I Am The Singer

Illegal Ideas

To be honest, Billie's plan was hurriedly thought out in the midst of the anger that clouded his mind. After he went over it in his mind when he had become calmer, it seemed stupid. And violent, much too violent. And maybe even illegal. Regardless to the rage draining away, he still felt that he had to do something. It didn't have to be illegal to work, he just wanted to...well, humiliate Tre.

When he had gone to band practice and had the conversation with Mike, he had finally come up with a fairly do-able idea. Simple, but he hoped it would still hurt. And after Mike's show of curiosity, he almost felt as if there was some sort of element of suspense, waiting for him to act.

Somehow, the weekend just faded away, until Billie was spread-eagled across his bed on Sunday night, waiting for sleep to come. Considering he was avoiding Tre, he hadn't seen him all weekend. School was the only place that he would really be forced to confront him. He had to be ready for it.


"Did you sleep at all?" Mike found himself asking Billie as he met him in the morning. The boy's scrawny frame seemed more hunched over than usual, and he was glaring at everyone beneath his mop of dark hair, through dark-rimmed eyes.

Glancing up, he nodded absently, then hurriedly scanned the school grounds.

"Ready to tell me what you're planning?"

"Jesus Christ, patience. Do you know how the hell to shut up?"

Mike rolled his eyes, then folded his arms across his chest. "Someone's in a bad mood this morning," he snapped, annoyed. "I'm just not sure what to expect."

After glancing over his shoulder, Billie laughed quietly. "It's not like I'm going to kill him. It's not some huge parade or something. It's not exactly the most exciting thing in the world."

"It's either this, or soap operas," Mike sighed in response, shaking his head. "Wow, boring."

"Extremely," Billie agreed, though his tone showed he was quite bored. Suddenly, it livened up a bit. "Hey, look who it is."

Tre had tramped onto the grounds, and thrown an odd look at them. Like he almost wanted to put on his usual goofy grin and sidle over to them, as he always did. At the same time, it was mixed with the sheepish, apologetic look. He knew he had done something wrong, and that he probably wouldn't be welcome with his friends for a while. Let things cool off before crawling back.

There was a split second of doubt between the three of them, and they stared awkwardly at one another. In that second, Billie wondered if maybe he was being stupid. That if Tre came over there right now, chirping about stupid things, maybe he really could just forget about it all. Maybe it would just be normal, like Mike said.

Then Tre lowered his eyes and ducked away from them. His aim, obviously, was to get to Grace, who was visible on the outskirts of a group of girls. Billie watched with a jealous gleam in his eye as his (former) friend snaked his arm around Grace's waist and pulled her up closer to him. That fucker was obviously trying to rub it in his face.

Mike shot Billie a relatively nervous look. "Hey, let's get to class," he suggested, weakly, knowing full well that it was stupid to ask him to show up to class early.

Though it looked as if he wasn't really paying attention, Billie aimlessly began walking in the vague direction of the building, soon disappearing into the hallways with Mike trailing along behind him. The boy behind heard his friend quietly murmur, "son of a bitch."

(A/N: I realise that this is going a little slow. But, hey, something's got to happen eventually, so keep waiting for it.
Also, I did a TINY bit of research this chapter, as to where Tre went to high school. I drew up a huge blank, though I now have that Billie and Mike went to Pinole Valley High School burnt into my brain. So, Tre can go there too. Please don't bash my research skills, I tried.)