I Am The Singer

Phase One


Billie finished scribbling his plan out into a notebook he had managed to dig out of a messy drawer that he hadn't ventured into in years. He held it out in front of him, admiring his handiwork with a tilted head and mischievous smile, despite the fact that it was only his messy handwriting. No extra illustrations - just the five phases to make his plan work. After a few seconds, he tore the piece of paper from the book so that it would not be associated with the feminine cover (a bouquet of flowers) any longer, and could become what it really was.

A man's plan.

"Perfect," he mumbled, pulling at the corners to make sure that it was straight and remained unwrinkled. His eyes ran over the words, trying to ignore how many flaws it could have. He just concentrated on how absolutely fantastic it could go if executed correctly. Tre would be left amazed and astounded, stopped in his tracks.

He could almost see the expression that would appear on his face in his mind's eye...

That bastard was gonna pay. He had to. Billie felt he couldn't sleep soundly until he had his revenge. It was more than a punch, then getting over it. This was serious, and Billie was going to take it seriously.

This feeling almost made him feel elated. A soft giggle emerged from his lips, sounding crazed and insane, but he brushed the momentary fright off almost instantly. Was it his fault he felt so strongly? Was it his fault that Tre crushed his dreams? So he was going to crush his in return.

If Billie couldn't have Grace, neither could Tre.


Phase One: Seduction?
Maybe Grace will come back on her own?
I am the singer after all...

The piece of paper holding this piece of information was folded into quarters and safely stored in Billie's jean's pocket. He found himself always holding it close since he wrote it the night before, as if it reminded him of his 'goal'. Today was the day to finally implement the plan. It made a cheesy smile appear on his face - which, in turn, made Mike look very curious and unsure of him.

He obviously wasn't an expert at containing this curiosity, for within a few minutes he was practically hopping from foot to foot as he asked, "Billie, what are you grinning about?"

Billie Joe turned his head slightly to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "Time for class," he stated mysteriously, beginning to walk off toward the building. As an afterthought, he added, "All in good time, Dirnt."

He heard his friend groan in frustration as he ran to catch up with him. "Please!" he begged, holding his hands together, "Please tell me, I'll keep it secret, promise!"

"I can't disclose the particular information you seek," Billie said, sounding a little too smart. His 'wise' moment suddenly transformed into an 'ecstatic teenage boy' moment, as he added, "but trust me, it's gonna be so fucking cool!"

Mike's eyes suddenly lit up in realisation. "The Tre thing!" he burst out, biting his lip, "You're gonna do it? Today?"

"Not today," Billie replied, quickening his pace as if this would make the day go faster, "But...I'm definitely gonna get things started. There are interesting times ahead, young'un. I advise you run for cover."

Mike chuckled as they began to separate to go to different classes. Just as he was about to open the door, he swung around and asked in a rushed voice, "Um, you've got nothing against me in your little plan, right, Billie?"

"Don't worry Mike, you'll get out alive," Billie reassured, rolling his eyes. He turned and entered the classroom, taking up his usual seat up the back where he was alone for a few moments. "I cannot wait for this afternoon..."


The bell rang, the annoying clanging echoing in every student's ears. They collected up their things, stuffing them into their backpacks before making a quick exit from the room and dispersing. Billie was one of the first out - as usual. Who wanted to spend a single second more than necessary in class, anyway? Especially today.

Billie knew for fact that Tre always stayed after school with Grace and her posse, doing who-knows-what. He had received this information from a jealous, stalker-like girl that sat near him in his first class. She was an odd character, and probably knew a little too much about Grace's group for his liking...but she was useful, no denying that. She was obviously a wannabe and admired the other girls a little too much. She knew that they usually stayed about an hour after school then headed off to either one of the girl's houses or to another large, open area for them to talk in private.

Though it was hardly private with this girl knowing every minute of their schedule.

So, what needed to be done? How could this information be used? Billie found the answers to these questions quite easily. This was the moment to execute the first phase of his plan. This phase was optional, though he felt that he couldn't just throw the chance away. He needed to be sure.

He was going to see if perhaps he could steal Grace from Tre himself - no master plan, just his own words and his own self. It was highly unlikely...but it could work, couldn't it? He had convinced himself that Grace had been interested in him until that fucking Tre Cool stole her away. So, they could pick up where they left off.

