Who's She; And What's With Sasuke?

o4: I Warned Her, And You Know It

RECAP- Sasuke and Kiba now hate each other's guts, Kaida met Shika, Kaida told Kiba about the deal, and now Kaida and Kiba are going to Ichiraku's Ramen Shop.
*Onwards to the Chapta!*
Kiba: "Oh! Kaida. Sasuke had to go for some training issue, so it's just you and me going to lunch."
Kaida: "Cool." He took my hand and entwined his fingers with mine. We slowly walked to the Ramen Shop, enjoying our time together peacefully.
We got there, and Kiba had a small bowl of ramen, while Akamaru had some beef.
Kiba: "You sure you don't want anything to eat?"
Kaida: "I'm fine. Besides, you're cute when you eat." He blushed and looked away. "Aww, you're embarrassed."
Kiba: "So? You never blush. That's weird."
Kaida: "Blushing isn't part of me. My hormones aren't used to having these feelings, yet." He choked on a noodle when I said 'hormones.'
Kiba: "I guess we'll have to fix that." When he was done we decided to just chillax. Soon, a small pale-eyed girl walked up to Kiba. I'm assuming it was Hinata, judging by her eyes, since I already knew of the Hyuga cousins.
Hinata: "Kiba.. S-Sakura is..." She looked up at me and stopped twiddling with her fingers for a brief moment. "Uh... You're that.. N-new genin.. Right?" Her voice was soft, and I could see how self-conscious she was of herself.
Kaida: "Hmph. I'm famous."
Hinata: "A-anyway... Sakura, is h-having a party. K-Kiba, you're i-invited..."
Kaida: "Sorry, sweet-pea, but, uh, if he goes, I go. So, you can go warn Sakura that the party's gettin a little spiced up tonight."
Hinata: "Uh, o-okay. S-see you there."
Kiba: "Well, this is gonna be a fun day for us, now isn't it?"
Kaida: "Yep. It's time to crash that bitch's lil party." We walked to her house nonchalantly as if we were invited. We walked in... And if you could see Sakura's face... You would probably die of laughter.
Why, why is she here!? I told Hinata either invite Kiba or neither of them!! Gaah!!! She's dead!- Sakura screamed in her head. She brought Hinata to the hall, and everyone, even the people in Iwagakure could hear her scream at Hinata.
Sakura: "GAAAH!!!! HINATA!!! I SAID KIBA ONLY!!! WHY DID YOU INVITE HER!?" Sakura stampeded out of the hall, leaving Hinata 'bout ready to cry. She walked up to me, aggravated. "Kaida. You were not invited."
Kaida: "And...?"
Sakura: "This is a private party."
Kaida: "And....?
Sakura: "You shouldn't be here."
Kaida: "All I'm hearing is 'blah blah blah, pippity pop.' So, uh, good luck with that."
Sakura: "Ugh. Whatever, stay. I don't care anyway." She walked away.
Kaida: "Aww. And I thought we were gonna have to fight." I went over to the couch and had a small conversation with Kiba when,
Ino: "Okay.. Let's play a game!"
Kaida: "Yippee."
Kiba: "Maybe it'll be fun."
Kaida: "Well, I'm not playing." Then, Sasuke walked in.
Ino: "Sasuke! Just in time!" She ran over to him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him in.
Sasuke: "Where's Kaida?" She paused.
Ino: "You came here for her?"
Sasuke: "Yep."
Kaida: "What's wrong, Ino?"
Ino: "Almost every girl in Konoha wants to be his girl, and he's practically devoting himself to you. And you're with Kiba?"
Kaida: "For now, yes." All of the fangirls looked at me with death in their eyes. "Hey, that's my look!"
Ino: "Whatever, let's just continue the party."
Kaida: "What about the game?" I faked like I was wanting to play, but in a sarcastic manner.
Ino: "Thanks for reminding me, Kaida. We will now play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Konoha Style!"
Kaida: "Konoha style?"
Ino: "It's thirty minutes now."
Kaida: "Lovely." She noticed me rolling my eyes.
Ino: "Guys, put one thing of yours into this hat, and I'll choose the victim." She nonchalantly walked over to me. "Kaida-"
Kaida: "No."
