An Otherwordly Necklace of Mystical Entities

Chapter 7

This was unbelievable. Not only did Sabra have the same name as my departed friend back in Kawasaka, but so did her two other sisters. The middle one, who was the same age as me, her name was Nicole. The youngest sister was Sophia.

They both were extraordinarily beautiful, well all four of them were. Nicole had her mother’s blue hair that hung past her small waist, and her eyes were bright and welcoming, though out of her three sisters she was the silent one. Sophia, who was a few years younger, had short pink hair that didn’t look weird at all; actually it suited her pale skin and crimson eyes perfectly. She always wore a smile on her thin lips; even now as she was looking at me, her smile doesn’t falter. She was totally different in this moment from her older sister Sabra, who was continuously glancing at me with a frown.

The garden was absolutely beautiful up close. The many cherry blossom trees blew softly in the breeze, and the smell was intoxicating. This was one of the many gardens areas around the castle’s perimeter and throughout, which held every kind of flower, plant, and tree you could think of.

This particular field of beauty was located in the far back of the castle. Out in the distance, a tall dark tower stood with its menacing features. It reminded me briefy of the portending Tower of Mordor in the Lord of the Rings. I shudder involuntarily.

I still didn’t know anything about the prophecy, even though I knew that the other two sisters were told about it because I heard Queen Athene tell them this morning. They didn’t shun or uncouth me like Sabra did, but I could tell that were very watchful of me still, even behind their happy facades.

The one thing I found really interesting about the things they would tell me about their lives was that there weren’t any men in their lives. This palace and this city wasn’t the only one in this vast parallel universe; there were hundreds more around this world, just like Earth. But back to what I was saying.

Eligible Kings would come to impregnate the Queen (Queen Athene in this matter, obviously), and then take their leave. But the Queen never made love with the same man, for whatever reason. If took me awhile to wrap my head around this fact of information, but women ruled this area; men weren’t needed but only to reproduce. But not everywhere was this the same though.

One boy stayed here in the castle though, and I was to meet him today. It actually surprised that I didn’t see him all morning, but then again this place was ginormous. He was to come at any moment now. From what I was told, he trained the three sisters with their powers, and taught them close combat skills. That surprised me because as I looked at these girls (well besides Sabra), they didn’t look like the fighting type.

The sun breaks through the clouds, and glitters off of Queen Athene’s diamond pendants pinned up in her hair. The alluring enchantment of it mesmerized me. The Queen notices me staring at her, and she smiles warmly, turning a bit in her red rose embedded throne. All of her daughters were sitting too, but not in as exquisite seating as their mother. I decided I wanted to stand; I was too tense to sit.

Sophia pops out of her chair, and skips the few feet over to me, her hair bouncing with every step. “You look really tense.” I guess that was pretty obvious. I blush. “Are you okay?” Her voice was so damn cute, and it had a singsong tone to it that made me just want me to kiss her cheeks and hug her.

When I don’t answer, she pushes my brown hair from in front of my face, and beams. I chuckle and wrap my arm around her shoulders in a half hug. I only knew her for a few hours, but it was too hard to stay worried around her, and bottom line was…she was so lovable! I guess that was because she was naturally outgoing. I felt really boring and plain standing next to her. I imagine this was just how Bella felt towards Rosalie in Twilight, when Bella was still human.

Trees rustling down the path shatter my thoughts. A mess of black pokes out from behind one of the blossom trees, a lopsided smile on his face.

“Brenden!” Sophia squeals, running over to his side. My heart stops beating altogether. What the hell did she just call him?

The trainer walks into full view, and embraces Sophia and lifts her off her feet. “How are you doing, little one?”

“Good! I really missed you! Sabra’s been messing with me ever since you left last week!” the little girl whines, tugging on his arm too hurry to the rest of us. So, that’s why I hadn’t seen him this morning. He was gone.

His mouth drops open in mock appall. “What? Sabra’s been to mean to you? Oh, don’t worry, Ill get her back for you.” He stops several inches from the Queen and bows his head. She smiles in return. When he lifts his head back up, my heart catches in my throat. He was gorgeous. I’ve read books all my life, and in almost every story there was a beautiful guy who the girl feel head over heels for, and now I understand how they felt and it wasn’t so melodramatic anymore in that instant.

He had black hair that looked as soft as silk. It hung low in the front of his face, past his chin, and stood up in spikes above his forehead and was cut a little shorter towards the back. His skin was smooth and flawless, and his light brown eyes seemed to only heighten in contrast to his light features. His eyebrows were thin and were the same color as his hair, and when he smiled they arched slightly. And oh, oh his lips looked so moist in the light of the sun, and so…

“Jennifer,” that voice calls me again. Oh my gosh, it was the Queeen.

I quickly snap to attention. “I’m sorry. Yes?” Sabra snorts somewhere beside me.

“I was just saying that this is Brenden,”—I wince—“and Brenden, this is Jennifer.”

Brenden steps up to me and takes my hand. “Very pleased to meet you.” He smiles, showing his straight pearly white teeth, and I almost faint.

“So…um.” Say something, you coward, I yell at myself in my head. “So, your…the one who trained Sabra, Sophia, and Nicole.”

“Who else would it be?” Sabra questions me harshly. “Now, come on, let’s get this over with.”

Brenden (there I said his name!) looks at me and rolls his eyes playfully.

I hesitantly ask, “Get what over with?”

Sophia bounces up and down beside Brenden. I didn’t even notice she was till standing there. “We’re going to train you, silly,” she explains.

My eyes widen. “Wh—what?”

“Don’t worry. It’ll be easy! We’ll teach you the simple stuff first. Like how to conjure up fire and…”

I cut her off. “Fire?? But…I…never knew how to do anything like that! This is a different world and I…”

“That is correct. This is a different world in which you live in now,” Queen Athene says wisely. “This world is a magical place where the most wondrous mystical enchantments dwell.” She holds out the palm of her left hand, and with the forefinger of her other hand, points to her open palm and a shower of tiny ice crystals spray from her finger like a showerhead. The ice twists and turns on her palm and forms the shape of a crystallized hummingbird. I reach out to touch it, but before I can, the ice shatters and breaks apart, and a real living soft yellow hummingbird flies up into the afternoon sky.

“Whoa,” I say under my breath, completely amazed. I turn to the others. “You all can…?”

“Yep, we can do that too! And we also have our own special gifts too,” Sophia states excitedly. I gasp; as pink neon colored wings unfold across her back. They were the same shape as angel’s wings but didn’t have any feather or anything solid on them. You could see right through them, and the pink colored lines and shape of them formed unique intricate designs.

“Those are beautiful,” I mutter softly.

“Thank you.” She flutters up into the air, and flips back downwards but without letting her feet touch back down on the ground. “We all have these wings…well me and my sisters have these. Everyone else’s is different. You can have wings too! Once you learn how to form them that is.”

Whoa. This was all so overwhelming. I could be able to do all this? Fire, and wings? And no telling what other elements too. Boy, this was going to be a long and exhausting day…and I just hope not pitiful.

“Come on.” Brenden takes my hand, and sweat breaks out along my forehead. “Let’s go and get started.”
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^^ Thanks for reading! And please subscribe!! and leave me comments!! I really would love feedback on this story, and I know I don't really update this story as much as my other one but I'm working on that! Thanks!! I'm really trying to get this story out there :P