Status: hiatus. starting anew with other stories, i'll get back to this if i feel like it.

Color Me Blue I'm Lost In You

Happy Anniversary.

"Wakey, WAKEY!"
Gasping, I shot up out of bed, waving my arms and legs like a maniac.

"What the heck?!"
I glared around the room,
finally landing on the culprit.

"I dislike you so much right now."

Nick smiled, and went to go sit on th edge of the queen bed.
"Well good morning to you too, sunshine!"

After immaturely sticking out my tounge, i swung out of bed.
"Good morning to you to, dear."

I picked up my comb, and started to brush my hair.
"May i ask, what are you doing in my house?"
I turned to ask him.

His expression turned to stone.
"You honestly don't know?"

I put down the comb, and sat up on the vanity table top.
I shrugged and shook my head, "No."

Nick sighed, and dramatically put his head in his hands.
"Just.. look at the calendar."

Skeptical, i turned my head.
Sure enough, June 16, 2009.
Our 7 year friend-iversary.

I smiled to myself,
i must be really convincing.
like i would really forget.

I faked shock, hands on the sides of my face.
"Oh, no!" i smiled afterwards, and reached into the vanity drawer.
I pulled out a shiny giftwrapped box, and tossed it over to him.
Plopping down next to him, i bumped him softly, and spoke quietly,
"Like i could forget. Got the gift weeks ago."

I could feel him smile down at me,
and my stomach erupted suddenly with butterflies.

It’s officially been 7 years and i still couldn't get over it.

The drawer i took the present out of is his own drawer.
Although, there's only ever been at most 4 things in it.
A notebook, binoculars, a pen, and a friend-iversary gift.

Distracting me, Nick was bouncing like a little school girl in a Hello Kitty store.
"You. Got. Me. A. Gift!"
He hugged me and i turned pink.

I laughed, and rubbed my arm.
"I've been giving you presents on June 16th for 7 years now. Shouldn't be too much of a surprise."

He picked up his present again, and grinned down at it.
"Yeah, i know. But its still really sweet."

I grinned, and took it from his hands.
He furrowed his eye brows.
"Ah, ah ahhh. What do you say?"

He slumped and sighed.

I laughed, “And?"

He looked at me and smiled extra sweetly.
"Thank you, Emmy."

I smirked, and handed the shiny box back to him.
pinching his cheeks, "There's a good little boy!" i cooed to his face.

He slapped away my hands, and laughed a little.
"Now go get ready. You look terrible!"

Now it was my turn to be confused.
I was about to ask where we were going, but he just shoved me an outfit that was hanging from the closet, and walked out of the room.

You see, that was out friend-iversary bargain we made when we were little. I got a gift, and he brought me out to breakfast.

I slipped on the clothes, and went to go brush my teeth.
On the mirror, a big yellow post-it was planted right in the middle.

If you're reading this, it's our FRIEND-IVERSARY!!
Go outside as soon as you read this.


I brushed quickly, then ran out of the room towards this year's surprise.