Ino: "I didn't even get to speak!"
Kaida: "And...?"
Ino: "You're first."
Kaida: "No." Some guy brought her the hat.
Ino: "Yes."
Kaida: "Don't make me bite you."
Ino: "Do it." She shook the hat.
Kaida: "Fine. But if I kill the guy, I was under pressure. So, you've all been warned." I grabbed the first thing my hand felt in the hat. It was a folded paper. I unfolded the paper to see a beautiful drawing of a lotus. "Pretty."
?: "Yeah! That's me!!!" A hyperactive guy who looked like he was on crack jumped up. He was wearing his red headband around his waist, which was probably suffocating under all that green spandex. "I'm Rock Lee and I have been cho-"
Kaida: "Yeah, no one cares. Let's get this over with." I walked in the closet, pissed that I had to defy Kiba like this. Lee followed me into the darkness. The door shut, and the small click of the lock was heard.
Lee: "Why aren't you youthful, Kaida?"
Kaida: "Why aren't you normal, Lee?"
Lee: "Normal is not youthful, it's better to be different from others if it means having your own choice on things."
Kaida: "I'm as different as any person in this house, and I was FORCED to join this game. So, guess what. You're wrong. Youth is just an excuse for hyperactive kids with an act for screaming and yelling out random things."
Lee: "Do you really think that?" I heard the hurt in his voice, and I knew if I didn't patch this up, I would be a simple bitch who practically ruined the dreams of a boy who never intentionally hurt anyone emotionally. DAMNIT!
Kaida: "Listen, Lee. You're right. It's good to be different. And I agree. But, I'm not like other people. I'm as pessimistic as it gets, and I can't change the fact that I don't like my youth. I'd rather be a chunin right now, but I'm not. And, it's not going to happen any time soon. I'm sorry to tell you this, but, I'm not a youthful person, and I don't want to hurt you. Please understand. It would be... Youthful? If you did...?" He sighed.
Lee: "Of course I understand, Kaida. And I'm sorry for you having to be in here with me."
Kaida: "Why? What's wrong with you that I have to deal with?"
Lee: "I'm not like Sasuke, I'm not as attractive, I don't have fangirls who chase me down or steal locks of my hair in the middle of the night..." People do that? Ick. "... And I guess its hard being stuck in a closet with a guy like me and I hope you won't count me as an enemy." I felt bad for the guy.
Kaida: "Lee, you are a very nice guy. You have amazing goals, and you are an awesome person. Your intentions are great, and you should be who you think you are. Not who others want you to be. I'm really sorry if I offended you... So, uh... Man, I suck at helping people." I mentally slapped my head for trying to pep him up. I then sighed, showing my brief aggravation for my choice of words. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked straight ahead to see Lee, with tears in his eyes and a big smile on his face.
Lee: "No, you don't Kaida. That was amazing. No one but Gai sensei has ever said that to me. And I thank you greatly. I think you are on the way to discover great youth." I grinned a little.
Kaida: "Thanks." Then, the door opened.
Ino: "Is he dead?"
Kaida: "Almost, I think he might pass out from a lack of youth." I smirked at his expression and he smiled back.
Lee: "Youth!" I walked out of the closet and over to Kiba. Sasuke withdrawn from playing until Ino threatened to kiss him. He reluctantly gave up and took something out from the hat.
It was a sparkly pink ribbon with a rose on it. I almost puked; it was one of the ugliest not-alive objects I've ever seen. Although, it is prettier than Sakura. Speaking of Sakura,
Sakura: "EEEEE!! That's mee!!!! Yayy, Sasuke!" She grabbed his arm and dragged him into the closet. I didn't mind, it was probably rigged anyway. Ino sighed and shut the door grimacing. About approx. 6 minutes and 43 seconds later, Sasuke came out. He had picked the lock. ((ROFLMAO!))
Ino: "Not that I mind much, but that's cheating!" Sasuke walked to me.
Sasuke: "So? She tried to kiss me."
