An Otherwordly Necklace of Mystical Entities

Chapter 2

"Mom! Mom!" I yell, running into the kitchen.

"What is it, Jennifer? What's all the yelling about?" she asks, her eyebrow raised.

"Look at this!" I exclaim, holding the necklace up in my hands.

"Did you find this in the attic?" she questions, eyeing the remarkable jewel in the center. I simply nod in response; trying to get my breathing under control.

"Yeah... and I was hoping that you would know who's it was. Or anything about it," I say, hopeful for a positive answer.

"No, I'm afraid not. I never saw it before," she says, still looking at the blue jewel.

"So, do you think that this necklace was accidentally left behind by the last owner or something?" I ask, astonished at the thought of they would actually leave a beautiful jewel like this behind.

"I don't know. Just put it away for now, and we'll talk about it later. Besides, your father should be home any minute. So, go and get cleaned up for dinner," she tells me, as she goes and puts the silverware on the dining table.

I sigh irritably, leaving out of the kitchen. But before heading back upstairs, I put the necklace in the top drawer of the desk in the hallway.


"That was a very excellent pot of stew tonight, Selene," my father tells my mom; as we all dig in to the apple-crested pie for dessert.

"Well, thank you honey," she replies, a small smile on her face.

"I really like the pie too," I say, taking my fourth bite of it. The sweet flavor of the apples just made me want to jump for joy!

"Yeah. Your mom always had a really nice talent for bakery," my dad remarks, helping himself to a second slice.

"I know that. Being the millionth time you told me that since birth," I exclaim, laughing slightly. I accidentally jump my fork to the ground. “Oops.” I brush my brown hair from my face and bend down to pick it when loud screams erupt through the house; followed by repeated gunshots and explosions.

"What in the world is that?" my father yells, almost choking in the pie in his mouth.

"Peter," my mom says in a hushed tone; her face completely fear-stricken. More gun shots fire off in the distance.

"What in the world?" he says to himself, his expression similar to my mom’s. I just sit there, staring out at the front door; my heart pounding feverishly against my chest.

"No, no, no, no!" I scream terrified, as the power suddenly goes out. I run over to my mother, clinging on to her as though I would never see her again; which was probably in some cases true. My father stands his ground, and walks to the front of the house; halting occasionally for cautious reasons.

"Peter...Peter," my mom repeats, tears streaming down her face.

"Selene, whatever happens, I want you and Jennifer to run to the cellar. Do you understand me?" he demands, making his way towards the door.

"No, Peter. No!" my mother wails. She didn’t like his statement, and I definitely didn’t either.

"Yes, Selene. You must! No matter what happens!" he proclaims back at her.

At just that moment, I remember the necklace in the top drawer by the staircase. Without even thinking about it I run absentmindedly over to it; my mother yelling after me in protest. I didn’t know why, but I had to get it; it felt as though it was calling me to it, ridiculous as that sounds. I slowly grab it from the drawer; my heart beating more rapidly than it ever had.

My father’s voice shouts at me from my left. "Jennifer...go back to your mother! Do you hear me…?" Silence then overcomes the home; the sound of gunfire and screams of death die away, just as quickly as it began.

My mother breaks the unnerving silence. "Peter. What are we…?” A horrible booming sound go off at the front door.

Tears fall down my cheeks, as I realized that the unknown intruders were trying to break inside, banging repeatedly on the door. I stand there frozen, completely unaware of my mother yelling my name. My vision becomes blurry from the tears in my eyes, and all I see is the white marble door falling heavily to the floor. My father then stands directly in front of me; trying desperately to protect me at all costs. The intruders step into the home; their faces bloody from battle and their expressions non-readable. It was the Germans! Obviously they had planned this ambush from the beginning, since they had entered this city without a single notice.

"No! Please… leave us alone! Please!" my father yells, trying to reason with them. But only a fool would try to do that. The German in front smiles maliciously at the sight.

"You know. Just before, the father tried to protect his family. And you know what happened? We killed every single one of them. I just loved the way the mother yelled the kid's name when we killed him right in front of her. 'Brenden! Brenden!'” he proclaims, laughing evilly.

"No. Brenden!" I say, images of him being murdered flooding my mind.

"Jennifer!" my dad yells, bringing me back to reality. "Run! You and your mother run! Get out of here!"

Without another word, I run from behind him to my mother. She wraps an arm around me, and we both run to the family room door. Gunshots fire off, and I could hear my dad hollering in pain. I take one last look behind me, and see me father’s mangled body falling to the ground; his right arm completely hanging from his body. My mom flings the door open, and immediately closes it back. She hastily barricades it with chairs, and a small wooden dresser drawer just next to it.

"Mom. What's going to happen to us?" I ask, completely frightened.

"Nothing. Okay. But we need to get to the cellar, like your father said."

"He's dead! He's dead! He's dead! Dad is dead! Brenden is dead!" I yell, losing my last bit of sanity.

"Were going to make it through this, Jennifer!" she shouts, kneeling in front of me.

"No were not!" I exclaim, clutching onto the necklace in my hands. Out of the corner of my eye I then see a black stick moving in the distance. I look up towards the door, and saw it sticking silently it. But it wasn't a black stick, it was the rifle of the Germans; the barricade had not worked! I open my mouth to scream my mother’s name as the gunshot fires off, and blood splatters all over your face and clothes. It felt like a glass of water had been splashed over my face. I open my eyes hesitantly, and look into my mothers face, or what was left from it. My stomach churns fiercely at the sight, and all loss of words leaves my throat. Her left eye was dangling out of its socket, where the bullet had pierced exactly; and deep red blood was gushing down her head, nose, and mouth. Her body falls to the floor with a loud thump. Bile rose up in the back of my throat, burning the inside of me immensely, and I retch violently all over the floor.

I just stay in that same position, completely in shock, shaking uncontrollably, until the door leading inside finally bursts open. The men walk inside, seeing nothing but the dead women on the floor.

"Okay, little one. Come out; come out. You don't want to make this any harder than it needs to be," the man says, searching around, knocking over vases and small tables.

"Hey, over here," one of the men whispers; pointing intently to a black marble drawer in the corner of the room. He opens the drawer swiftly, revealing my hiding place.

"Looks like we found you, precious," the bigger man exclaims, walking up in front of me. He holds up his gun, pointing it straight into my chest.

"Please... no," I beg.

"Please... no," he mocks me, laughing. He pulls the trigger, and a sharp shooting pain pierces my lungs. My breathing becomes shallower, and I could feel blood pouring out from my mouth. My heartbeat slows down drastically, and the pain subsides as I close my eyes for all eternity.

The necklace still clutched tightly in my hands, begins to glow a faint bluish-color….
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