I Am The Singer


The next time Mike saw Billie Joe was at band practice. He knew that his friend couldn't just sit and watch without some kind of revenge, but he found himself almost afraid of what was going to happen. Tre was one of his friends. He'd done something stupid, sure, but he was willing to forgive and forget. Billie, on the other hand, wasn't. He wasn't even willing to execute the 'revenge and forget' technique.

The two friends were alone for a few minutes before Al arrived, so Mike saw this as the opportune moment to try get some information. Though he didn't want to admit it, he found himself curious. While he was slightly inclined to protect Tre from Billie's master plan, he wanted to know what crazy idea had been concocted while he sat idly in his room, awaiting the approaching band practice.

And now, here was his chance.

Billie was messing with guitar, perched lightly atop an amp, as if almost concerned that if he put his full (light) weight upon it, it would snap in half. Mike abandoned his bass for a moment, whistled for a few seconds before noticing this was a little suspicious, then found himself standing so that his leg was touching the guitar's neck.


The other boy grunted in response, just to let his friend know that, while he wasn't looking at him, he was still paying attention.

Mike paused for a moment, rolling his eyes and glancing around the room while trying to think of a way to word it. Eventually, he just sighed in a defeated way, and said bluntly, "What are you planning?"

"You're going to have to be more specific. Lots of planning going on up here."

"For Tre. What are you planning for Tre?"

Billie plucked at the guitar strings for a moment, a lethargic grin on his face. Amongst the sound emitting from the speakers, Mike could have sworn he heard a quiet laugh. He was almost worried as he noticed it, intertwined with the guitar's singing.

"You'll just have to wait and see now, won't you, Pritchard?"

"Dirnt. And no, you're going to tell me. Now."

He was answered with a small head shake, and finally his friend tore his eyes away from his guitar to look at him. Billie's eyebrows were raised, and he almost looked amused. "You won't have to wait too long. I just have to work out a few kinks."

"You're not going to drive him insane, are you?"

"If he goes insane, it isn't my fault."

"Billie --"

Al entered the room, staring at the both of them as Mike suddenly cut off his sentence. The two were silent, avoiding looking at him as though trying not to raise suspicions. He chucked down a bag that had been slung over his shoulder, and glared at them both.

"Okay, did I miss something here?"

"Nope," Billie grunted, carelessly. Mike glanced at him. He had always been a fairly successful liar, able to brush things off with one casual word. Mike was almost jealous of the ability, because too many times he had been caught out by useless stammering. The only situation where Billie faltered was when faced with someone considerably larger than him. He may be arrogant, but he wasn't stupid. He knew when he couldn't win.

Al rolled his eyes, but accepted it, and seated himself by the drum kit. "Now let's hurry up and do this, you can gossip later."