Who's She; And What's With Sasuke?

o5: Returning

I looked over my shoulder to see six other genin surrounding Sakura’s corpse. I snickered as someone checked her pulse and screamed. When I looked forward again, Kiba stopped me from advancing forward.
Kiba: “You just killed Sakura!”
Kaida: “I warned her, Kiba. She would’ve done the same thing.”
Kiba: “But, you killed her! She’s gone!” Ino ran up to me.
Ino: “How could you?! Do you have no heart!?”
Kaida: “I guess not.” I walked passed them, bumping their shoulders. I walked into the forest, avoiding all of the calls. Once I found a really tall spruce tree, I ran up it, only to stop at the top. “So this is the end of the beginning of my new life, huh? At least I’m alone.”
Sasuke: “Not completely. Why does it have to end?” I turned around to see Sasuke’s cold stare looking straight into my dead one. “So what, you killed a ninja, big whoop. It’s gonna happen.”
Kaida: “You don’t understand, Sasuke! This is just another one added to my list. I’ve killed so many others. I’ve killed an elite ninja, Sasuke. I’m a screwed up kid.”
Sasuke: “I know how it feels to be left alone in the world, to have to fend for yourself, and be judged. Don’t let that stop you. You are stronger than the hokage, possibly smarter. Stay on the right track, for me.” He jumped over to my tree and held my shoulders. “You over Kiba?”
Kaida: “Maybe.” He smirked and crashed his lips unto mine. Damn, he was a really good kisser! “Now I am,” I muttered against his lips.
Sasuke: “Good.” We pulled apart and embraced each other.
Kada: “After that murder, Kakashi is most likely not gonna want to see me again.”
Sasuke: “If you really believe that, you can stay with me. I’ve got plenty of room.”
Kaida: “Thanks. You don’t have to give up your stoic ego for me.”
Sasuke: “If I don’t want to lose you, I have to.”
Kaida: “Why wouldn’t you?”
Sasuke: “You’re perfect for me.”
Kaida: “I’m way far from perfect. Unless killing is a good trait.”
Sasuke: “At least you had the guts. You did me a favor.”
Kaida: “I did?”
Sasuke: “Yup. Only 400 more to go.”
Kaida: “400 more students?”
Sasuke: “Nope. Fangirls. You’re my secret weapon.”
Kaida: “How?”
Sasuke: “After that scene, if I’m with you, they won’t even look in my direction.”
Kaida: “Or they’ll see it as a game and annoy the shit out of me.”
Sasuke: “But, you’ll just kill ‘em right?”
Kaida: “Ho could you say that!? I’m emotion ally scarred from killing my teammate!”
Sasuke: “Shut up. You know you want to.”
Kaida: “Yeeaahh... So true. It’s a good thing you can see past my fake emotions.”
Sasuke: “I know you have no emotions.”
Kaida: “Well then.”
Sasuke: “So... You gonna stay with me?”
Kaida: “Well... I was planning on moving to the Hidden Sand Village, but... Why not?”
------------The Next Day------------
Kaida: “Nuuu!!!”
Sasuke: “You’re a genin, you have to!”
Kaida: “I’m disqualified! Tell ‘em I’m dead! I’m at the bottom of the Mist Village! I’m. Not. Going!”
Sasuke: Screw everyone else! Just come to class!”
Kaida: “No! I can’t see Kakashi! He’ll kill me!” He let go of my feet and I fell on the bed, releasing my grip on the head board.
Sasuke: “You honestly think that?”
Kaida: “Well... Sorta...”
Sasuke: “There’s only one way to find out; come on!”
----------In The Classroom----------
We walked into the classroom, silently closing the door behind us. Naruto was all alone looking out the window blankly. He turned around and walked to me.
Naruto: “Kaida?”
Kaida: “If it’s about Sakura, screw you.”
Naruto: “Well... If you need anyone to talk to..” He looked down.
Kaida: “I killed your girlfriend and you want to be my shoulder to cry on?” Didn’t see that coming.
Naruto: “Is there something wrong with me?”
Kaida: “And you think something is wrong with you?”
