‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 6

We were sitting in the common room. When Harry decided that we would have a DA meeting tonight. Hermione and I took out our coins and took out our wands. We just touched it and it turned silver and back to gold.

"OW." Ron threw his coin to the ground. We laughed a little and waited for some of the Gryffindors to come into the common room before going to the ROR.

"When we got there we lined up. Harry put Nigel, a third year, by the fire and Harry walked to the other side of the room.

"Stunning is one of the most usefull spells, it's sorta a wizards bread and butter really, so um. Come on then Nigel. give me your best shot." Harry said,

"Stupefy!" He and Harry flew backwards hitting the grround with a hard thump.

"good, Not bad at all Nigel." Harry sighed getting up.

"Ron, Hermione you next." Harry said. They met in the middle and started whispering. Last thing I heard was, 'Thanks Ronald.' Hermione said sarcastically. they walked to each end of the room, wands at the ready. You could here thee Twins " Come one Ron."

"5 sickles he wins." the twins whispered to me. "Your on." I smiled. Ron went to stun her but Hermione was to fast.

"Stupefy." and he flew backwards while Hermione soon, became crowded by girls congratulating her.

"Pay up." I whispered to the twins.

"Oh, shut up." They said giving me each five sickles, I thought they would just give me five together but, Hey, more for me.

"I let her do that. Good manners" Ron mumbled I went to join Hermione laughing at Ron.

"Taylor and George." Harry grinned. Just Great! George looked surprised, I smiled taking my place.

"Is ickle Georgiekins afraid of being stunned by a girl." I teased, getting the whole lot to laugh.

"2 sickles Taylor wins." I heard Fred whisper to Ron.

" Stupefy!" It hit him square in the chest, he not only flew in the air. But he hit the wall and then the floor with a crack. I strutted over to him, and whispered in his ear.

"You got what you deserved Weasley, you wait, you right foul git." I walked back to Hermione and watched the others continue to stun.
We walked out the side door of the ROR with Nigel keeping watch. We all went back to our common rooms. I slumped into a recliner with the rest of the crew. Fred and George took the couch with Ginny and Ron, Hermione, Harry and I all found the big comfy chairs..

"Whats wrong with you George?" Ron asked.

"You look liked you've been punched in the face." Fred added.

"'Nothing." He mummbled looking down. They all looked to me.

"What?!? I didn't do anything." they looked away except Hermione who gave me a questiong look.

"So Fred.You lost Five sickles and gained 2, where do you get the money to bet. Must be loosing a lot now, I here you make bets every Quidditch game, even tho we don't play any more." I sighed.

"Oh you'll see soon enough." He smiled.

"wait you got two sickles? Where was I?" George whined.

"On the floor." Fred laughed.

"Who'd you get 2 sickles from?" He asked.

"Me." Ron said.

"RONALD WEASLEY!" I excaimed

"What no Bilius?" Ginny asked.

"Thanks Gin. That's what I was looking for. RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY."


"I don't know. Oh yeah. Do you doubt my wizard dueling skills you would bet against me."

"How'd you know I bet against you?"

"AHA I didn't but know I do. After Hermione whooped your sorry arse you dare to bet against me!"

"Hey! i let her win!" He smiled.

"YOU DID NOT! I BEAT YOU AND YOUR TO PROUD TO SAY SO." Hermione yelled running up stairs, a tear running down her face.

"Hermione!" Ron said running after her. Slipping down the stairs a few times until he got up. I ran behind them, locked the door with a spell only the one who cast it could remove. I came back down to find a worried group of red-heads.

"Oh don't worry. We planned that" I said cooly.

"What?" ginny asked confused.

"Ill explain later." I said.

"Halloween's coming up!" Ginny said,

"Yeah so." Fred said,

"Dumbledore said there would a surprise this Halloween." Ginny said.

"Let me out!"

"Well, thats Ron." I said,

"Let me Try!"

"And thats Hermione." Harry laughed.

"Talor Swift you let us out right now!" they both yelled. Harry and I walked to my door. I lifted the lock and we went inside the room. I locked it again.

"Not until you to kiss and makke up." I said sitting on my bed. Harry cracked a smile and sat on my bed as well.

"Hermione, look, I'm sorry I said I'll go easy on you and that I let you win." Ron said looking her in the eye.

"Apology accepted Ron." She said giving him a hug.

"Can I go now?" Ron asked. Hermione acked his head.

"not until you kiss and makeup" I smiled.

"but we already made up." Hermione said. "Oh." she said looking down. It took a while for Ron to get it but he did.

"You guys can stay here all night, I'm wiling to wait." I said lying down.

"what about me?" Harry asked. I scooted over and patted next to me. He hesitated but layed down. I propped my self up on one elbow so I could see over Harry.

"Come on." I said.

"fine." they sighed. Ron took a stpe towards Hermione, she did the same. They finally closed the gap between them. Ron hooked his arm around Hermione's waist bringing her closer as Hermione played with his hair. Harry made a gagging sound, to low so they couldn't here. I giggled.

"I said kiss and makeup I didn't say snog the night away." I said lying back down putting my arms behind my head. wacking Harry in the process.


"Sorry." I laughed as Hermione and Ron turned scarlet.

"Can you let us out now?" Ron asked.

"Yeah sure." I walked over to the door and just turned the knob, it swung open.

"now, lessson learned, I left the door open when we came in. Always double check."

"Night Boys." I said going back to my bed.

"Night Girls." Harry said walking out.

"Goodnight Hermione."

"Goodnight Ron."