"Billie!" he heard Mike yell, coming up behind him, "Hey, I'm headed --"

"Sorry," Billie interrupted quickly, shaking his head, "I have plans today. Important plans. Cannot be disturbed."

"Tre thing?" Mike asked, hopefully, "Can I watch?" For someone who was concerned for Tre, he seemed a tad enthusiastic to see his downfall.

Billie shook his head quickly. "No, you can't watch. I need to do this alone, I told you that. But trust me, you can do all the watching you want later in the plan. And you won't be the only one..." That grin appeared on Billie's face again, and he bit the inside of his cheek in thought, as if he were spaced out. "Anyway, I'll see you later, man."

Mike sighed and bowed his head, but nodded. "Okay, I'll ring you." And with that he got swept away with the rest of the students.

Billie, meanwhile, separated himself and waited until he saw Tre and Grace pass, their arms linked. It was sickening, hopelessly puke-worthy. He was close to making immature gag sounds at them, but quickly stopped himself. Now was not the time to be immature. Now was the time to be...the man of Grace's dreams.

The pair stopped where the group was slowly forming. He decided it would be best to act when there were less people around, so he quickly strolled up to them, putting on the most sincere smile he could.

"Hey, Frank!" he greeted, waving his hand hurriedly.

He watched as Tre turned, then faltered as he noticed who it was. He looked worried. And he should, Billie thought, angrily.

"Hey, Billie," Tre replied, obviously looking unsure and hesitant.

Grace stepped forward then, her brilliant eyes settling on his as one of her eyebrows arched up elegantly. Her lips were pursed as she said, "Frank? What the hell? Call him Tre, you fuckwit!"

Billie was convinced these were the words of an angel.

"Aw, what harm can come from calling a buddy by his real name?" he chuckled, before adding, "And, hello to you as well, Grace."

"Uh huh, sure," she sighed, rolling her eyes and positioning one of her hands on her hip. Billie bit his lip, his gaze running down her form - he couldn't control it. His sight returned to her face as soon as possible, trying not to make it obvious that he had looked away from her eyes for a second. "What are you even doing over here, Two Dollar Bill? You do realise we don't want your filthy drugs, don't you?"

Billie kept the grin on his face. "Oh, no, I don't think you're a druggie!" he said quickly, "You couldn't possibly be one, what with that face."

She stared at him for a second, before shaking her head and returning her attention to Tre. "Honey, maybe you should punch him," she suggested in a cute voice.

This wasn't going quite as planned, but Billie was convinced she was playing hard-to-get.

"You know he's a drummer, right?" he piped up, pointing an accusing index finger at Tre, "I'm a singer, though."

"Yes, I know he's a drummer, I'm not an idiot. The Lookouts! Yeah, blah blah. Now fuck off." She waved her hand at him, annoyed.

"I don't think you understand. I'm a singer. I can sing. Isn't that better than being able to beat some stupid ass tune?" He bit his lip, looking a tad desperate. "I can write songs too."

Billie could have sworn he saw a flicker of interest on her face at that moment - and not that hatred that he could morph into interest somehow, with his pining mind. Genuine interest.

"Yeah," he continued, hurriedly, "I'm in a band, I can compose songs."

"That's pretty cool," Grace admitted. No sigh, no arched eyebrow, no scoffing...Yes, maybe he was actually getting somewhere!

Billie felt his hands crawl into his pockets shyly, feeling the corners of the Revenge list in his pocket. Maybe it was time to quit while he was ahead. Besides, more people were appearing, he didn't feel very comfortable with a herd of girls surrounding him. He let his lips curl upwards in a smile and mumbled, "Well, I'm gonna go...Maybe I'll see you guys around?"

"Maybe," Grace replied.

"Sure, seeya Billie," Tre added through clenched teeth. He stood behind Grace with eyebrows raised as far as they could go, desperately asking Billie through facial expressions what the hell was going on.

The triumphant youth merely smirked at him and gave a tiny wave before turning on his heel and leaving.

Phase one: not a complete failure, though not a complete success...Still, this would help. Grace was warming up to him, wasn't she?

He guessed that only time would tell.