An Otherwordly Necklace of Mystical Entities

Chapter 3

"Ugh... ugh." I open my eyes to a blinding light above me. I sit up on my knees, and figure out that the mesmerizing light was the sun overhead. Apparently I was outside somewhere. I stand up hesitantly, and lean up against a brick wall behind me.

"What... what happened?" I ask myself, rubbing my forehead in a slow motion. Painful memories then flood into my mind; my father's body falling lifelessly to the ground, my mother barricading the family room door, her being shot in the head, and even my own life being taken. I close my eyes; tears falling down my cheeks, as I remember those horrible moments. "But... how can I still be alive if I died? Maybe this is heaven…" A door being slammed breaks me of my thoughts.
"Huh?" a man exclaims in front of me. I look up at him, and scream out in terror at the top of my lungs. This definitely was not heaven!

The man in front of me wasn't even a man at all; I had no clue. He was not much taller than me. He had jet black hair that hung to his shoulders. He was wearing blue tattered and worn-out clothes; that were obviously too big for him, because they hung loosely around his small figureless body. The whole left side of his face was burned away completely, so badly in fact that I could still see his veins and the blood rushing through them. He also had no eyeball in his right socket, and his left one looked as though it would fall out at any moment.

"Excuse me, miss. What are you doing back here?" he asks me, looking back and forth from my chest to my face. For being half-dead, his voice rang out clear and boisterous. I don't respond, which was a big mistake. I close my eyes; forcing myself to not let another tear fall down my face.

Regaining my composure, I open my eyes back up. "What?" I say in surprise, seeing the man that was in front of me suddenly gone.

"I said what are you doing back here? And all by yourself?" I hear him say from somewhere in the area. I look around desperately to see where his voice was coming from, and I mentally note that I was in the middle of an alleyway.

"Where... where are you?" I demand, contemplating if I should've asked that question or not, or just ran.

"I'm right here. Right in front of you."

I gasp in shock, as he appears before me. His left unburned hand strokes my face gingerly; affectionately.

"Stop!" I scream, deeply disgusted, and ready to punch him in his face. But I couldn't move my arms or legs.

"Oh. Can't move now, can we? What a shame?" he says hungrily in my ear.

"What... what did you do?" I ask, scared and feeling stupid that I didn't run when I had the chance.

"Me? I didn't so anything," he answers, laughing maliciously. He leans in closely to my lips, smiling lustfully.

"No. Please," I beg, but knowing deep down he wasn't going to listen.

In a split second, a red needle flies through the air and pierces the man right in his neck. He gags slowly from his own blood pouring down from his mouth, and falls to the ground, unconscious.

"What?" I gasp, looking stunned at his body laying down by my feet.

"Are you okay?" a young woman's voice says to me. I look up to see a beautiful lady with long black hair, same as mine except mine’s was brown. She had fiery red eyes, and they seemed familiar somehow. She wore a red and gold strapless-sleeved shirt, along with a black knee-high skirt. She also wore a gold and white bracelet on her left arm and wrist.

"I'm... I'm terribly sorry about what he was trying to do to you. Most people in this city are very nice and caring, but some you come across may not be so forgiving," she says, looking down angrily at the seemingly lifeless body. I don't say anything; being as I was still in complete shock of what had just happened.

"Oh. But where are my manners. My name is Sabra, and I am the daughter of Queen Athene," she tells me, a warm smile on her face. “I don’t think I’ve seen around this city before. Where do you come from?”

"Sabra?" I repeat lowly to myself.
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So sorry about it being terribly short! Please comment and/or subscribe. Appreciate feedback! I won't have the next chapter up for awhile (Sorry!) because I have to tweak it a bit. ^^