Definition of Trouble

Phone the Police

"Okay now, since you saved us Payton, you make the phone call to the police." Mikey said.

"oh fine." i sadi and left the table with my coffee in hand.

No one could take it away from me now!!! Mu ha ha ha ha!! I thought to myself.

I got to the counter and asked where the neasrest phone was. It was in the back.

i went to the phone and dialed 911.

I answered all the ladies questions.
She finally asked asked where I was and I said I had no idea. i didn't even know where we were taken. We had made our escape.

She said she got my location now and police officers will be on there way.

"okay, thanks" I said and hung up.

I went back to my new friends and said police are on there way.

everyone cheered except Frankie.

comments please. Sorry this is so short.