Naruto: “Just because you killed on ninja, doesn’t mean you’ll for sure do it again. I hope.”
Sasuke: “Naruto, leave her alone. She has enough on her mind.”
Kaida: “Thank you Naruto. Sasuke, s’okay. I’m glad he’s being nice.” I forced a weak smile.
Sasuke: “Here comes Kakashi.” I heard light footsteps treading down the hall. The door slid open and Kakashi stepped in.
Kakashi: “Kaida. So glad you decided to join us. I thought you’d be in Sunagakure by now, knowing you.”
Kaida: “I could be a clone.”
Did you forget my special feature? He thought as he pointed to his eye. Then Naruto interrupted.
Naruto: “What’s our mission!?”
Kakashi: “We are first going to get to know each other. Meet me on the roof.” He then vanished. Sasuke took my hand and we jumped out the window onto a fir tree.
Naruto: “Hey!” We traveled up the tree until we reached the roof. Naruto appeared after us. Kakashi was sitting on a box waiting.
Kakashi: “Well, take a seat around me.” We all sat in a rainbow shape around Kakashi. I sat closely next to Sasuke, Naruto a small distance away. “How about we start with something simple? Like, your name, what you like, what you dislike, any hobbies, and hopes for the future. I’ll start to show you what it’s like. I am Hatake, Kakashi. I like somethings... And I dislike the other things. I’m not telling you my hopes. Or hobbies.” Like I didn’t already know.
Naruto: “My turn! I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen, a lot! And I dislike waiting 3 minutes for the quick ramen to cool after boiling, and my hobby is tasting different types of ramen. I know I’m going to be Hokage some day. Believe it!” He looked over at me. “Your turn Kaida.”
Kaida: “I’d rather not.”
Naruto: “Please?”
Kaida: “I’ll pass.” Sasuke sighed, irritated. “Alright, alright.” Naruto leaned in with a cheesy grin on his face. “I’m Kaida Nyaru. I like wolves, crows, and black things. I dislike preps, obsessive people, and things that get in my way. My hope is to stay alive. My hobby is... Uhmm... Reading.”
Kakashi: “Looks like it’s your turn.” Kakashi looked at Sasuke.
Sasuke: “I am Sasuke Uchiha, of the Uchiha clan. I don’t particularly like anything, and I dislike a lot of things. My dream is not a hope, it is a will to reality. I will gain power, I will revive the Uchiha clan, and I will destroy a certain someone.” Naruto winced at the last part.
Destroy? The young blonde thought. I leaned over to him.
Kaida: “Just cuz he says that, doesn’t mean it’s you.” He calmed down a bit.
Naruto: “Thanks.” He flashed a warm smile.
Kaida: “No problem.” I returned the gesture.
Naruto: “And I thought you were gonna be another Sasuke.”
Kaida: “Buuut, I could be wrong and you could be dead by tomorrow.” I shrugged.
Naruto: “Take that back.” I smirked.
Kaida: “Sorry, no take backs.” I winked and he leaned back with a shocked expression.
Naruto: “Uhh...” He blinked twice.
Kakashi: “Tomorrow we will be doing a survival test.”
Naruto: “But, we already did this kinda stuff in the Academy!”
I don’t want to do that again! His inner-Naruto groaned.
Kakashi: “This isn’t normal training.”
Naruto: “Then what is it?” Kakashi laughed.
Kaida: “Wait a minute. That was a normal question, what’s so funny?”
Kakashi: “If I answer, you’re not going to like it.”
Naruto: “Hmm?” What’s up with this guy?
Kakashi: “Only 9 graduates out of the 27 are going to pass and become genin. The 27 that don’t will be weeded out and sent back to the Academy.”
Naruto: “Whaaat!?”
Kakashi: “See? Didn’t I tell you, you weren’t going to like it? That’s how it is. I am going to decide whether you pass or not. Meet at the designated training area. Class dismissed. Oh, and don’t eat breakfast. You’ll puke.” He disappeared.
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Yes. Short chapter. I know. I just wanted to get chapter five out of the way, and stuff. So... Yeah.