The Great Escape

Everyone makes mistakes...right? People do things that they never would unless they were in such a horrible situation and weren't thinking straight...right? But is that okay? To make mistakes, and not take them back? Not only not take them back, but even if you could change it, keep it the same. And that's not even half of it!

Every year after the DC Games the major Disney stars are required to go to a camp together. Since the games were canceled this year, Disney has decided to go straight to camp. Everyone has meals together, takes acting classes together, and has bonding sessions together. It's a way for Disney star to get to know and befriend each other in case they have to work together in the future. But everyone knows that there's always clicks, and there's always a queen bee that no one wants to upset. Even if it's a camp that's all about "boding", it's still a camp full of teenagers who make their own rules.

How are things going to work? Everyone has majorly messed up, and no one knows if Chloe's going to live or die. And who was it that poisoned her while we're at it? How is everyone going to cope with everything?