‹ Prequel: Should've Said No

Picture to Burn

Chapter 8

Hermione and I walked down to Hogsmeade bundled up with scarves and hats. We went without Harry and Ron because we were getting our dresses. We walked to this little boutique across from Zonko's.

"Hermione! Whats your mask look like?"

"Oh here." She said handing me the box. Her mask was gorgeous! I Loved it.

"Wow!" I said.

"what about yours?" She asked.

"Here." she gasped at my mask

"It's beautiful!" She stared in awe.

"Excuse me, Madame. We were wondering if you had any bal-" I started but was interupted by the saleswoman

"Ball gowns for Hogwarts? Let me see your masks." She said.

"Oh wow. Prettiest ones today. Here, love, the red mask." She handed me a beautiful red strapless dress, with a diamond pin that held the scrunched material at the waist.

"and the silver." She gave Hermione this strapless pinkish purple dress with black lace over it, with a big black bow on the side.

"I'll take it!" We said together. these are our dresses

"Here matching shoes." She said handing Hermione a pair of silver heels and handing me a pair of red heels with a bow. We payed and thanked her for the dresses. We decided to have a butterbeer before we went walking around.

"Two butterbeers please." I said to Madame Rosemerta.

"Well, dearys, you girls gettin' ready for the ball?" she asked handing us our drinks.

"Yes." We nodded. We took a seat at a table for four.

"I can't wait! Halloween is next week!" I said taking a huge gulp from my drink.

"It' is going to be awesome. I wonder who we will be with when we reveal our masks." She said taking a small sip from her butterbeer. When the door opened I saw Harry and Ron walk in, I waved them over and they came after getting their drinks.

"Hey guys." Harry said sitting next to me.

"Hi. So whats up with him?" I asked Harry noticing a grumpy Ron.

"He said he doesn't like his mask." Harry whispered.


"Ron what's wrong?" Hermione asked him.

"nothing." She took his chin and pulled it up so he was looking her in the eye.

"whats wrong?" she asked again.

"It's my stupid mask. It's Orange." I did a spit take, luckily to the side of Hermione, and giggled a little.

"So?" Hermione asked.

"So my head is going to look like a pumpkin!" I laughed even more.

"Ron, if you want I know a speel to change your hair color when you put the mask on. when you take the mask off your hair will go back to normal." I said.

"Really!" He cheered up.

"Yeah, it's masquerade lilique and you say the color you want your hair." I said trying to wipe off the table.

"Thanks." We finished our drinks and went to Honeydukes and Zonkos. We walked bback to Hogwarts for dinner.

I can't wait for the Ball, How about you? Here is a pair of earrings to go with your mask. I hope I have the right color.
Much Love,
The Slytherin

they were beautiful

"Hermione." I tapped her shoulder.

"What?" I waved the letter and she grabbed it. She read it and smiled.

"Let me see them." she said. I gave her the box and she gasped.

"What?" Harry asked sitting down. I gave him the letter because Hermione was still staring at the earrings.

"What did it come with?" He asked.

"These." Hermione said showing him the earrings.

"Damn." I looked at Harry in confusion. "This means he's rich. That doesn't help because Zambini and Malfoy are both rich." He said.

"OH!" I sighed. He laughed.


The next couple days were kinda boring. It was friday and the dance was tomorrow. I was getting notes all week.

Ello Sunshine. Still haven't figured me out? maybe at the dance we'll find eachother.

Taylor. I love how you are wearing my earrings. figured me out? Your running out of time. At the dance I'm revealing my sef and I don't want to see you in shock.

Still no answer, I figured you would've asked me by now. But then again you are probably saying, if I asked him he would laugh.

Love you, The Slytherin