I Am The Singer


He had made it so sickeningly obvious. The way he smiled at her and talked to her every chance that was presented to him.The way he found himself compulsively explaining every minor contact he had had with her in explicit detail to his two bored friends. Wasn't that obvious, that he insisted on telling them despite their groans and cries of "please, Billie! Not again!"?

That fucking bastard. He'd kill him for what he did. Fiery thoughts raged through his mind, screaming and torturing him as he stood in surly silence on the side of the road. On the outside, he just had a stern face, completely silent, trying to appear casual as he slumped against a wall, but his body was tense. His jaw was locked, his teeth were gritted. He glared out into the night, eyes narrowed. He was on his own.

His whole body seemed to lock even more as memories flashed through his mind of what had occurred earlier that night. He swallowed loudly, glowering at everything near him. A few random people strolled past, avoiding his eyes. Good. He found himself unbalanced, and every once in a while he'd suddenly fall to one side, then straighten himself up again. A confused look would cloud his face, as if he wasn't sure why he was doing this. Of course, it was a result of the alcohol in his system.

Straightening himself up for the tenth time, Billie stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, scowling down at the faded knees. How could he do that? He knew how Billie felt. That fucking bastard, he went back on all the friend shit they had established. He was gonna kill him. He was gonna punch is face in, so he couldn't see what he'd stolen --

Billie leaned back as he saw familiar figures approaching. He glowered as he recognised them both, a stream of curses rising in the back of his throat, but he choked them back. He tried to disappear into the shadows, but there was a solid wall behind him that he couldn't seem to fade into. They drew closer, and he could hear them laughing. Giggling about some inside joke. Their footsteps were loud and careless.

Tre looked up at him for a fleeting moment as he passed, the girl latched onto his arm with a huge grin on her face. Unintentionally, the two boys' eyes met. Tre's look was rather blank and slightly apologetic, while Billie's radiated pure loathing. He wrinkled his nose and looked at the ground, right as his friend looked away and pulled the girl closer to his side. Then suddenly they had passed him and they didn't look back.

A sick feeling arose in Billie's stomach. He felt himself wanting to throw up, but he just swallowed it, aimed one last glare at where Tre had disappeared into the night and began to stumble in the opposite direction. He had only trudged a few feet before he tripped over his own feet, landing on his hands and knees with a loud swear. He leant back into a kneeling position, rubbing at his eyes with his hands compulsively, removing all traces that he was even remotely close to getting tears in his eyes. Not from the stinging pain. From something worse.

He pushed himself back up and dusted off his jeans, his burning hands seeming to grate against the material. He winced, but then dismissed it, knowing it was unimportant right now. He had bigger things to worry about.