Where Is Your Girl Now?

A See-Ya Later

Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home
Fort Minor

3 Months I said I’d stay in Spain for.
3 years went fast, I’ll tell you now.
“Roxie… come home!” My mom’s voice crackled over the phone as I stood in my Aunt Carlotta’s apartment in Madrid.
“Aw mom I love it here though!” I whined back at her as I heard my Tia shouting me in Spanish. “Look mom I better go, Carlotta’s calling me.” I said quickly wanting to get off the phone.
“Roxanna Lynx, your plane ticket is in the mail. You are coming home.” My mom said sternly down the phone.
“Yeah right.” I murmured. “Bye mom.” I hung up.
I walked through the large apartment to see my Tia with an envelope in her hand.
“This came for you, from Spain Airlines.” She said sadly. Of course, she was speaking in Spanish but for your dear reader, I will keep it English.
“What?” I breathed shocked.
“I guess Stonzie thinks its time for you to return to them.” She said. “Roxie, maybe it’s for the best. I mean your gorgeous little sister’s growing up without her big sis there!”
Stonzie – My mom, short for Constantia, a name my Abuela LOVES and my mom… well hates.
“But Carlotta, I love it here!” I argued getting upset.
“Bonita, this isn’t your home though, as much as you and I would like it to be.” She told me.
“Ok.” I said really slowly, grabbing my shoes and walking out to the beach to meet my friends.
How could I ever tell the greatest people I’ve ever met that I was leaving them?

“It’s so unfair!” I whined to Santiago.
“Hey no worries, you’ll be coming back sooner than you know it!” He said sadly hugging me tightly.
“I don’t wanna leave!” I told him.
“Roxie, Chicago’s your home babe.” Maria said sadly. “Maybe it’s time…”
“But it’s not my home!” I tried to argue.
“Of course it is.” Maria looked up at me. “He won’t even be there. You won’t see him. And your friends love you and miss you.”
“It’s true kitten. Your parents always send the letters over don’t they? Off Joe and Patrick?” Santi asked.
“Yeah but…” I tried to argue.
“Chill out, its siesta so shush up.” Maria laughed sadly, flicking some sand at me.
So typical of her. This is why we were best friends. She tried to avoid difficult situations by trying to lighten the mood.
I lay back on my towel, tanning quietly.
I didn’t want to leave…
“We’ll miss you kitten!” Santiago sobbed at me holding close at the airport.
“Like you said, Santi, I’ll be back soon enough won’t I?” I said trying to keep strong.
“Sure you will!” My aunt sniffed back her own tears as mine ran freely down my face.
“How could they make me leave? They knew how happy I am here!” I argued getting more upset.
“Don’t forget me.” Maria pouted handing me a photo album and a beautiful charm bracelet. She put it on for me as I hugged the album close.
“How could I ever forget you Maria Sorrento?” I laughed at her pout. She hugged me.
“Don’t worry kitten, you’ll be back soon. Here.” Santi kissed my cheek and took off his Saint Christopher chain, which he’s had since he was like 4, and placed it round my neck.
“Whenever you feel lonely just hold it and I’ll be able to hear your call. He brings good luck to travellers as well.” Santiago smiled and hugged me tighter.
Don’t think we were together; he’s my best friend ever. Closer to me than Pete had ever been.
I barely even remember him now. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Especially when I was so damn obsessed with him. I cringe looking back at the stuff that happened between us now. I was a complete mess, no wonder he hated me.
What’s the chance’s they will even still all be in Chicago these days?
“Now Boarding Flight CH1008 to Chicago, America.” The voice crackled over the speakers.
“That’s me.” I sniffed hugging everyone even tighter.
“Keep in touch, Bonita.” My aunt smiled kissing my cheeks twice.
“We love you.” Santiago and Maria hugged me even tighter both at once. I glanced at their faces, both stained with tears.
“I love you all too.” I said sadly grabbing my bag and walking away.
This wasn’t a goodbye; this was a see-ya later.
♠ ♠ ♠
If your confused, check out the story that came before this. I wrote it years ago and it was the first fanfiction I ever wrote. http://www.quizilla.com/stories/3038541/ill-be-there-for-you-pete-wentz-00