Ino: "Good point." Sakura walked out of the closet, totally embarrassed. But, the party ((game)) still continued. After everyone had a chance to go, Ino wanted to make Sakura suffer even more;
Ino: "Okay, Sakura. You're going again. Since you didn't get a fair turn. So, pick." She gave Sakura the hat, and Sakura pulled out a very familiar dog tag. Wanna know why it was so familiar? Well, you're about to find out.
Sakura's frown turned into a devious smirk.
Sakura: "This is gonna be good." Kiba got up with a worried look. "Come on Kiba, we've got thirty minutes ALL alone." I stopped Kiba from walking to her.
Kaida: "Not if I can help it."
Sakura: "What? Can't deal with the fact that he may leave you for me?"
Kaida: "I am not about to live a life that you are going to try to ruin. So, either forfeit or choose again."
Sakura: "No. You can't hurt me. You may be little miss perfect because you have a sensei as a father-" I appeared behind her with a kunai to her neck.
Kaida: "One, I am not even close to perfect. Neither are you. Two, I can hurt you with as little of my strength as possible, and you still won't have a clue about what happened. So, don't test me. Three, he is not my father. He found me, after I was abandoned and labeled as demented. Don't make me want to deminish your existence."
Sakura: "Fine! I want to fight." I took the kunai off of her neck, and she turned around. "Yeah, you're fast. So what? I can beat you with my eyes closed! You just think you're better than all of us because you've been personally trained, well you aren't!"
She hurt me.... Bad. But now, now I will hurt her worse!
Kaida: "Fine. Let's fight. Down at the end of the hill. Bring some medical ninja, you'll need it." I walked out of the house, with Sakura and the rest of the party following. When we reached the hill, I told everyone to back up. When everyone was in a good distance from us, I did my poison cage jutsu. A large, thick wall of purple poison surrounded us.
Sakura: "Hmm, so you specialize in poison, eh? Not bad." She took out kunai and shuriken.
Kaida: "Good luck. Someone start it." Kiba stood forward.
Kiba: "I will. Ready... Go!" Akamaru barked, wanting to help. Sakura immediately threw three shuriken at the top half of my body, and two kunai at my lower half. I caught the shuriken while jumping and stepping directly on the kunai. I threw the shuriken back at her, when she didn't see it coming. Two stabbed her arms, and one barely cut the side of her neck. I took out four senbon, and aimed at four critical spots on her body. I threw one at each wrist, and on at her neck, and the last at one of her ankles. She screeched in pain and fell to the floor. But, dismissing the blood ((which was making me crazy)) she got up and took out another kunai, running at me with it. I took out my own kunai, and also tried to hit her with it. Our attempts deflected, and I swung my leg low while spinning, causing her to fall to the ground. I stepped on her chest, causing her breathing to be less sufficient.
Even with unsuccessful breathing, she decided to make me homocidal.
Sakura: "See? You don't know when to stop! You are worthless to Konoha! Before anyone heard about you, no one was scared to leave their homes! I mean, yeah they knew of you, but they knew you didn't get out much, so no one cared. Sasuke was even close to being mine! And you ruined it! You ruined everyone's life Kaida. You are a good for nothing, gothic, emo, demented, suicidal idiot who can't help anyone but herself. So, good luck in Hell!" That's it! I took out my senbon, well more of it.
Kaida: "That may be true, but I'm not the one dying today, now am I?" I threw the poison senbon at every pressure point in her neck that I could find. "Bye bye, Sakura."
I felt the blood splatter on me, and heard the sound of the needles meeting the bare flesh of Sakura's trapped body. The sweet scent of the blood greeted my natural senses, and I could practically taste the blood. All of this was making my bloodlust grow eager, and more insane. The balance of my self control was dropping, and I almost gave in to the objective of killing more innocent people. I knew I had to leave this area before I actually did kill more.
I let my cage down and walked away from the murder I created.
♠ ♠ ♠
UGH! They're STILL SO SHORT!! Mehhhhh!!!! Dx Oh well. I guess I'll have to deal until I can actually type up what I have. TRUST ME. I have so much to type. You know those big yellow/white pads of paper? Well, I went through two of those with JUST this story, and I've barely gone through twelve pages, at the most! Ah... Well.... I'll deal.