lean on." He snorted and nodded.

"Weren't you two best friends?"

"Yeah, well, some things change. Like her personality."

"What happened anyway? Who are Jane and Jesica?"

"Well, first off, we were having a ping pong tournament, and I went to get Ron and Hermione and well when we came back, she was ALL over him. He flipped out too."

"What about Jane and Jesica."

"I really don't wanna talk about it." He nodded. We continued on talking and went shopping for christmas.

Christmas List
Jane and Jesica: Matching scarves, hats and gloves. Ordered some honeydukes. Lockets.
Harry: Advanced Defense Agaisnt the Dark Arts book.
Hermione: Jewl bracelet (Red)
Ron: Candy.
Ginny: Jewl bracelet (Green)
Fred and George: Tons of Zonko stuff
Blaise: Green and Silver hat
Mom:Honeydukes and heart neckalace.


Two weeks passed Hermione and I wrapped all the gifts, worked on essays, and organized DA meetings. It was so boring that week but Christmas was getting closer and closer.

"Well Guys Great job!" I said, everyone clapped.

"Now this is our last meeting before Christmas." Groan. " But after the break we will be working on Patronuses." Cheer!

"Have a great break!" Hermione said. We walked out hearing ' Have a good christmas' and 'Thanks!'

"So! Are you guys coming to the party?" I asked walking back with Hermione and Ron.

"Yeah." They said.

"Great!" We got to the comon room and just relaxed until Harry came back.

"Well, how'd it go?" Ron asked.

"How'd what go?" I asked.

"It was.....wet." He said.

"Well....." Ron started.

"No like she was crying." Ron started laughing.

"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory. Cho's been upset lately." Hermione said.

"Thought a little snogging wouldv'e cheered her up."Ron said.

"She's got a lot on her mind. She's sad about Cedric dying, confused about liking Harry, guilty about kissing him, worried about Umbridge threatening her Mums job, nervous about her O.W.Ls and confused about everything else.!" Hermione shot back.

"No one could feel that much, they'd explode!" Ron said.

"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon." Hermione shot. It was silent for a few seconds before we all burst out laughing.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed." I said. I got up and went to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Just becuase you've got the emotinal range of a teaspoon!"