Status: Finished One Shot



I can honestly say
You've been on my mind
Since I woke up today
I look at your photograph all the
These memories come back to life
I don't mind

I woke up today feeling horrible like I have been everyday for three weeks now.

As I get out of bed, I hear footsteps running up the stairs.

"Maddy, you up yet?" my best friend Kelsea yelled while barging into my room.

"Yeah, yeah. I just got up. Calm down," I said lazily looking out the window.

"Hey, come on. I know it just happened but let's get out and go do something to get your mind off it," Kelsea said.

"Yeah, maybe your right."

"Well aren't I always."

"Stop being cocky and get out so I change."

After getting her out, I went to my closet and pulled the closest thing I could reach.
I went over to my bed and laced up my converse, then started to head out the door when I stopped and went to my dresser. I notice your photograph, the one I look at all the time, everyday. The one of us when we first met and became best friends, then after awhile something more. I think of all the memories coming back to life. Even though they hurt, I don't mind.

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time you danced with me
With no music playing
I remember the simple things
I remember until I cry
The one thing I wish I'd forget
The memory I want to forget
Is Goodbye

As Kelsea and I walk out the door I see him and his brothers coming out of their house down the street.

Joe's P.O.V.

"Kevin, Joe! Wait up! We still have to wait for Frankie!" Nick yelled at us.

"Whatever, can we just hurry up and leave," I said to my brothers.

"What's with you? You know you've been kinda, not yourself since you two broke up," Kevin said.

"I don't want to talk about it O.K.!" I said wanting to get off of that subject.

Maddy’s P.O.V.

As I heard Joe yell I quickly looked his way. I haven't seen or heard from him since the breakup and to just see him and hear his voice again made my heart ache inside.


I still remember when we had our last kiss. I could still fell his lips on mine. I remembered the time he took me to the local park at night, just the two of us. We were sitting under the big oak tree when it had started pouring down rain. He took my hand and said he wanted to dance, even though there wasn't any music playing.

I remember all the simple things that he did for me like stick love notes into my locker or text me just to say goodnight. Just looking at him brought back all those memories.

They hurt so much I needed to cry so badly, but didn't want him to see me. So I rushed back inside the house and up the stairs hoping Kelsea wouldn't come after me. Thankfully she didn't.

I stayed up in my room all day crying my eyes out, thinking of all the memories of us. The only memory I wish I could forget though was when we said goodbye.

I woke up this morning
And played our song
And through my tears I sing along
I picked up the phone
And then put it down
Cause I know I'm wasting my time

The next day I woke up, trying to get over it but failing terribly. I try to get back to sleep since it was only 6:00 in the morning, but I was already up so I knew I could never get back to sleep.

Instead, I took a towel from the cabinet in the bathroom and start the shower. After about 30 minutes, I turned off the scorching hot water and wrapped the towel around my body.

I made my way to my closet, actually putting thought into what I was going to wear today. After putting on some jeans and a t-shirt I walked over to my stereo and turned on the radio.
I walked back to my mirror and sat down on the stool getting ready to put my makeup on when I heard our song playing on the stereo. I started to cry hearing it again. And through my tears I start to sing along. As I sing the final words, I look at my phone beside me. I pick it up and scroll down looking for Joe's number. Then I thought to myself, and put it back down cause I figured, I'm wasting my time trying to talk with him.

Suddenly my cell phone's blowing up
With your ring-tone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound alone
I'm surprised to hear you say

Suddenly I hear my phone blaring with Joe's ring-tone I had set it at awhile back. I quickly grab it looking at the caller-i.d.making sure it really was him. It was. I hesitate to answer, but knew if I didn't I would regret it later.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Umm... Hey," was all he said.

"Did you need something?" I asked wanting him to get to the point on why he called.

"Yeah umm....,”and what he said next surprised me the most.

You remember when we kissed
You still feel it on your lips
The time you danced with me with no music playing
You remember the simple things
You said your biggest regret
The one thing you wish I'd forget
Was saying Goodbye

"Do you remember when we last kissed? The time we danced out in the rain at the park when no music was playing? Do you remember all of the simple things I did for you? I miss doing all those things so much. But I regret doing one thing. Do you know the one thing that I regret doing the most and the one thing I wish we could both forget?" Joe said into the phone.

I was already on the verge of tears trying not to soak my phone in my own tears. "What?" was all I could say before the tears started to pour out. I heard a beep go off meaning that the call was ended. I was so upset that he would just end it and not even finish.

But then I heard my bedroom door open and felt that someone had entered my room. I turned around and came face-to-face with Joe himself, phone in hand.

"I wish we could forget was saying goodbye," he said. With that I ran up to him, his arms wide open, and engulfed him into a huge hug. At those last words, I knew we could finally both forget about ever saying goodbye.
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This is one of my first one shots.

It kinda sucks :P