
im looking forward to this life i live

A soft knock on wood woke him from his afternoon dream. Blinking his golden eyes wide open, Noah became aware that there was a person on his porch. He yawned quietly as he got to his feet, the heel of his hand rubbing along his scratchy jaw. He hadn’t shaved in a little while. A sleep-weary hand took hold of the doorknob and pulled, revealing a glimmering fountain of light from the angel that stood there. A pair of bright, aquamarine eyes stared at him, framed with a halo of dark hair.

“Hello, Jupiter,” he said quietly, letting his eyes adjust to the outside light. He quickly saw that there was a small girl leaning her head in the groove of her waist. She had sleepy blue eyes. A smile grew on his face as he moved down onto one knee. “Hey, Lora Joan,” he said in a hushed voice, smiling happily and reaching out to stroke her cheek. A little smile picked at her lips, letting free a tiny giggle as she pressed her face into Jupiter’s hip.

“I would never come to you unless I absolutely had to. I just get so worried about Lora Joan that I can’t concentrate on doing anything. Could you please watch her for the afternoon? Bring her home at eight, if you could. Thanks a lot; you are helping me so much.”

Noah presented his hand to the little girl. “Would you like to come inside?” He chuckled at the sight of her bouncy locks of hair moving as she nodded and skipped merrily past him. He watched her flit around the living room like a curious butterfly before he stood and smiled at the woman standing before him. “I’d be more than happy to look after her. Eight, you said?”

Jupiter nodded, a smile on her ruby lips. “This means the world to me.” She lowered her eyes, perhaps in an attempt to hide her growing blush.

Meanwhile, Lora Joan was playing as a kitten in a whole new world. There was the sofa-mountain, black and glorious beside the table-beast’s castle. Oh no! Watch out for the newspaper dragon! She squealed excitedly and jumped on the cushions, burrowing through the pillows to find her treasure. It was here somewhere, she just
knew it! She peered over the arm of the chair and stepped off, her long blue skirt shivering around her tiny legs. Her shoes had already been removed. The adventure girl got down on her hands and knees, willing to travel through the darkest rivers and deepest oceans to find the right kind of pearl.

Aha! She leapt to her feet, staring wide-eyed at the green monster sitting on the little table. It was bathed in the soft glow of the lamp that sat silently above it, ever shining and every shiny. She seized the knob in her hand and started turning it furiously, listening with a keen ear to the voices of the radio. When she had found something she could tolerate, she began to dance.

Noah interrupted her.

“Hey, squirt. You want something to eat?”

She grinned and hopped up. “Yeah!”

“All right,” he burst, stomping into the kitchen to retrieve her feast. Lora Joan wandered around the small coffee table, investigating the shelves beneath it for papers to tear. Here was a nice magazine… she started bending the corners of every page like a dog’s ear. By the time Noah returned, she had created a miniature sculpture of ads and pictures. He chuckled and admired her masterpiece, setting a large plate before her. “It’s your dinnertime, right?”

Lora Joan nodded and took hold of the fork. “Whoa! Cake!?” She immediately dove into it, devouring the pink and white pastry like she had never had sweets before in her life. Her lips littered with colored crumbs, she giggled. “Thish ish the hest eher!”

He laughed and tucked a piece of her hair behind her little pink ear. Her nose was the same rosy color. “Are you sick again, honey?” he asked curiously, sitting back to watch her eat.

She gained the aura of someone who didn’t want to tell their spouse they had been fired. “Well… I’ve had this cough, you see. And my throat hurts when I swallow.” She demonstrated by gulping down a large bite of cake and lightly touching her collar. She winced a tiny bit and then looked around with a purpose in her eye. “Do you have any water?”

“Oh, right.” He got to his feet and went back into the kitchen. As he filled a cup with water, his eyes fixed on the counter. She was sick. He had her for at least four hours. He should do something for her.

Grinning in satisfaction, he grabbed his keys and brought the water to his visitor. He sat down beside her and waited until she was done to speak again.

“I have you until eight o’ clock.”

She nodded.

“That’s a long time.”

Her eyes turned to him. She knew this.

A smile began to live in his mouth. “Do you want to go on an adventure?”

Her eyes glittered like eager stars. They said, without so much as the sound of her sweet angelic voice, “Why yes, yes I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠

This banner was made by my love. ^_^


This one was made by me.

Most of these pictures that I'm using I found on weheartit, it's this really awesome site. Have I mentioned it before? Prolly. But it's just that good.

Check out

