If We Discover Why The Love Hurts We'll Never Want To Leave.

Part One

I slowly walked to my last period class. My first day of school has been going smoothly. I sat close to the front so I'd be the first one out of class. I reached into my bag taking out my notebook.

"Look who it is."

I froze as someone stopped in front of my desk. I placed my notebook on the desk trying not to pay attention to the nuisance standing in front of me. He slammed his hand down on my desk causing me to jump.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked


I looked over at the teacher giving him the "help me out" look. He just shrugged going back to his paper work.

"Now Raiden no need to get loud. I just wanted to say hello."

"Hi. Now leave."

He smirked at me.

"Will everyone please take a seat. Class will begin shortly."

"We'll continue this later." he whispered walking off.

After Mr.Anson called roll he began telling us about a partner project that would take up most of our semester.

Wonderful..project. Everyone loves those..

I sighed laying my head down on the desk.

"I split the class into two groups. I will call this side of the room up one by one. You'll come up here and pull a name out of the hat. That will be you're partner for this project."

Yes, I don't have to go up there. I wonder what unlucky person will get me.

"Raiden Anson. What a coincidence."

I sat up quickly staring up at the person who pulled my name from the hat.

"Seriously?! Can I get a different partner?" I asked displeased.

"Nope." Mr.Anson replied

I stared up at the teacher with pleading eyes.

"This is going to be fun." Sage said going back to his seat.

The rest of the class went by extremely slow. I didn't bother paying attention. My entire day was ruined. Wait let me rephrase that my entire year is ruined. I was brought out of my little world when something hit me. I sat up looking around.

Ah, of course, Sage is throwing paper at me..

I tried ignoring him but its hard to when the size of the paper kept getting larger.

"Really?! Must you throw paper at me? Is this the second grade?" I screamed.

"Raiden! Outside!" Mr. Anson shouted.

"But da-, I'm mean Mr. Anson he's throwing-"

"Out. Now."

I got up walking out of the class. Moments later Mr. Anson walked out.

"Hey kiddo."

"Don't hey kiddo me. I can't believe you took his side dad. You saw what he was doing."

"I'm sorry. You're just going to have to deal with it for right now. I can't just kick him out of class they'll think I'm putting you above them cause you're my son."

"By adoption!"

"Doesn't matter you're still my son."

I sighed crossing my arms.

"What's this stupid project about anyways?" I asked.

"Well..you two have to spend most of the semester together. You'll observe and gather information about each other and near the end of the semester you'll write a paper. No one will see it but me and possibly you're partner. Not to hard."

"So basically we're going to be stalking each other for the rest of the semester."

"Not stalking. You'll be aware he's observing you and you won't be rude."

"So if I don't do this do I fail?"

"Not only will you fail but you'll be grounded." he replied chuckling.

"Guess I have no choice but to do this lame project."

"That's the spirit. Now lets get back to class and remember ignore him."

"Yeah, yeah."
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