Who's She; And What's With Sasuke?

o1: Beginning Of My 'New' Life


I walked through the sliding doors, and blissfully headed to my guardian.
"Hey, Kakashi. Since you won't be home later, what do you want for dinner?" I questioned.
"You know what I want, Kaida." Kakashi smarty-headed replied.
"I know, but if I don't want to look like a freak, tell me for real." I demanded. He was thinking that I should go to the ramen place and pick up some to-go ramen.
"Ok, I would like ramen. Duh," he said not even looking up form his 'pervert' book.
"Thank you."
"Please sit down with someone, Kaida. Make some friends, at least one." He mumbled. I just sighed.
"Kaida!" Iruka called over. "Come here!" I paced over to him, irritated that he said my name aloud like that.
"What?" I snapped. "And don't say my name in public like that, please."
"You don't have to be so bossy, jeez." He teased. "I need you to do me a favor; deliver these to Kakashi later. I need him to see them at a good time. Like, when he comes home or something." He handed me an envelope full of papers. I grabbed them and walked over to Kakashi.
"Here," I said in a small tone as I tossed the documents onto the desk where Kakashi was. "From Iruka. Don't ask; oh, and don't read them until you get home, ok?"
"Sure." He replied. It was like he didn't notice anything was happening, as if hypnotized or something.
"Kaida!" A boy with brown hair and red 'make-up' on his face was calling over to me. "Come here!"
"Go, Kiba is a good student. He's also nice, so he's all-around good." Oh God, my guardian is a match-maker. Disregarding Kakashi's blindness of opposites, I made my way to Kiba and sat down next to him.
"Hey," I muttered.
"What? Was I you're last choice or something?" He was confused with my irritation.
"Actually, my only choice was an empty row, and isolation. But, it seems Kakashi is a match-maker."
"Oh." He sighed. "How?"
"He kept trying to convince me that you are an 'all around good guy'."
"Do you believe him?" I couldn't really tell because of the triangles on his face, but I think he was blushing. His thoughts were stuff like: 'Oh my gosh, she's gorgeous, why isn't she by Sasuke?' and 'I wonder if she would go out on a date with me.'
"How could I say that, when I barely know you?"


"How could I say that when I barely know you?" She asked, looking at me blankly. I saw Sasuke staring at her when I was trying to think of something to say back.
"Uh-oh." I immediately said.
"Sasuke Uchiha is staring at you. Ha..." He is probably wondering why a beautiful girl isn't drooling over him right now.
"Who?" She asked, clearly confused.
"The kid who's covered with adoring fangirls." I answered.
"Hmph. I hate them." She growled.
"I bet he's wondering why you aren't stalking him, or obsessing over him. I don't blame him, you are too pretty to be ignored."
"Well, he can wonder whatever the hell he-- Wait. Did you just call me pretty? As in a compliment?" She looked puzzled. Yeah right like she's never been complimented before.
"Um, yeah. But that is an understatement. You're beautiful." She looked down and I thought she was bothered by that. "I see I may have went too far..?"
"No, it's ok. I just... I don't get that often. I don't really talk enough to get complimented." Well, that was a tad bit surprising. I didn't need to talk to her to think she was pretty. That was sorta... Automatic, I guess. She smiled.


"No, it's ok. I just... I don't get that often." I reassured him. "I don't really talk enough to get complimented."
That's surprising, he thought. I didn't need to talk to her to think she was pretty. That was sorta... Automatic, I guess.
Oh, WOW!! I may be smiling on the outside, but I am cracking up like hell on the inside! I wanted to burst out laughing, but Kakashi wanted me to make friends, not lose them. "That's really sweet."
"Ugh, Sasuke heard me. He must be interested in you." He assumed. I turned my head to get a good glance of the Sasuke dude. I let my eyes and mind do their work. As soon as I got the information I needed, his thoughts were available.
Who is she? Why is she here? Thank goodness she's not a fangirl. I'd probably commit suicide.
I laughed at that. He caught that and I quickly looked away. Dammit, I can't grasp his thoughts, I must be facing him.
"What's wrong?" Kiba imposed.
"Oh nothing. Just a thought." I said, grinning at my wording.
"Ok then. Heh, Sasuke wants to talk to you."
"How do you know?" He revealed nothing in his thoughts.
"He just said 'Back off, I want to talk to her.' And he is coming over here."
"Oh, ok." I stood up and turned around. Out of nowhere, a boy with onyx eyes, and black...ish hair, was by me.
"I need to talk to you." He said, emotions blocked. He was anxious to tell me something. But I couldn't get what it was.
"Ok." I followed him to the hallway. I looked at him, and I immediately knew his past was identical to mine.
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Yes, I know. Extremely short. BUT, this was from a while ago when I was just starting to get the hang of writing stories online. Now, I like to make reallllly long stories that annoy the shit outta people. x)