Now... Try this My way

Chapter 3

We stood at the front porch of our neighbours house, waiting for the neighbour guy and his phone book. He had left the door open and had walked into another room down the passage of his house but we hadn't walked in but stood

"He looks like a cool dude, do ya think?" My brother commented. I knew that Anele was trying to get me comfortable. That was just how he was.

He made it his duty to always make sure I was comfortable before he finally became comfortable also. In short description, he was the most protective and yet treacherous- in a playful kinda way- big brother in the world and that made me want to laugh because he was older than me by just 15 minutes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. You know I don't trust first impressions" I said lowly. I just didn't feel the urge to talk any more. Whenever I tried to say something, I just felt like I was gonna either scream for help or I'll just lose my words and say something stupid or mean!

"Come on Zan. You have to give new people a chance. Maybe we'll become friends with that dude... Just give this place a chance. I think it's pretty slamming" He was was now speaking in an African language (Zulu)

We usually spoke Zulu when we were alone or just with our mom because Jon didn't understand and we didn't want to make him feel out of place

"Look Anele, you as my bro should know that I don't wanna be here. I wanna go home..." I respond, looking at him and then looking back at the welcome mat ,at the door, that we were standing on.

Then silence fell as we waited for there. But is was not an awkward silence at all. Me and my twin were never awkward with each other. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, he smiled that smug smile of his and I gave him a grin.

Yeah, we could even talk to each other through the looks in our eyes and the expressions on our faces. A lot of our relatives had hated that bout us even though they loved us so much (since we were the only twins in our whole family)

That's when the blond guy came back with a confused and aggravated look on his cute... Uhm, I mean, on his face

"Look, I can't find a phone book but I'm sure that if you wanna come in and google the number of that moving company"

"Sure thing" Anele a.k.a 'Mr up to anything' replied back to 'Mr I'm so nice, helpful and cute...' Okay, scratch that last one

But... even I had to admit he was kinda gorgeous. That's why I knew I didn't like him. Gorgeous guys were out of my life list now. They were more trouble than they're worth, seriously!
And everything about this boy right here screamed TROUBLE!

Even though I got a feeling that he had been nice, I just felt such a strange feeling about him. I can't explain this wierd feeling because it was so new to me. It was as if it was telling me to say far as possible but also saying I should be close to him closely. Maybe because he was gonna cause some problems for me. Yeah.. that had to be it
I definitely didn't trust this gorgeous blond blue eyed boy.

*Why have I just described him like that? I just looked at his eyes once... It wasn't as if I had been staring. Okay maybe a little...*

Me and my brother walked into the a simple room that only had two couches facing the T.V and a coffee table in the middle of the couches and the T.V stand.

The room also had a study desk with a computer and a closed lap top on it at the left corner of the room.
It looked so spacious and empty that I knew that only guys lived here. There was no homely warmth in this house in no way but It was neat and clean.

"Yeah, you can use the lap top. It's on stand-by so I'll just quickly turn it on for you." The guy said said while in the process of opening the lap-top with a small click and then it was open.

The guy was sitting on the spinning desk chair and my brother was standing next to him, while I was standing as far as I could, watching as the guy typed a few buttons

He put in a very long password and then entered. I just couldn't tear my eyes away from his actions. He was a stranger though, but ironically enough, he was the perfect stranger.

I had never felt like this with a stranger before. When I was with someone I didn't know, I was usually jittery and feeling almost Anthropophobic- a fear of people-

But I didn't feel the usually symptoms of sweaty palms, shaky legs and a dark fear that caused tears to flood down.

As I said, He was a perfect stranger. He was like a stranger... that I knew.

Okay, I'm officially loosing my mind!

I quickly blinked and mentally slapped myself silly! I had to remind myself that this guy looked like the kind of guy who had girls everywhere falling all over him

"So what's the company's name?" he asked Anele, who was standing right next to him

" Something like Inter world movers or some shit like that" Anele replied helpfully

He pressed a few buttons and then came up with results

"Here we are. I'll print this out for you if you want" He looked at Anele and then turned back to look at me.

When he looked at me, his eye pupils couldn't stay still. Maybe he was uncomfortable looking at a sad and weird looking South African girl because as soon as I looked back at him, he turned back to the lap top.

After he was done, he gave Anele an A4 paper that had all the info about the moving company that hadn't delivered my music system!

My music system was my whole life. It was one of the reason why I lived- except for my family of course. I couldn't make my music any more because the box with my music system wasn't delivered with the other things.

I had to get it soon, at least if I had my music system would give me a piece of home to keep with me.

Oh, not to mention that my whole CD collection was in that damn box!

"Well thanks man! You have just saved my sisters life" Oh great! Tell him about me, wont you!

"What do you mean?" He asked trying to brush of the question with a soft laughter.

"Well, her most prized possession is in that box and she has been freaking out with it. You have saved her and I guess she owes you a favour, don't you sis?"

I gave him a warning look. And he smiled. Yeah, he wasn't really scared of me but I would get my revenge...

"Yeah, thanks... dude" I said in almost an inaudible whisper. The guy smiled and then walked to me to extend his hand

"And my name is Peyton... Not dude" He said with a smile

I didn't take his hand but instead I just stared at it...

He then slowly pulled his hand back awkwardly.

"What's your name?" He asked looking at both me and Anele.

How weird was it that we had been in each others present for almost half an hour be we still didn't know each others names.

Anele was the one who answered by saying

"I'm Anele and this is my twinny Zanele"

I hated it so much when he said that. What the hell is up with the 'twinny' or the full name?
Can't I just be 'Zany' and get it done with?

"But never call her Zanele, otherwise you won't live to say it the second time. Everyone calls her Zany" He elaborated on his last statement

Peyton seemed to be digesting this slowly. It must be weird for him to memorise our names but they are very alike so it's kinda easy to remember both of us

"So your name is" It was so funny watching him try to pronounce the word correctly that I even felt myself smiling a bit "And her name is Zanele"

Great! He says mine with ease!

"I am still here you know. You can speak to me directly you know" I suddenly spat out. I don't know where that came from but it just came

"Yeah but you're so quiet that I didn't wanna bother you" He answered in a much calmer way than I had

"That still doesn't mean you should refer to me as 'her' instead of speaking directly at me"

"Well, my mistake then, please excuse me for not having your brilliant mind set..." he said almost sactastically now

I heard my brother let out a laugh

"What Anele?" I asked, glaring evils at him

"Oh nothing! Yo! Thanks Peyton man... You're alright..." That was the best compliment my brother could give and to my surprise he was giving it to this jerk!

I stood there looking at my brother like he had lost it but he just started walking towards me and gently turning me around to leave.

I pushed him away angrily and then instinctively turned around to gave Peyton a dirty look, warning him not to mess with me.

He looked a bit taken back but only for a while, because after he regained himself he also shot me a evil look back

It was the kind of evil look that said: You better be careful kid, you're walking on thin ice...

I at the moment decided that I hate this Peyton guy!

"Oh and by the way, welcome to the neighbourhood" Peyton's voice rang behind me as Anele and I walked out of his house.

Yeah, how appealing was this neighbourhood now?
♠ ♠ ♠
So things are getting WHOA! Wait till you hear what Peyton thinks about this sassy quiet chick...
This chapter is dedicated to my first commenter and suscriber xoxLizards! You are awesome!!

Thnkx for reading y'all!