Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight

Later that day, back at home, I was getting ready to go to Dave’s. I jumped into the shower again, did my hair and got ready. After an hour and a half of basically making myself took decent. I realised the time. 4.30pm. I ran downstairs got my shoes on, collected my phone, wallet and a half bottle of Jack Daniels that I had left from drinking alone at home. Real lonely times.

I left the house and started quick walking to the bus stop, hoping to not miss the 4:45 bus. I sparked up a fag and started jogging whilst finding my phone to check the time. 4:43. Before I could even be bothered to put my phone in my pocket I started running as fast as I could to my stop. I cane to the T junction, across the road from where I was going to catch my bus. I looked to the left to see the bus was coming at me, and fast. I was basically playing chicken with my life as I crossed the duel carriage road and just made it to the stop, just in time to hold my hand out to pull the bus.

About 10 minuets later I got off the bus and instead of hitting fresh air it was the smell of the Chinese at the other side of the road. I had to go without even thinking twice. Just something to fill the hole bubbling away in my stomach. Egg Fried Rice, with Beef and Black Bean Sauce. It was heaven. A fue doors down was the off-licence, a create of cider was on the agenda. At £5 for 8 cans, my wallet couldn’t complain at all. So with my stomach filled and booze in my hand, I was off for the 2 minuet walk to Dave’s.

I got to Dave’s thinking I was ‘fashionably late’ at 5:15, but there was only 6/7 people there. Jimmy, Carl, Martin, Francis, Holly and Dave were in the pool room. All of these were really good friends of mine at school. They had music blaring though the stereo and I could hardly hear anything but music.

‘Guy’s! Where is everyone?!’

Dave paused the music.

‘Yo dude, glad you could make it’
‘Heyup, where is everyone?
‘Through in the, the, the thingy. Living room! that’s the one’

Everyone laughed at Dave’s mind blank.

‘Hahahaha, one too many already Dave?’ Martin shouted across the room
‘Not Quite’ Dave giggled again ‘ You need to see the stash of booze!’

Dave took me though the lounge where about 15 people were sat around on the sofa and floor and the odd fue stood up. I lifted my arm, saluted everyone and said hi to them all. Meanwhile I realised that Dave was showing me the amount of booze he had. I rushed off into the kitchen where he had the fridge door wide open. There was no space at all in the whole of the fridge. Baring in mind the fridge was about 5 ft tall and twice the width of a standard fridge.

‘ That isn’t even everything mate. Nowhere near!’

He walked me though to the cellar. About 4 creates of beer and larger were stacked up as well as 5 creates of Alco-pops. I was gob-smacked.

‘OH MY DAYS!, this is like a create a person’
‘No it aint, there’s another 20 odd people definitely coming with more booze and the odd fue that wont bring any. There’s just enough for us all to get wasted.’
‘So yeah, help yourself’
‘Oh don’t worry I will. Hahaha’

Dave went back to the pool room whilst I mingled with the people in the living room. I opened my first can and I got talking to Jay between the doorway to the pool room and the table in the living room.

‘Jacob’s coming with two lasses today ya’know! Never herd or seen ‘em, but apparently the pretty fit!’
‘Dude this is Jacob, he never gets his hands on fit girls, it never happens’
‘ Well that’s what everyone said, but a fue people have been quite shocked when they found out who it was. Jasmine and Laura.’
‘Laura, that name rings a bell. No idea about Jasmine. But the Laura lass aint much to look at to be honest, so possibly not the person I’m thinking of.’
‘Ah, Speak of the devil! Look who’s here.’

Jacob walked through the door, but with no lasses. Jay questioned him.

‘So dude where’s the lasses I’ve been hearing about?’
‘Just getting there shoes off, I think’
‘Ah fair enough’
‘The blonde haired one is Laura, the brown haired one is Jasmine’

At this point I was oblivious to the girls, and was drinking my second can. I browsed round the room to see what others were doing, and by the time I looked back Laura was stood there and within a split second we were looking into each others eyes. She was totally beautiful. Her dark hazel eyes had me in a trance. I didn’t want to look away. She looked back in a slightly confused and shocked way. But behind the shock and confusion on her face, I could see straight into and though her eyes and saw the love she had for me. As shocked as we both were I had to at least say hi. That I thort didn’t go too well.

After the quick introduction, all though the night, I saw her eyes and smile, and fell more and more in love. Even when she didn’t look back at me. Throughout the night I continued to question myself, what to do, I thought she knew how I felt. But all night I couldn’t pluck up the courage even though I was getting more and more drunk. I wandered into a bedroom where I saw Laura and her mate Jasmine, laid out in the bed. It was a double bed which somehow made me think it’s ok to just jump into the bed with them.

I got into the bed at the side of Laura and from this moment on I couldn’t remember a thing. I just remembered waking up, between them both but I was cuddled up to Laura and I had the words biggest headache. I somehow woke Laura, and we just cuddled and kissed till I fell back asleep. As far as first impression are concerned, for her to be like this shocked my quite a bit. But I was happy to know that she had the same feelings I had for her. I just wondered weather she would feel the same for me in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so everyone knows, there will be one more chapter that i know of, unless i decide to carry it on.
again critisism etc much apreciated :)
Lovage xxxx