Now... Try this My way

Chapter 2

I was walking home from my mate Kyle's and I now regretted refusing that lift his mother had offered me. It was harshly cold but I had been through worse.

It was only just the beginning of December now and the people of New Derby were already enthusiastically putting up Christmas decorations.

How nauseating! I hate Christmas. I know its not normal, but I really detest the 'festive season'
For me, there was nothing 'festive' about this season.

While other people received and met, I lost and missed. I lost my mind missing the person I loved the most...

I arrived home but suddenly I realised that the next door house had a car parked next to it...
This was very strange because no one had lived there for about 2 years, even though there had been loads of men just a few days ago moving things in and out

But I really hadn't thought that the new people would move in this soon.
Oh well... I have to go introduce myself.

I liked actually knowing everyone around me and not just ignoring people

When I reached my front door I took out my key from my hoodie's front pocket and unlocked the door, entering a clean and spacious room.

Home sweet home...

"Peyton, is that you?" I heard a voice call from the room down the hallway, the living room. It was Corey, my big brother.
"Yeah man, it me!"

I instivictivly walked to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before I walked to the living room.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I saw him sitting in a big pile of CD disks and covers.
"Just cleaning out my collection here"

"Let me see what you got" I went to sit in the pile too, looking admiringly at the CDs that I liked.

I helped him sort most of his mess out. We lived alone so I would have to clean it up anyways even if I didn't want to.

"So have you seen our new neighbours?" I asked curiously but still distracted by the mess caused by Corey's huge collection of CDs

"Yeah... I think they arrived two days ago. I saw them arriving, I'm talking about drama man" I looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate on that
"Well, when they arrived a girl was crying and yelling that she didn't want to be here. That she wanted to go home... It was really funny" Yeah, that was Corey. Dude had no emotions whatsoever (how I admired him for that)

"So what where did they move from anyways?"

"Uhh... I'm not really sure. Girl sounded wierd though... Kinda like Americans."

"Oh. well, this should be interesting. How old is that girl anyway?" Before Corey could answer me, the door bell rang loudly.

It kinda took me by surprise as I gave Corey a questioning glance...

"Hey, It's not for me..." He said as he shrugged and exited the room and I had a feeling he wasn't going to answer the door.

So I went to see who it was and the moment I opened that damn door, my eyes came in contact with to pair of eyes looking awkwardly right at me.

One own of those eyes was a bit taller then the other but they both resembled but differed from each other in a weird way.

Two black kids, who I had never seen before, were standing in front of me. They looked so family like, holding hands comfortably.

But the one who caught my attention was the girl who was now looking down instead of at me. She was basically one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen in my life.

She was wearing a black Skinny jean, just like the boy next to her, and a white shirt that was not tucked in under her black cardigan. And I even noticed she was wearing black converse all-stars. She looked so... Beautiful

*What the hell? Did I just call a stranger beautiful? No! There as no way. She was just basically 'fit' just like every other fit girl out there*

"Hey man... Uh sorry to disturb you but uhhm, you wouldn't happen to have a telephone book that we could borrow. You see, we've just moved here and so things are still a bit 'der makar' and we just have to call the moving service guys"

The guy said that word as if I would know what it meant but I didn't understand, the girl who had been standing there looking down, looked up and said "Anele, I highly doubt he knows what 'der makar' means!" She then raised her eyes to look up to me and said,

"My brother means things are crazy. we've just moved here and We just need to find some of our things and so we need a phone book to get their number" She spoke softly and very boredly as if she would rather be stuck in a sauna in hell then be here

Then it dawned on me...

"Oh you guys are the newbies!" They looked at each other first before looking at me and the look at each other again. This made me feel like such a naus... Seriously

"Uh, if you mean we have just moved here then yeah." The boy now had a smile on his face as if he had heard a joke or something

He actually seemed like a cool guy. He was as tall as me and he had black scruffy hair. He was very athletic so I guessed maybe he plays soccer or something. Maybe we would get along pretty well

"Yeah i think I do have a phone book some where here. Just wait a minute while I look..."
As I walked to the lounge to look for a phone book I hadn't seen in months, I just thinking about the girl who had now gotten to me with just a look and an almost annoyed statement that followed...

There was something about her...

But what was it?
♠ ♠ ♠
The boring part is almost over... Next chapter is gonna rock! *I hope*
Thanx for reading! Feel free and fresh to leave some pointers for this whack new writer!
