‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 3

"Proffeser Dolores Umbridge is now High Inquistor of Hogwarts." The front page of the paper read. Umbridge was making rules all over the place. More detentions were given and she was coming in classes watching and asking the teachers questions. It continued like this for awhile until today, Thursday. We were walking out of classes when we saw a rush of students going outside.

"Cho! Cho!" I heard Harry trying to get her attention. "Whats going on?"

"It's Professer Trelawney." She said worried. We walked outside to find Professer Trelawny shivering by a load of suitcases being put their by Filch. McGonagall ran over and was hugging a crying Trelawney.

"You can't do this. H-h-hogwarts is my home." she sobbed to Umbridge.

"Actually I Can." She said holding up her clipboard.

"What is going on here?" Professer Dumbledore asked storming out. Their was some talking I coudn't here. Damn my bad hearing.

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers, however you do not have the right ot banishh them from the grounds. That descision lies with the Headmaster and the Headmaster only." He said

"For now." She said walking away.

"Minerva please escourt Sibil back inside." He said. Trelawney was thanking him over and over. We all filed in and went back to the common room.

"Wow!" I sunk into the sofa.

"Umbridge is...is.. Well I don't know but she is....lets say evillll." Ron hissed at the end. Hermione did a evil 'Mwahhhahha' and we all looked at her.

"What? I can be fun." Smiling, Hermione took a seat on the couch next to Harry.

"I'm really glad we are doing this Defense thing." I said.

"Taylor." Harry sighed. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" He asked.

"Of course silly! We already have peo...never mind." I said quieting my voice. He gave us a questioning look and shrugged it off.

"Well nighty night boys!" I said kissing each of their cheeks. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." I said skipping to my room.


Horribly the weeek dragged on. Umbridge not letting us do anything.

"For those who would like to join the Inquistorial Squad for extra credit may sign up in my office." Slytherins joined and some Goody Two Shoes. Mostly Draco and his goons.

Finally we got to the weekend and we couldn't wait to get to the Hogs Head.