Now... Try this My way

Chapter 1

It's December and that means South African summer is kicking strong.

So why the hell am I in a strange room looking outside the window at snow that was lying on the ground at my new home? Oh, right... I'm kinda not in South Africa now!

I was in England! I still can't believe I agreed to this. What was I thinking? I wanna go home right now. I just miss my home town, Melmoth, so much.

I missed my friends, family and even the beggar that used to sit by the supermarket and hit on me everytime I went to buy groceries.

It had been two days since I had arrived here and I had been miserable ever since. The weather wasn't exactly helping either.

I had been so grumpy and aggravated that I had rudely back chatted to my mom when she had tried to cheer her up by telling her to look on a bright side.

It's not like there was any bright side to this anyway...

Anyways, I was told to come and 'think about what I have done'
Yeah right! As if

Then a knock on my white painted door disturbed my 'time out'

"Come in"

In entered Jonathan, my new 'step daddy.' He wore such fixed little grin on his thin face.
Boy did he look uncomfortable. Hasn't he ever spoken to a 16 year old girl before?

My step-dad was a quite nice but it was gonna take some time for me to adjust to having him
as a 'dad-figure'

"Hey Zany" He said, still standing close to the door as if he was ready to fleet out the room and even leave his shadow behind.

I smiled as a sign of truce
I wasn't a grudge person even though I pretended I was..

"Hey Jon, what have I done now?" I asked, looking back at the window next to my bed.

I was sitting, legs crossed, on my blue duvet covered double bed.

"Come on Zany... We've gotta sort this out soon you know" He responded quite calmly. That was the worst thing about this guy. He made it hard to hate him. He was just so patient and caring.

No wonder even Anele, my twin brother, has taken to him so much. But I still gotta keep my eye on him...

Now, Zany, lets be calm and cooperate with the guy...

"Sort it out yourself... I had refused to move to even Cape town, what made you think I wanted to move to damn England!?" Okay, so much for calmness and cooperation but hey, I really don't wanna move!

"I know you don't Zany. I know that you didn't want leave your mates and you relatives but I'm a begging you..." He quickly covered the distance and walked to my be and sat at the end

"Please just give it a chance. Me and you mother want both you and your bothers support on this and if you don't try, you'll never know and may end up missing an experience of a life time... You might like England"

I gave him a doubting look and the sighed as I uncrossed my now aching legs and moved off the bed.

I walked to my study table, pushed my desk chair back and then sat down lazily.

"There is no way in heaven and hell I'm gonna like England. It's gloomy and cold... and not to mention COLD! I mean, it's winter even right now! I mean, who has winter in December? It's just crazy..."

I was so not used to this weather in december. Usually, I would be at the beach with Nomma and Mla (my best friends) just chilling and listening to the newest tunes by awesome DJs like DJ Cleo and Revolution

Here though I was wearing a big coat, stuck in my new room and feeling like crap. What a range from last year December.

I really didn't like it here. And not just because of the freaking weather either.

You see moving to England had only two things in store for me:
One: I now would have to adjust to a whole new different environment and a different culture.
Two: I also would have to... ADJUST TO NEW PEOPLE!

I let out a high-pitched yelp of freight at the thought and clearly Jon heard it because he stared at me with worry in his eyes

"What's wrong Zany?" He really sounded worried. You could have sworn I was dying.

" I don't wanna ne here" I whispered lamely. I sounded so scared and childish that even I was surprised. "I'm just so... scared"

"Give yourself a chance to get out of your comfort zone Zany. I know you and you will never forgive yourself if you hold yourself back because you're scared" No wonder he was a motivational speaker and his help books had become best sellers. He was good...

"I'll try Jon but..." I looked up into his eyes "You owe me for this" I said smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks.

"I know and believe me, Ill come through for you when you need me most so this is kinda like a one wish situation" I just laughed at that. It kind of reminded me of some genie movie I had seen with my friends when we were little...

Jon stood up and asked me to come downstairs because everyone was worried about me.
I just asked him to give me a few more minutes and I would be down in no time at all, he gave me a grateful smile and then exited my room.

I was left alone in the solitude of my room. This was now my home... This was where I would sleep and wake up. This was... so not good!

I stood up, ready to go downstairs when I suddenly looked the widow I had been staring out of. Just outside my garden was a person walking slowly in the snow.

He had his black and grey hoodie up and so I couldn't see his face but this boy was now a special feature in my life

He was the very first person I saw in this town

And I gotta admit, I was impressed...
♠ ♠ ♠
It's not a very good intro but I promise it will get so much better. I'm just letting you into her world and so you must bare through the boring times too...

Thnx for reading!