Status: Finished

Nerds, Love, and Music.

So it's been two years. Davie's eighteen. She's signed a recording contract. She's got a great boyfriend. Taylor, Baileigh, and Austin are still her friends. Everything's great, right? You don't know just how wrong you are, hunny bunch. Fame isn't exactly what she thought it would be. Yeah there's the glamour, the whole doing what you love thing, and all that good stuff, but there's still the paparazzi and the fact that if she gets a call in the middle of the night telling her to come in to meet someone important, she better be there no matter how much it pisses off Logan. Will she lose her boyfriend? Will she be with the wonderful new guy that just entered her life and is willing to give her everything she wants and more? Or will she remember how to be the old Davie she's always been?

I Do Not Own Breathe Electric Or Any Other Famous People In This Story. Other Characters and Plot Copyright: DavieTwoShoes. I dare you to try and copy. I'll kick your fucking nipples off and feed them to my ferret. Don't believe me just try it.

Everybody looks different. Its been two years things change.

the chapter titles are in italian in case you guys are all like WTF??? but the story is in english. My major mondo bad. i was thinking about the chapter titles for my other story that are in french. i think there's been a misunderstanding in one of the old chapter titles that said "Note To Self" since their aren't supposed to be any Author's Note chapters, ya'know? So i changed them all to italian coz i like italian! whoooooo!!!